Good stuff! I use the 0,05% at the moment. It seems to be doing something. I just started yesterday with really applying it for my treatment this week. I'll just keep on going till it's complete.

I apply it in the evening before going to bed. In the morning I go into the shower and also wash the unit. In the evening of that day I'll wash it again and apply the cream, before bed.
its a great article, i will intimate to my friends regarding this and about this site.
because most of the guys face these kind of problems but they have shy to come out into public.
Good article, thanks for posting
Interesting you get more pink / irritation near the base, for me its also there a little but more so near the head. I also put on a condom over my head before bed, and pull the skin over the head with condom, to protect it. I had red spots on my head a while back when I was also trying this stuff and stopped. The cream ate right through the skin of my head, eek!

Btw, do you also wash your penis in the morning, in the shower or do you leave it undisturbed through the whole therapy?

Anyway, it might work because I also notice a little bit of peeling which is always good in this case. Why do you think we need to start pumping after this? What's the idea behind it?

I'm not there yet, I feel like I'm just getting started but I do feel the irritation coming a little so I guess something is happening.
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Awesome news! :)

Be careful with the Bathmate though, it was what caused the discoloration for me in the first place. Short sets seems to work best with jelqing mixed in. 5min jelqing, 5min pumping, this 3 times. That's my routine anyway. ;) And I use the Penomet now, it seems to work much better for me. Less fluid retention and less discoloration.
Sounds good!

Yes, I'm also going to pick up my length and girth routine again but mainly length since my girth is already pretty big. I'm stuck at around 18cm in length now and in my last routine I managed to get to 19cm but it didn't cement so I hope to cement that soon. :)
Yes, I know what you mean! I've been struggling with length as well. I was constantly stuck on 18cm, even on a very good workout. The most temporary gains I got was around 18,5cm. But lately I changed my routine and added some new stuff and threw out some old ones and I got temp gains to a little over 19cm which is a first! So, I got high hopes for it to get there eventually. Just need to keep at it.
I'm getting a lot more pink colors here, it's a bit mixed up and jiggsawed but it's there, and peeling. So, I guess it's going into the right direction!
Yeah, the dark areas are slow indeed although, I really had a lot of peeling this morning and washed it off under the shower. The underside of my unit looks less dark now than it did a few days ago so it goes well! :) Will keep posted!
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