WW10 - Visit Arthur Jones website, I got the link in a thread in this section and it has TONS and TONS of his material for free in PDF format on everything. He was the guy that started the movement of HIT and what us smart guys in this thread are talking about with more weight, shorter sessions and less reps etc.

Also check out those Mike Mentzer audio video clips I linked in another thread in this section. Just search Mike Mentzer & Arthur Jones or browse this section, it should be on page 1 or 2.

That is ALL the info you really need to get this one set thing in your head and those guys have tested it over the years. Arthur Jones did lots of tests on it and proved that 1 set to failiure is more powerful than 5,4,3 and even 2 sets of the same.

I see you mention that if this was the case why not more BB types ... well who wants to look like a BB? not me they look disgusting to be frank with you and not at all attractive and they are mostly blessed by genetics anyway with right bone structure, metabolism etc so they can become massive and they take many drugs.

Also many think that one set isnt enough and add more, they also do more work throughout the week thinking they will get more and hence they kill the cycle.

Lastly not many men can go to 100% muscle failiure ... its HARD mate and is a true test of a man, take it from me. When you lift the maximum your muscles can take in a set amount of time or reps you will be fucked and not be able to do more sets afterwards and if you can do the same afterwards for the same as the prior than you didnt do it intense enough ... use strict form when handleing the weight, do not jerk the weight up and dont let it down fast ... FEEEEEEEEEEEL the contraction.

on the page before this someone asked why do only 1 set(you can do more than one). Muscles dont grow from blasting them and hoping they tear down. Their cells divide and recruit more fibers so they will be able to handle the stress next time you decide to lift. when you do endless sets with weights where your not using max intensity you muscle say"we can deal with this" But when you treat your first set like its your last and and have the mindset of breaking a PR with each lift your muscle recruit more fibers"And say that was scary, We better be strong enough next time he wants to do that" as a side effect we get stronger and bigger muscles.

Your body is made to deal with stress so if you push it to its limit with max intensity it will prepare itself by getting bigger to soak in more nutrients to be ready for next time you want to attack it.
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Good to know that men like Mike and Arthur are still around .. men like me, our Mike and you Girth_Hammer plus others on here who logically train with their BRAIN and not their EGOs! I'm also going to post some research links that were done on HIT training being more effective than HVT.
I've been doing Olympic Weightlifting for the past four months. Rarely do I do more than three reps per set, and usually not more than four exercises per session. Why are you doing bicep curls? If you want to get big, strong, or both, you need to stick with compound exercises:

chins/pull ups
(power) cleans/snatchs/jerks
push press/overhead press
bench if you want to get a bigger chest (not a very useful muscle/overhyped exercise)

For better explosion outside of the weightroom:

Never do long distance running/jogging, it'll just eat your muscle and promotes Type I muscle fibres (non-explosive).

I've increased my vertical 6" in about 8 weeks doing my own olympic weightlifting routine with plyometrics and sprinting at least 6 days a week.

I can now dunk a basketball two-handed from a standing vertical jump.

My reach from a standing position with my right arm straight up is 8'. Because my hands are exactly 8" long, I'll say that in order to dunk a basketball two-handed I need about 10" of room to clear the rim (as you have to cup the hands somewhat, and I can get at least 1-2" over the rim off a vertical jump). This is a conservative (10' - 8' = 24 inches + 10 inches to clear = 34 inches) 34 inch vertical jump from a stand-still. I have no doubt by the end of next year I'll have achieved a true 40" vertical from a dead start.

Explosion (power) is what it's all about.
I said he lifted heavy weights + lower reps for SIZE- FIRST. And by someone's own admission here lower weight higher reps is AEROBIC and ANY AEROBIC workout will burn calories and aid with definition. Sorry I forgot to mention he always ate really clean along with his training. He just hated the treadmill for cardio so he did lower weight higher rep circuit training for cardio. Maybe he wasn't doing it the "right way" but it worked for him.
Most people alternate three months of low, medium, high rep work.

In the beginning maybe you just want to adjust your muscle mass up and then nothing beats high rep for that. Say a high school kid bulks up with high rep for two years.

For track sprinters and skill positions and others who must run fast, no high rep just see bearpowered.com about low rep for speed.

High/medium/low rep are all fine for setting up hormones for fat loss. High reps also builds new muscle mass. Low rep builds absolute strength of existing muscle fibers.
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