Granado6;318390 said:
Well I would wish for 10 inches in length which I'd assume would be 9 inches nbp and 6.5-7 inches in girth.

Doing damage like the Dingo!
Another thought. I remember when I got into Penis Enlargement...long before the first "Is Everything Really What it Seems" study where a thread like this would bring men wishing for a 14" penis. It is so sobering how rational men have become and how it is so much easier to understand what "big" really is.
doublelongdaddy;318396 said:
Another thought. I remember when I got into Penis Enlargement...long before the first "Is Everything Really What it Seems" study where a thread like this would bring men wishing for a 14" penis. It is so sobering how rational men have become and how it is so much easier to understand what "big" really is.

Absolutely! Out of all this measuring and discussion and comparing and tugging comes not only results, but understanding and empowerment. And I want to thank you personally DLD for being one of the people most instrumental in bringing about this revolution. I have a feeling that we'll look back on these years as very important. In the near future guys will be getting great results from far less effort and with less risk too. What d'ya think?
Riven650;318408 said:
Absolutely! Out of all this measuring and discussion and comparing and tugging comes not only results, but understanding and empowerment. And I want to thank you personally DLD for being one of the people most instrumental in bringing about this revolution. I have a feeling that we'll look back on these years as very important. In the near future guys will be getting great results from far less effort and with less risk too. What d'ya think?

Thank you and I am glad there are guys who still see this as a revolution, because it is. With every innovation in Penis Enlargement gains comes quicker with much less risk. This is why I am so inspired to become a active Penis Enlargement'er again. There is so much more available today than was ever available even 2 years ago, let alone 8. We have taken an underground, hack pastime and created a real, tangible subject that has inspired and intrigued men at levels never dreamed possible. It is vital that we not only remain involved in the physical aspects of Penis Enlargement but we are there to discuss and evaluate new and improved ways of safe, efficient and faster gaining techniques. This can only happen through the interaction we share on forums like this. If guys want to gain I think it is imperative that they contribute to discussion by posting and giving their perspective. An active forum produces collective innovations.
dld rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooccccccccckkkkkkkkkkssssssssssssssssss
my goal would be more than good for erect, but i would love a 7" X 5" flaccid. it would just look so hefty, you know?
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