habban;702286 said:
When you say that DLD. Do you mean that you do both kegels and reverse kegels subconsciously. As i have understand it from you it seems that you only do kegels and only reverse kegels when you stretch, meaning that you think that reverse kegels for pelvic floor balance is bullshit? :) This is how i understand it from you. Can you correct me? :)

No, I do Kegels all day, reverse Kegels are used only in stretching and orgasmic reasons.
doublelongdaddy;702320 said:
No, I do Kegels all day, reverse Kegels are used only in stretching and orgasmic reasons.

So the heavily suggested method about balancing the pelvic floor that everyone else talks about is just nonsense?
Is this entirely based on how your own penis responds?
If not he quit beyond what's possible. Men need to seriously dedicate themselves to the basics of SRT

By 9th of January 2024, I will stop working on length. And by that same time, I hope to have the mityvac 2.75 pump and Hydromax X50. I want to have a permanent 7.5 inches base girth. I want to be the thickest any lady has ever had.
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By 9th of January 2024, I will stop working on length. And by that same time, I hope to have the mityvac 2.75 pump and Hydromax X50. I want to have a permanent 7.5 inches base girth. I want to be the thickest any lady has ever had.
Sounds solid. Get to that girth you want asap
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