Oct 14, 2010
Okay so I do my routine with the Bathmate,

10 mins in Bathmate
5 min SSJ
10 mins in Bathmate
5 mis SSJ

Why when I take it off after the first ten mins it hurts like hell because my base seems to be getting caught between the ridges of the rubber base. I can tell because it leaves very visible hard indent lines on the base and below it above my balls. You don't even want to know how bad if hurts after the last ten mins, it becomes unbearable for like 5 secs. After hours have gone by my skin feels like it is being pulled and hurts when I touch the skin on my base. Someone please tell me what I need to do. I have been using vaseline since I started with it but that doesn't help for nothing. I'm able to reach 170-175 within the first 1-1/2 min but thats all I can stay at because it won't go anymore even after I re-enter because my base fricken hurts like crazy when I try to pump.
ANTDOGG;402239 said:
Okay so I do my routine with the Bathmate,

10 mins in Bathmate
5 min SSJ
10 mins in Bathmate
5 mis SSJ

Why when I take it off after the first ten mins it hurts like hell because my base seems to be getting caught between the ridges of the rubber base. I can tell because it leaves very visible hard indent lines on the base and below it above my balls. You don't even want to know how bad if hurts after the last ten mins, it becomes unbearable for like 5 secs. After hours have gone by my skin feels like it is being pulled and hurts when I touch the skin on my base. Someone please tell me what I need to do. I have been using vaseline since I started with it but that doesn't help for nothing. I'm able to reach 170-175 within the first 1-1/2 min but thats all I can stay at because it won't go anymore even after I re-enter because my base fricken hurts like crazy when I try to pump.

Have you tried trimming most of your pubic hair?
Most of it, try all of it. I trimmed everything down there and am bald, well kind of. Like I said though it hurts where I can see the ridges from the rubber base after I take it off. Hours pass and it feels like my skin is being pulled when I touch it which hurts. How would the hair have anything to do with this though? I think I just need something bigger that won't let my skin feel like it's being consumed by the rubber ridges.
ANTDOGG;402247 said:
Most of it, try all of it. I trimmed everything down there and am bald, well kind of. Like I said though it hurts where I can see the ridges from the rubber base after I take it off. Hours pass and it feels like my skin is being pulled when I touch it which hurts. How would the hair have anything to do with this though? I think I just need something bigger that won't let my skin feel like it's being consumed by the rubber ridges.

Hard to say then. If the hair were long, it could have been discomfort from the friction of having the skin pulled forward along with the hair under pressure. ;)

What's your girth at the base?
i have a similar problem too, it only starts to happen when i get to the maximum amount of vacuum i can take. I get pain where the Bathmate makes contact with my pelvis area and i also get big ridges around the base of my shaft. The rings/ridges go away after 10min of being out of the Bathmate but i still have pain from where the Bathmate was touching my skin on my pelvic area. usually goes away by the next day so i dont worry about it to much..I have not measured my girth, but if your around 6.25 normally you may want to look into getting the X-40 pretty soon
Is there anyway to prevent that???? I wanted to reach 200+ before I got the X-40 or at least wait and see if they got the mid size Bathmate first. I'm topping at 170-175 in the Bathmate X-40 but thats when it starts to hurt. I want to get good expansion so would the X-40 really stop the pain in the base girth I get from the X-40 (indent ridges, pain hours after etc)????
I dont know what the exact answer is here. I get slight discomfort when the base pad digs into me on the X-40 but its not pain. I would guess that in time you will condition to this but you should not be feeling pain. Is it pain PAIN or discomfort you describe? on a scale of 10 what is the pain?
i totally agree you cant reach your max because your skin gets caught in the ridges. i am looking for the solution also. i am also shaved and i lube up before every session so i think it might be a design error not sure.
Redzulu on a scale of 1-10, it is a 10 but only when taking it off. It feels like my skin is being sucked in the ridges and i can see deep indents on my penis that hurt when I take it off. Hours after it still hurts when I touch but discomfort more so. Kaze that is exactly what I'm talking about, I shave and lube up with vaseline and still the same thing. I can only put to 175 and stay there because if I try to pump more it hurts at the base where I can feel my skin being pulled into the ridges. I would really love a solution for this.
I think this should be mentioned to the makers of the Bathmate so they can implement a possible fix in future versions. I'll link the thread so you can post your feelings for future impvoements and the rep that visits here from Bathmate will take it all on board.

Okay well I have an idea. Try wrapping the base of your penis with a bandage or something like that. Dont do it too tight but with slight give in it. Dont worry the penis will still expand inside the Bathmate. This should shield the penis from the ridges once inside. It would be better I think with silicone wrapping.

Try the bandage or old clean sock and let us know. Its just something you need to pad against.
okay ill give it a try with a wrapping of silicone or sock and let you know what happens. Would this mean though that the golaith would be more comfortable since the base is wider???
I'd try the X-40 because the X-40 would most likely be too large for you at the moment but I don't know for sure. Its really beefy inside.
hey guys,

just got my Bathmate today and tried it out.. i am having the same problem as antdogg. the base of the shaft is aching like crazy. you can see that my base was being sucked into the ridges of the rubber case.

could i be too girthy for X-40? i'm also not sure about X-40 as i don't have much length to fill the X-40. also, i noticed that the length did not increase as much as the girth. does Bathmate increase length?

can you guys help us out here? how can we pump with Bathmate comfortably?


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Redzulu it just doesn't seem to work. I really wish there was a way not to get the skin stuck in the ridges and feel like it's being pinch so hard and creating pain. If I'm filling the base to the point where I get stuck in the riders, then wouldn't the goalith be a smart choice to get since it probably wouldn't get stuck in the ridges but be comfortable??? Plus since I know for sure I wouldn't fill it out lengthwise, wouldn't I gain length using it after an extended period of time??? If there is a solution that Bathmate doesn't seem to have right now, then someone please share it with me. I want to be able to fill my X-40 whole lengthwise before I move on to the goalith.
This thought may not be worth much, but you guys may just have very sensitive skin. Guys like myself who have done various (pretty much everything) types of Penis Enlargement over the years may not be as sensitive in the same areas anymore?
Perhaps try some hydrocortisone on the skin before and after may help with irritation.
stillwantmore2;402463 said:
This thought may not be worth much, but you guys may just have very sensitive skin. Guys like myself who have done various (pretty much everything) types of Penis Enlargement over the years may not be as sensitive in the same areas anymore?

In my case i'm not caught in the ridges but for me i can't shave bald because that alone is irritation when it grows back. it's all fun and games the first day but after that it's not work the smoothness as the regrowth drives me batty. i bought clippers just to keep it as short and even as possible without getting low enough for the regrowth irritation.

maybe try a condom or two in there to keep the edged from directly touching your skin, maybe chop off the last 1/4 of the condom to give you room to extend.

I'm wondering if going in less than fully erect would help as the rubber would be already mostly compressed as you continue to fill out and get less skin caught up in the pumping.
I have sometimes had this problem too. It usually has to do with whether or not my penis is centered in the middle of the ring or not, as well, am I pushing down on it evenly all the way around when I pump, or am I applying more pressure to one side than the other.
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