Exactly what I belive. I have been ignoring women for a long time now, but this is on a completely diffrent level.

Thanks brother. I should ignore them more. Nothing or anyone, are going to interfere with my goals.

Sometimes I tell myself that there is no reason to chase women. This is because, there will always be times when women will come your way by themselves. This has nothing to do with having money. Just dress well and wear a nice cologne.
Sometimes I tell myself that there is no reason to chase women. This is because, there will always be times when women will come your way by themselves. This has nothing to do with having money. Just dress well and wear a nice cologne.
This is true. You should never chase them. There have been the times when good women have come into my life (but I was not ready). I was not chasing, they just wanted to come into my life. I can let a good woman come into my life right now. But do I want to give so much of myself up to this woman? If I sacrifice my important life goals for her, I do not believe it's worth it. Maybe I'm to hard on myself, and this is preventing me from living..But I know men that should not have been married (getting into a serious relationship) before they really had worked on themselves.
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This is true. You should never chase them. There have been the times when good women have come into my life (but I was not ready). I was not chasing, they just wanted to come into my life. I can let a good woman come into my life right now. But do I want to give so much of myself up to this woman? If I sacrifice my important life goals for her, I do not believe it's worth it. Maybe I'm to hard on myself, and this is preventing me from living..But I know men that should not have been married (getting into a serious relationship) before they really had worked on themselves.

I will never put any woman before my goal. I've never had any problem with women regarding PE. You can be lucky to meet a woman who supports PE. The downside to it most times is that, she might be pressuring you to quit too soon.
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