Most of the user base is over at PE gym. The makers are there as well as a very long thread with users questions, results and trouble shooting any problems. I made my best gains with a vacuum hanger and I count it as invaluable to my PE career. Good luck to you. Take it easy because your penis will take a while to adjust to vacuum and it'll take a while to learn to tape right and set up.

It's good you haven't done any PE in a while. Keep it that way until you get the hanger. Trust me. I started my hanging career with a unconditioned penis. In fact I believe deconditioning breaks are vital from time to time. Continue to read read read and learn.

Start simple with straight down with only a few lbs. They will send you a guide through email, use tape like me and follow the guide. Don't put a weight limit on the angles. Change them as needed and once gains stall. Maybe change every few months. Take a decon break every few months and drop weight again when coming back.

Please post any questions here as I think it'll help the community.
I monitor the net to include PE Gym. Please share links to results and pictures of gains from the LG Hanger users.
I wasn't gonna pull this one out, but shucks why not. What about Marlon, or Foldus whatever he calls himself? Where are his documented gains? Is he just another "BIB" with a good story? I have some documentation of my own gains from hanging. Anyone with $$$ and resources can create a PE device, but again, where's the proof?
These are all fair points and questions. Just because someone can create a device and afford to pay a site like PE Gym a couple grand a month to advertise there does not make them a knowledgeable source of information.
Idk, I can only speak from my own experience and my own gains. I don't have the time nor motivation to prove my case. Anyone looking to gain simply need to learn as much as possible, learn their body and learn what others have done to gain. That was my point about looking at PE Gym to learn from the other members. Just be warned so far with my limited time there it's heavily moderated, worse so than �other PE site�. So far my interaction with Marlon and Ric have been excellent from a customer's standpoint. I've tried every vacuum hanger on the market, and some that aren't around anymore and this is the best. The best compression style hanger goes to Bib Hardcore. I've gotten a 1/4 inch gain since getting it and my routine these past couple of years has been spotty. I've gained a full inch with a hanger like it back in the day, Max-Vac II and this one is far superior. Hopefully more now that I got my own place I'll make more gains, will keep everyone posted.
Personally, i think pe gym sucks, i disagreed with a mod and he blocked me for a month. lol
And funny enough, it was because i was talking about how i prefer more intensity in my exercises rather than time.
Like hanging for instance, i think heavier is better, thats my opinion, here at MOS i have that right, at pegym, they would try to discourage me, and if i kept at it, they would ban me, simply for having a differing opinion, not for being vulgar or harassing anyone.
Yea, one of the reasons they yanked my advertising over there....other than money was what you mentioned.
MOS, Mike Salvini, proper intensity and poor English are all offenses that will get you banned at other forums
doublelongdaddy;726338 said:
MOS, Mike Salvini, proper intensity and poor English are all offenses that will get you banned at other forums

Oh yaaa, can't even mention the brohood or you're canned, which is fine by me, i started at MOS, this is my homefront, always has been.
In fact i dont even mess around any other site, theres no point.
jekyllnhyde360;726487 said:
Oh yaaa, can't even mention the brohood or you're canned, which is fine by me, i started at MOS, this is my homefront, always has been.
In fact i dont even mess around any other site, theres no point.

lol. I know the hate that we are the Brotherhood!
Yea, I was all set to rock on advertising over there a couple years ago. Had a banner made, put down my first month $600, then I get a call a few days later. A so called conflict of interest with the powers that be as I was told. It's all good, I'm better off.
stillwantmore2;726536 said:
Yea, I was all set to rock on advertising over there a couple years ago. Had a banner made, put down my first month $600, then I get a call a few days later. A so called conflict of interest with the powers that be as I was told. It's all good, I'm better off.

Let me guess, there was no room for you and Bib lol
figures! oh, well mos is the place to be.
stillwantmore2;726536 said:
Yea, I was all set to rock on advertising over there a couple years ago. Had a banner made, put down my first month $600, then I get a call a few days later. A so called conflict of interest with the powers that be as I was told. It's all good, I'm better off.

Have you asked LIGHTNING about advertising?
doublelongdaddy;726608 said:
Have you asked LIGHTNING about advertising?

A while back I tried to get him to sign up as an affiliate so my links on MOS which triggered a sale would pay a $20 commission per sale. That's currently equal to what I average on monthly I guess it balances out.
Man oh man. I've been using the LG hanger and do I have to say I have finally found the device for me.

For the first two weeks I have been doing the SD angle and have gone up to 4.25 lbs and have felt some stress, very little to little to be precise. Switched it up to BTC angles yesterday, GODDAMN!!!

Still only using 4.25 lbs but the stretch, I could feel it all along my shaft and felt underneath my stomach have some stress too. I felt some burning and the I guess then fatigue. It wasn't unbearable but the stress was pretty noticable.

I was gonna go up to 5 lbs due to me not feeling anything SD but now that I am using BTC I am gonna stay right where I'm at lol.

I can definitely gain 1.25 inches from this device and get me to that almighty 9 inch bonepress. But I think I can push this further. I think I started at like 7.2 or 7.0. I really don't know.

Maximize the ligs and then move to tunica. I'm so happy I've found something that works for me.

Good looking college student and trying to become a fuckin donkey. This really is a big source of my confidence and now it's time to finally achieve one of my goals in life.
I hope you reach your goals with the LG. Try to be one of, if not the first guy to keep a picture documented log of progress with it. You'd think after 4 years on the market, someone should have by now.
I should could and probably would.

I'm not having 100% EQ so I am guessing I can't take the best pic. If I pop 100mg of viagra and maybe do a light hanging workout tomorrow I can get a good "beginner" photo and then 6 months down the road we will see. Regardless though dude of compression and vacuum hangers, there is stress being applied to my penis and all the sciency shit of growing and repairing is going on.

Just that the LG hanger is more comfortable. Ohh! Shots fired lol.

I just never got the hang of compression hangers.
No offense taken. Again, LG has been on the market around 4 years now. No solid proof it's better than compression hanging other than some anecdotal reports. With hanging, more "comfort" does not necessarily mean better gains. You still need to force continued adaptation over time to higher weights and you reach a ceiling much sooner with vacuum hanging due to the fact that as you add weight, the vacuum inside the hanger increases. This increases the likelihood of blisters and reduces the chances of continued progression.
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