
Mar 16, 2004
Whatsup yall. I been going through alotta psychological shit for a while that doesnt seem to be subsiding anytime soon and it has been affecting my erections. I need to get my hands on some viagra and fast. Where are you guys getting yours from nowadays?
Get NO2 Its cheaper and more effiective. It is the bomb. When you start taking it you will be able to get it up and hard as a rock whenever you want. You dont get that effect with viagra. Its been proven to be safe and actually good for. Its good for your heart and your whole body.
Get NO2 Its cheaper and more effiective. It is the bomb. When you start taking it you will be able to get it up and hard as a rock whenever you want. You dont get that effect with viagra. Its been proven to be safe and actually good for. Its good for your heart and your whole body.

what no2 do you use?
Could you get the same effect if you just took Arginine, which I'm pretty sure is the main ingredient in No2, and I'm sure it's alot cheaper to?
THe MRI kind. They are the ones that first came out with NO2. Once it came out and all the success they had. Alot of the other companies started coming out with there brands. Alot of them aren't very good. But the NO2 works like you wouldn't believe. Of course in order for it to really work you have to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest, and take a multi vitamin.
you can get it at GNC. It has gotten cheaper, it use to be really expensive. I took it my junior year in high school to get bigger. It gave me unbelievable erections and my orgasms were Amazing!! And some of my friends were taking it when i was taking it they said the same thing. I also gained 15 pounds of muscle from using it. And my strength also increased significantly!
They spent millions of dollars trying to create a delivery system that would give you a consistent stream of L-Arginia to give you a pump all day. Finally after much prevail they came up with the physer technology that allowed you to have a constant stream or pump all day! They were the first company to be able to accomplish it. Word has it that no other company has been able to deliver it like they can. They are also the Top selling Nitro Oxide supplement. There are tons of reasons why NO2 is good for you and so many reasons to take it. Its not only good for sex and Pe its awesome for bodybuilding or strength training. iv heard people say that it is far better than Viagra that it is cheaper. No2 is good for cardiovascular and losing weight. I hope that was helpful. IF Anyone has anymore questions Feel free to ask:)
And also the effects of No2 by MRI are far greater than regular L argine. If you have the money than i would get NO2 instead of just cheap stuff.
damn body builder thanks for your help, I am looking to lose a bit of weight and put on 15-20 lbs of muscle so i think this would be a great all around improvement for me. Is there a specific brand you would recommend?
No problem man, take the MRI kind. That was the kind I was talking about in the previous posts. Make sure when you go to GNC to pick a book on the NO2 by MRI its only about a dollar, it will tell you when to take it. It will explain when to take it, how to take it, and all kinds of questions. Make sure you read some of the book before taking it. I highly advise reading the book before taking it. I would also get on creatine. Taking them both at the same time has even better effects. The creatine amplifies the NO2.
Eh i dunno about creatine, i've heard it has negative effects, water retention in muscles i believe? At the moment im not that serious about getting big quick as I've been injured in the past trying to do too much too fast. But you would know better than me, what are the possible negative effects of creatine?
I have ordered generic viagra in the past from a user here "pupper". Dont know if he's still around. I've made the switch to one of those "NO2" supplements. I use a brand called "Oxylene AKG". I take the suggested 3 pills twice daily for a total daily dose of "Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate" of 6000 mg. It's about $40 a month (two bottles a month) which is very inexpensive for the benefits, not only for the penis but your overal vascular health as well. Anyone who is into Penis Enlargement, or working out/lifting weights would benefit from such a supplement. Do your own research and you will probably agree.
DiGenius said:
Eh i dunno about creatine, i've heard it has negative effects, water retention in muscles i believe? At the moment im not that serious about getting big quick as I've been injured in the past trying to do too much too fast. But you would know better than me, what are the possible negative effects of creatine?

They have done studies on the safety of creatine and they havnt found anything wrong with it. Did you know creatine is found in some of the foods we eat, such as salmon and alot of other meats? Water retention in muscles helps remove waste byproducts. I figure this could also help with your penis as well. But iv never heard anything about creatine and Penis Enlargement.
swm $40 a month aint bad considering i just dropped $70 on a bottle of no2 thats a recommended 18 day supply. I gotta get back to working out to see how hardcore i get if I wanna get on some creatine too. Thank all you guys for your help and ill let you know how it goes.
That sucks, but you should get one whenever they get some back in stock. You be suprised with all of the bennifits.
That sucks, but you should get one whenever they get some back in stock. You be suprised with all of the bennifits.

You can also just do a 'google' search for either AKG (spelled out of course) or "NO2" without the quotations.
So how long do I have to be on this to notice the effects. I was hoping it would have the within a few hours effect of viagra, but i guess not. I took 2 last night and 3 this morning.
For the No2 by MRI.
How much do you weigh are you taking the recommended doses?
for your errections to greatly improve it will probably take 8 to 12 days.

Here are some Dos and donts from the No2 book.

1. If your are taking an ephefra product- stop! Theses types of products work in contradiction to NO2. They Vaso-constrictors, and can diminish NO2s effect.
2. If your taking creatine momhydreate, cycle off for 10 days. If your taking the powerful new cretine ethyl ester hcl, you do not need to cycle off.
3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water on the days you do not train and 10-12 on the days you do. NO2 requires that you stay well hydrated in order to get the maxium results from every dose.
4. If your on on of those extreme atkins type Protein/fatdiets while your on NO2, you probably wont experience the "Perpetual pumps" that NO2 Provides.
5. Dont eat for a least 30 minutes before or after taking NO2. Ill tell you whats really going on. The food you eat may metabolically "Compete" with the No2. You want a fee and clear ride for the NO2 into your muscles.
6. Take NO2 twice a day. The best times are first in the mourning(on an empty stomach) then again 30 minutes prior to lunch.
7. Dont overtrain. With the added muscle energy and strength you get with NO2, its easy to want to push to hard and too fast.
8. Try not to exceed your daily caloric intake. NO2 may make you feel hungrier than you really are. But you body only "thinks" it needs the extra caloriees to suport the muscle growth. Thats only a temporary condition. It usally takes a few weeks for your body to realize that NO2 is making more efficient use out of the calorie you do eat.
9. Make sure that you do eat your baseline caloric intake everyday. The musclebuilding mechanisms that NO2 initates require the right amount of calories to keep it functioning at full speed.
10. Dont take NO2 after 3 Pm. It could keep you awake, i say this becuase even though there are no stimulants of any kind in NO2, a handful of bodybuilders have mentioned it to me. Anyway, as you, sleep is essential to maximizing the muscle recovery. I know it's ofther difficult with work schedules, but try to get 8 hours of sleep whenever you can. Thats why there are weekends.
11. In every one of your workouts, you should train at maxium intensity. Although NO2 works on "resting muscles, its effects are geometrically magnfied on maximally-exercised muscles.
12. Remember, there is no loading phase with NO2.
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