doublelongdaddy;748555 said:
For me it was crossword puzzles

LOL, I used to do The NYT Daily crossword, Friday and Saturday were damn difficult! (but now I only have time for The Sunday one)
Big Schwanz Acht;748562 said:
LOL, I used to do The NYT Daily crossword, Friday and Saturday were damn difficult! (but now I only have time for The Sunday one)

As weird as it sounds, this saved my life. My last stay at the hospital was 6 months long. I was staying until they got it right and that entailed trying different meds and therapy. It was a locked psyche ward so it was a safe and good place to explore these things. While we were getting the meds right they started me on DBT. For me crossword puzzles kept me in the moment and completely mentally occupied. This eventually taught me how to stay in the moment and not waste my energy on the past and future. My anxiety and depression faded away. I would say after about 6 months it was all but gone. I stopped doing DBT about 2 years ago as it taught me what I needed to know. Today I am able to stay in the moment, I have no depression (sadness at times) but never depression, I no longer have anxiety as I never worry on the future. It took me 16 years in the hospital but eventually (3 years ago) they got it right! God bless Mass Health and the $150,000 it costed to get me right. But even through my worst times I still came to the Brotherhood everyday, the Brotherhood is my lifeline! I also think God allowed me to go through these things so I could relate to anyone else with the same problems and I certainly have done so. Depression is crippling, it is loneliness beyond anything you can imagine, the mind can find nothing good and sees all as bad. It is like being dead while being alive. There feels like there is no hope but let me say that there is! I did it and I was a basket case, if I can do it anyone can. God wants us to enjoy this life, not waste it in depression.
doublelongdaddy;748555 said:
You know I can relate to you and I know that the place you are is dark and seems hopeless but remember this, without the darkness there could be no light. You feel as you do now because you have reinforced it through continuous circular thought, from the minute you wake to the time you sleep and that is not living! I went through it for years and I hated my life, I hated me, I hated everything. For me what changed much of this was medication, it took me 20 years to find the right cocktail and I found it 3 years ago and my life went from total suicidal hell to normal and then to better and better. Medication was one piece but the other was cognitive and as sili as this seems, it works. Here is the medications I am on and why:

Serequel (Antipsychotic): This is to keep my thoughts rational and clear. It also is a wonderful sleep aid.

Lamictal (Mood Stabilizer) This is the miracle medication that changed everything for me. It completely deals with mood swings, it keeps you completely level headed and rational.

Wellbutrin (anti-depressant) I tried every antidepressant and this is the only one that has no sexual side effects. It aids in weight loss and quitting smoking. As a antidepressant it is miraculous.

Klonopin (benzodiazepine) Out of all benzodiazepines this is the least addictive and it is a extended release, lasts for 12 hours. There is little addictive properties since it does not hit you like a typical Benzo (euphoric, high, drugged out, etc) It gives all the good of a Benzo with none of the bad. It helps slow the mind and give pause before reacting to things.

These 4 medications are the cocktail for the PE'er, no side effects and after a month pure relief and change for the positive!

The cognitive part is very important too. What worked best for me and I think will work great for you, (D.B.T. Dialectical Behavior Therapy. You can find it online everywhere. Basically it is a practice of keeping things in the moment. When we allow ourselves to dwell in the past it brings depression and when we dwell in the future it brings anxiety, staying in the moment gives you the ultimate power, no allowing it slip to one side or the other. For me it was crossword puzzles, for you it could be something completely different. Please check these things out as they gave me hope and eventually complete relief.

I will pray for you!

I have tried antidepressants...Cymbalta (which is SSRI and the other type which is similar to wellbutrin mixed together), Lexapro, and another. I've also tried Seroquil and another that helped me sleep (zyprexa? I don't remember), Ativan, klonopin, buspirone/buspar....

You know what's helped me the most? LIFE. When my life is shitty I'm miserable. When my life is decent I'm happy. The only thing is when my life is miserable I can't forget about it. I'm afraid to go back on medication for fear that I'll simply accept that I'm barely surviving living week to week and never look to improve things.

I'm sure I do need therapy as well. I've got a lot of things in my past that haunt me and I'm unable to let them go. When I was medicated I didn't feel them but I also didn't feel ANYTHING. I was numb even being on just 1 med at a time and didn't like it when I realized that all my emotions were turned down so far they were almost gone. I was pleasant to deal with and usually smiling or in a good mood but I didn't care for the trade off.

I have thought many times that I might need to go back on some meds but I keep rejecting it. I'm not against meds, not at all, but they need to be prescribed right. If done correctly they're amazing. When they Aren't you turn someone into a zombie.
Hey Clad, your mind is strong and very pragmatic/logical (95% of the time these are assets, but sometimes being 'in your own head' can create a 'loop'), so use it to your advantage. Every thought/memory/feeling can become a can choose to allow it to have an affect, or choose not to. Once you've mastered the simplicity of 'choice' you'll be empowered to never let 'stuff' impede whatever direction/goal/dream you have. Much love to you, bro
cladre60;748668 said:
I have tried antidepressants...Cymbalta (which is SSRI and the other type which is similar to wellbutrin mixed together), Lexapro, and another. I've also tried Seroquil and another that helped me sleep (zyprexa? I don't remember), Ativan, klonopin, buspirone/buspar....

You know what's helped me the most? LIFE. When my life is shitty I'm miserable. When my life is decent I'm happy. The only thing is when my life is miserable I can't forget about it. I'm afraid to go back on medication for fear that I'll simply accept that I'm barely surviving living week to week and never look to improve things.

I'm sure I do need therapy as well. I've got a lot of things in my past that haunt me and I'm unable to let them go. When I was medicated I didn't feel them but I also didn't feel ANYTHING. I was numb even being on just 1 med at a time and didn't like it when I realized that all my emotions were turned down so far they were almost gone. I was pleasant to deal with and usually smiling or in a good mood but I didn't care for the trade off.

I have thought many times that I might need to go back on some meds but I keep rejecting it. I'm not against meds, not at all, but they need to be prescribed right. If done correctly they're amazing. When they Aren't you turn someone into a zombie.

Exactly correct on the meds and that can be perfected by a good therapist and doctor. Like I said I did not get mine right for years but 3 years ago they did it, they created the best cocktail and today I would not dream of going off my meds. My quality of life has improved 100%. Therapy is also so important but the right therapist is so important too. I would do interviews to find the right person. I finally found my angel and she is awesome. She is blind so it makes it easier to get down to the brass tacks. She also shares my Christian beliefs so that makes it nice too. A good therapist should listen and build you up, give you direction and improve your life but a bad therapist can make things worse. I was with a counselor for 4 years who did nothing but make me feel worse about myself. This is why I say interview them. I would say to try Lamictal, it was the biggest game changer for me. It keeps my mood even and balanced and allows me the relief of those terrible mood swings. It is a project and a challenge but you can do it! Be proactive and open to new ways to improve things. I wish I could give you the recipe that is perfect for you but I can only advise on my own experience.
Big Schwanz Acht;748685 said:
Hey Clad, your mind is strong and very pragmatic/logical (95% of the time these are assets, but sometimes being 'in your own head' can create a 'loop'), so use it to your advantage. Every thought/memory/feeling can become a can choose to allow it to have an affect, or choose not to. Once you've mastered the simplicity of 'choice' you'll be empowered to never let 'stuff' impede whatever direction/goal/dream you have. Much love to you, bro

I do my best. I end up being lazy a lot simply because the desire to do stuff isn't there. My head is always going, always thinking and coming up with things, it's just hard to put them to action.

Some day I'll learn to clear my head. I used to be the happiest person you ever met. Nothing got me down, I saw the solution to every problem or knew what to not worry about... it was great. I usually do well when I'm around people, try to brighten the room if I can. I just feel beaten down a lot by life and it's hard to get motivation when you can't see the end.

I do my best anymore. That's really all I can do. Hoping I can catch a break somewhere that'll kick start good things.
It sounds like you've identified the areas that are creating this 'drag' you're feeling, (it also sounds like those 'drags' might be around for the long-haul). Life's short, don't waste time in an eddy, find your way out and you'll be a much better man for everyone around you
Big Schwanz Acht;749100 said:
It sounds like you've identified the areas that are creating this 'drag' you're feeling, (it also sounds like those 'drags' might be around for the long-haul). Life's short, don't waste time in an eddy, find your way out and you'll be a much better man for everyone around you

I try to be positive, just not always easy. It seems like once I get home all the problems set in. I'm usually fine once I'm out of the house.

DLD I'm glad they found a combo for you. Some people go their whole lives not getting it right.

On the hernia front - I think I need to call the surgeon. The area where they stitched the muscle is still hard and I'm still getting discomfort there. I was told after 2 months everything there should be normal. Wondering if there's a problem or its normal.

I did use the BM a few nights ago to see if it was comfortable. I didn't pull on it at all, just pumped up for 15 minutes and that's it. I also took a BPEL and got 6.5". Last Feb when I started I was 5.5". Plus I wasn't standing or laying flat (I always stand to measure) I was leaning way back. Maybe I'm a little bigger than 6.5" as I might have had a little extra belly bunched up to push through but it's hard to say since I'm pretty thin around my pubic bone. Regardless I'm still about 6.5" BPEL, my last "official" measurement was in May or June and I was 6 3/8" and I had to stop PE by late August. Dunno how much I had grown by late August but I've at least retained a lot. That means I'm still way above average in length. Not at my goal of 7.5-8" BPEL but still large. Never been this happy with my penis before and I'll be happier when I feel it's safe to PE again.
Big Schwanz Acht;749247 said:
can't wait until you're healed and back in the game!

Me too. This is killing me. I'm still not 100% and I know it. Seeing as I'm now at 8 weeks I think I need to give the surgeon a call and ask some questions. My luck is I pushed things a little too much too early and set my healing back a few weeks. My soul still wants my body to do things like I'm 27 and at my physical peak performance (I was at my biggest and strongest in my mid-late 20s) and my brain doesn't always want to listen to my body. This getting older crap sucks.
1" in 11 months, that is pretty awesome Clad, I would take that. I would talk to my doctor about the discomfort you are having, it may be normal but if they told me everything would be good in a couple of months and it still bothered me I would call and make sure. After that 1" gain you will be hard to catch once you are back 100%
Lookn4girth;749275 said:
1" in 11 months, that is pretty awesome Clad, I would take that. I would talk to my doctor about the discomfort you are having, it may be normal but if they told me everything would be good in a couple of months and it still bothered me I would call and make sure. After that 1" gain you will be hard to catch once you are back 100%

Bathmate and Lengthmaster both worked like a charm to gain that length. Both are totally worth having. I'm still in shock, awe, and amazement. I want that last 1.5" though. If I can get to 7.5" EL I'll have a solid 2 hander...2 hands and the head sticking out.

I'm going to call the surgeon this week. I should be feeling better than I am and my penis isn't going to gain on its own.
Big Schwanz Acht;749401 said:
it could be something that a simple antibiotic can 1st thing

That is what I going to go to get today! Enough is enough!
If you get antibiotics, make sure to get some probiotics as well. Of course take both apart, few hours should be alright. I've had to take some antibiotics couple of times and they do destroy the good stuff with the bad; upset stomach has been one of the things I've had because of the antibiotics.
I actually have some probiotics combined with a bit of zinc! Just get something and take them, to keep your body in check. I've had doctors suggest the probiotics actually, so it's just not "my opinion." ;) (Mainly common sense perhaps.)

To all the best of health!
Well good news my Brothers, I went to the doctor and all is good. Simply virus's. She said I am catching these from touching people where I donate my time daily. The people are very dirty, the building is very dirty, I am shaking hands, answering phones, so she said to stock up on anti-bacterial wipes. I feel relieved although I still feel sick but confident. Your prayers have helped me so much, your wishes have touched my heart, thank you!
Big Schwanz Acht;749682 said:
your agoraphobia has weakened your immune system

That is exactly what the doctor said. I have been virtually untouched by anyone up until I started donating time to this place. I have been exposed to so many germs never even knowing it. This place is filthy and I am touching everything and everyone via the phone, handshakes or simply touching things that are covered with germs. I have Purell and Bacterial Wipes at my side and I will be extra cautious. Still feeling sick but I know it is getting better and now that I have my arsenal of bacteria fighting gear I should be good.

I mean, just as I was typing this a worker took a huge shit in the bathroom (I heard to splash of shit!) and he did not wash his hands! So fucking dirty!
doublelongdaddy;749730 said:
I mean, just as I was typing this a worker took a huge shit in the bathroom (I heard to splash of shit!) and he did not wash his hands! So fucking dirty!

that made me throw-up a little
cladre60;749365 said:
Bathmate and Lengthmaster both worked like a charm to gain that length. Both are totally worth having. I'm still in shock, awe, and amazement. I want that last 1.5" though. If I can get to 7.5" EL I'll have a solid 2 hander...2 hands and the head sticking out.

I'm going to call the surgeon this week. I should be feeling better than I am and my penis isn't going to gain on its own.

You will get there. I think we have the same goal, 7.5 x 5.75. The BM and LM are 2 of the tools in my arsenal and I use them as much as possible. I still have some work to do but I will keep going until I get where I want to be
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