Weird, I'm the exact opposite... I hate stretching and I like jelqing. At least with jelqing I can fantasize about something since I have to be almost erect while I'm doing the exercises. Maybe it also has something to do with the fact that I feel bigger width gains from jelqing than length gains from stretching.
i am the same way i like to's almost as gratifying as you don't have to worry about holds, and counting seconds and all that me stretching is more of a pain...i actually look forward to my girth workouts and not so much with the stretching
integrity said:
Weird, I'm the exact opposite... I hate stretching and I like jelqing. At least with jelqing I can fantasize about something since I have to be almost erect while I'm doing the exercises. Maybe it also has something to do with the fact that I feel bigger width gains from jelqing than length gains from stretching.

thats exactly how I feel too
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