
Aug 10, 2006
i was thinking of introducing pe to my kids when they hit a certain age, as long as it didn't turn into incest i don't think anyone would be bothered. my eldest son is 16, would it be of any harm or benefit on their deveolpemnt if they we're to use Penis Enlargement at this age?
smileyguy said:
i was thinking of introducing pe to my kids when they hit a certain age, as long as it didn't turn into incest i don't think anyone would be bothered. my eldest son is 16, would it be of any harm or benefit on their deveolpemnt if they we're to use Penis Enlargement at this age?

In my opinion a child, or man for that matter, should find Penis Enlargement himself. If a child/man has no insecurities or hang-ups about his size introducing Penis Enlargement to them could be negative. Size matters to those who believe this.
ok taken, else the whole world would be on pe, i read soemwhere that in an aceint culture(the cultture that deveolped the jelq supposedly) a father would teach his son the mthod and it weas passed down thought generation. i was more just curious about the physisological effect of pe on a pubertal youth?
smileyguy said:
ok taken, else the whole world would be on pe, i read soemwhere that in an aceint culture(the cultture that deveolped the jelq supposedly) a father would teach his son the mthod and it weas passed down thought generation. i was more just curious about the physisological effect of pe on a pubertal youth?

I am sure if a 13 year old boy who was still growing and flooded with testosterone would make incredible gains but the psychological impacts may be destructive. There is a reason many things are 18 plus.
i'd like to kno what u meant by that, if incredible gains could be made, what neagtive physiological effects could there be?
i was really wondering if stretching ligs so that they would repair and grow longer would hinder the natural growth that would take place at that time?
What DLD means is that lets say your son is not worried about the size of his penis when he gets older and he goes on to have a normal sex life, he will be happy. On the other hand if you talk to him and state "If you want to make your dick bigger than...." he may actually come out with a complex. Meaning he would and may be unhappy with the same size if he hadn't been approached.

When I was 9 I was changing and my cousin (14) looked at me and said you have a small dick. Gee what 9 year old doesn't? He of course looked huge to me. Since then I had this complex which led me here. Funny thing is I am over 7" erect and almost 6" midshaft girth. Bigger than my cousin would ever dream of becoming.

Had he not said this to me, I would have probably never had any issues. So it is best that your son's not be encouraged, it may make them feel like something is wrong with them. Especially if suggestions came from their dad. To whom I think your opinions would come highly from.

If one of your kids asks you "Will I be as big as you?" then you may lead them into it by telling them that you do exercises to make it the way it is. As far as nudity amoung family I think it is ok as long as there are no boundaries crossed. To be edging or practicing erect stretches in front of your kids may be way over that boundary.
Excellent post girtHydromaxaster!

I never was made fun of about penis size as a matter of fact I had a much different complex, one from myself. I remember being obsessed with my penis as far back as I can remember. I look back on a vivid episode that happened at around 12. I used to lay in the sewing room and look at my erection in a full length mirror. It looked massive to me, just immense. I would think that when I got older I could be a �naked people movies� with an awkwardly large penis. I was always a little bigger than my friends but my maximum pre-pe size was only 6.5" so it wasn't anything too special.

As I got older I was always complemented on my size but now I think that I may have initiated the question due to a childhood complex. When I watched �naked people movies� movies I was infatuated with the big penis and I realized I was not that. I believe my complex was formed by the realization that my penis was not massive as I thought. I knew I was bigger than many but that was a bittersweet actualization.

The complex issues followed me into adulthood and manifested themselves in many ways. During every relationship I had I needed the woman to tell me I was the biggest they ever had, even when I knew it wasn't. I would continuously ask the same question until they would lied....very sad. When I am happier with a lie than the truth it is obvious that their is a problem, essentially a complex. This obsession followed me into my career where I could be obsessed and produce positive ideas of change. Would I have come up with all of my exercises if I was never obsessed with the penis?
Is there possibly any harmful affects, such as stunting the childs growth, because some say there is, and others say there isn't, maybe there is no real way of telling.
bry12man said:
Is there possibly any harmful affects, such as stunting the childs growth, because some say there is, and others say there isn't, maybe there is no real way of telling.

There is no way this could cause any kind of stunt in growth, that is just sili:)
I'm gonna level with yall, i am at an age where i'm definately still in puberty(not saying what my age is) and i'm peing while on juice(dbol(testE) my girlfrind is a year younger than me and she used to be the biggest slag in my area(this girl is cute funny and sexy and pretty, i think she just hung out with the wrong crowd n is really horny really really horny), i kinda changed her(my m8 siad you cant turn a hoe into a housewife, but shes wants to marry me now and we've been together for 10 months)
anyway i made her tell me all the times she had had sex and she told me about thius one time when she was twelve she went wid this guy n he was 16 he had a 9 incher n he was 16 and she measured it. Kinda felt jealous, its not easy bein wid this girl but its kinda led me down the Pe path. I am well aware of the risk of juice and am taking an Aromatase inhibitor to stop estrogen rising and growth plates fusing. while ym endropine sysytem is already f**ked and i'm goin on hrt soon. no other age realted risk out there that i'm, aware of. i guess i just want soem opions on that this the first place i've been able to let my insecurity out.
You no the risks of using gear at a young age and you are still doing it,your a numpty without a doubt.
Just to add i think your girlfriend is fucking with your head,i bet she was able to take all 9 inches at 12 years old as well:s
alrite bruv ur entitled to ur opion but u cnat make judgemtns like that based on what i've told you, this girl isnt fucking with ym head cuz i've cheated on her 3 times hurt her alot but she still says i'm the only one who treats her rite(i guess i am a nice guy inside but i tend to fuck with peoples heads myself)
oh and if you said that to my face i'd have killed you m8, i'm not syaing you should watch how you tlak on forums but if thats how you tlak to people everyday watch your back.
anymore opions?
btw you dick is ugly and your body is ill defined, bad gentics if you ask me, wtf is that thing around your balls?
smileyguy said:
oh and if you said that to my face i'd have killed you m8, i'm not syaing you should watch how you tlak on forums but if thats how you tlak to people everyday watch your back.
anymore opions?

Grow up you are acting like a CHILD,"watch your back" for fucks sake you really are going through puberty,i was being honest with you and would do the same to your face,you are going through puberty and are using gear not a clever thing to do.
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smileyguy said:
btw you dick is ugly and your body is ill defined, bad gentics if you ask me, wtf is that thing around your balls?

Lol school yard name calling,yip my dick is ugly but its bigger than yours so neh neh ne neh neh.:p

Its a ball weight.

Correct i have terrible genetics,nowt i can do about that:)

Tell you what put your money were your mouth is arnie post a front double bis or lat spread and we will compare.
tell me why, the onyl age related sides are premature bone plate fusal and fucking up the endorphine system, i'm seeing an endo stight after i fifns ym cycle so it appears i need hrt, my natrual endorphine sytme got fucked with use of cns drugs and anti depressants prescibed to me because i was depressed over my mums suiside.
hey all i'm saying is u think ur hard enough to say shit like that to me on forum, i've stabbed soemone for less than that, alot less. i came here for advise and now i'm gettin into pointlss discussion becuase u pissed me off i revealed my biggest insecurity now i kno never to agen cuz i think i'd loose my head if anyone ever get at me.
smileyguy said:
tell me why, the onyl age related sides are premature bone plate fusal and fucking up the endorphine system

Lol is that not a good enough reason.

smileyguy said:
hey all i'm saying is u think ur hard enough to say shit like that to me on forum, i've stabbed soemone for less than that, alot less.

I WASN'T being hard i gave you an HONEST opinion.

You stabbed someone and are bragging about it makes you look like a coward.
lol i'll do b4 and after pics 4 ya b4 and after cycle(thats dick and body shots for you, but i think this whole comparing thing is largely to do with people insecurity), onli i sold my phone to pay for the cycle so i'll say now, my erect length is 6.2 inches, my girth is 5.75 inches. i'll post pics of gains once i rob my phone back.
i havnt got any specific posses but i do have a picture of my body just dont kno how to post.
Dick size, muscle size these dont determine how man you are, man is something pure heart driven in the heart of us all, some are just more driven.
dick and muscle are nice, who gone argue with that? luckily, i discovered aas.
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