tell me why, the onyl age related sides are premature bone plate fusal and fucking up the endorphine system
i already stated above why these where not a concern for me
i wont repost it
I WASN'T being hard i gave you an HONEST opinion.

You stabbed someone and are bragging about it makes you look like a coward.

rite bruv i ahve to deal with shit like that every day, people are jealous of me n her because we are ahppy, so what they try n do is bring up the past, they bring up the old rumours, she shagged this guy she shagged that guy, n i've broken down more than few times, but more times than that i've fought over it n got my arse kicked a couple times , jealousy is hard to control u dotn care if it 2 or 20 people infornt of you. i feel like its me n her agianst everyone else, n yea people think i'm dumb but most can see how much shes changed, sh doesnt flirt or drink anymore, she doesnt smoke weed, she doesnt look at boys, dresss up even if shes not going anywhere, shes faithfull. I got no choice but to let this one go but only cuz u seem an alrite bloke, i fout u was gona keep cummin at em with that shit, cussin me n mi gal off. but i'd like u to say sorry to me cuz even if that was your honest opion its a dread fing to say.
oh n i aint braggin, i was jus tryin to let you kno that talk like that where i'm from would get you in alotta trouble if not hurt if not killed n where i'm from threats like that are thrown around all the time, but u neva no when someone is really serious.
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Unfortunately knife and gang culture is growing in the UK as well and its sad as any little shit can stick a knife in someone.
knifes are for prtevction m8, i prefer my own 2 fists, u win soem u loose soem but u live to fight another day,
guns are worse u'd be surpised how many guns there are in south london, brixton espescially
smileyguy said:
I'm gonna level with yall, i am at an age where i'm definately still in puberty(not saying what my age is) and i'm peing while on juice(dbol(testE) my girlfrind is a year younger than me and she used to be the biggest slag in my area(this girl is cute funny and sexy and pretty, i think she just hung out with the wrong crowd n is really horny really really horny), i kinda changed her(my m8 siad you cant turn a hoe into a housewife, but shes wants to marry me now and we've been together for 10 months)
anyway i made her tell me all the times she had had sex and she told me about thius one time when she was twelve she went wid this guy n he was 16 he had a 9 incher n he was 16 and she measured it. Kinda felt jealous, its not easy bein wid this girl but its kinda led me down the Pe path. I am well aware of the risk of juice and am taking an Aromatase inhibitor to stop estrogen rising and growth plates fusing. while ym endropine sysytem is already f**ked and i'm goin on hrt soon. no other age realted risk out there that i'm, aware of. i guess i just want soem opions on that this the first place i've been able to let my insecurity out.

This, my friend, will destroy your relationship. You may justify your obsessive questions as love or caring but it is really a violation of your girlfriends trust. Past lovers, size, should be left alone if you love this girl. Are things equal? Do you tell her all of your past, the kind of sex you had, how big their boobs were, etc.? I doubt it as most women are not hung up on their mates past sexual love life.

smileyguy said:
my girlfrind is a year younger than me and she used to be the biggest slag in my area(this girl is cute funny and sexy and pretty, i think she just hung out with the wrong crowd n is really horny really really horny), i kinda changed her

This statement worries me most about your relationship. Putting a label on your girl, putting her into your category of indiscretion will bite you in the will lose her based on these things. Saying that you changed someone is also a self-deluding is not true. The woman you met is the person she is, if you are successful at changing her it is temporary. She will eventually resent you, if she doesn't already and you will lose her. Stop! Drop this shit like it's hot and reevaluate your love for this girl.

The biggest sign of weakness to a woman is sexual insecurity. A woman wants a man who has confidence.
Ok, but i cant fake confidnece, u odnt just get over the fact u cant fuck, u do soemthing about ti then get over it. i met this girl just after my mum had taken o/d and i was really borken up, she snapped me out of my dpression and i tried to become a better man, i was amess with no pride or confdience, i wanted to be better becuas ei wnated t stay with her, and i did i joined a gym and discovered my calling in the fitness industry, about to go college on a sports and exercise science course, i developed my selfesteem and changed my image. it was only because ogf my fear of losing her i made these changes , otherwise i dont kno wheere i would be. i learned about biology, and peiced together ythere was soemthign wrong, i'm now on the verge of fixing, however non of this wudnt of happend if it wasnt for te ahrshness of our raltionship she chetaed on me 4 times over the space of the first 4 months of our realtionship, but she never wnated to leave me, i ebgged her to stay away from me, but now 8 months l8er we're together with no unfaithfulness, however. i am am really torn about the hurt she caused me and i feel to care and prtect her as i love her but half of me wanst to hurt her badly, n i am not sure if on soem elvel i ahev been stirging her along so that once i'm better i can really fuck her up. i am torn between being the evil, manipulating perosn i was and a nice perosn i am whben i'm aroudn her. i just cant figure it out. i'm not sure if i'm really insecure if i'm really confident, the only way i think i can work things ou is if i get ebtta redicover myslef without the lack of emntal clirty poor confidence and lack of energy a test deficiency creates, then decided if she really worth my love.
damn i'm fucked up.
sorry for poor typing
I am having a difficult time reading your sentences! Please use spell check feature.
smileyguy said:
I am well aware of the risk of juice and am taking an Aromatase inhibitor to stop estrogen rising and growth plates fusing. while ym endropine sysytem is already f**ked and i'm goin on hrt soon. no other age realted risk out there that i'm, aware of. i guess i just want soem opions on that this the first place i've been able to let my insecurity out.

What do you mean by Aromatase inhibitor???

You want to stop you estrogen from rising and help your growth plates to fuse???
triple said:
Men And Women Are Different Whilst Women Like A Man Who Has Fucked A Lot Of Women Men Dont Like Women Who Have Fucked Many Men.

very true
DLD block his post please. First off they are rediculous. I think people should learn how to spell before they are allowed to do Penis Enlargement. I mean spelling and reading go hand and hand. What if he misreads one of your stretches and rips his dick off?

Additionally we do not want any pics of underagers here.....
girtHydromaxaster said:
DLD block his post please. First off they are rediculous. I think people should learn how to spell before they are allowed to do Penis Enlargement. I mean spelling and reading go hand and hand. What if he misreads one of your stretches and rips his dick off?

Additionally we do not want any pics of underagers here.....

Who are you referring to? Triple has been banned if that is who you mean. Lemme know.
i hope he meant triple, as i like this forum and triple has been making alot of ridiiculous posts, hes funny tho. Don't ban me, i am a good contribution to the community in my opinion.
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