
Nov 19, 2004
Alright Gentlemen and Gentlemen, for those of you who don't know, I've recently come into a bit of information. This information at first had the deliterious effect of inspiring rage and hatred in me, but that passed and I am now subscribing to the adage: "The best revenge is living well." So rather than getting even, I'm going to get better! Part of that is, of course, getting what I consider, an ideal sexual unit, so I've some questions and hopefully you will all be kind enough to post answers. :)

To begin with, I should state my goals 8.25" x 6.5" (EL and EG, respectively) as well as my current measurements 6.5" x 5.5" (Once again, EL and EG, respectively.) To give a better visual, I'm looking to be somewhere near the size of Julian Rio (Search for 'Julian' on your Torrent Sites on in your P2P client) as from everything I've seen his 'Co-stars' seem to love him.

I'm planning on doing a slightly agumented newbie routine consisting of the original streches, only bundled; German Stalion Erect Twists and Supra's Slammers. If I jelq it will be quite minimally, as they really aren't my cup of tea. In addition to the less than specific above routine I plan on losing a fair amount of fat, which should help with my fat pad (DLD, I'm gonna' be trying your Kegal Crunches, I'll let you guys know what comes of it.)

This leads to some questions:
  • At what point should I alter my routine, just when I plateau?
  • Are there any manual exercises that stretch the 'internal' penis, similar to what the Power Assist does?
  • What should I do post-workout to maximize gaines? (Such as Ace-Wrap, Supplementation, Sleep, etc.)
  • How difficult is it, trully, to add girth? I've heard everything from "I gained an inch in two weeks!" to "I've been doing this for seventeen years, I'm 16.75" x 4"."
  • ADS, is there a genuinly safe way to do it?
  • In a year's time, how much can I look forward to, or is it too variant?
  • What is you *personal* favorite exercise?
  • Any general advice, or things you've learned along the way?

I know that I'm not going to reach my goal in my one year time frame, but I do want to add on as much as possible. Any advice or suggestions would be *more* than welcome.

Thanks ahead of time,
It looks like you have maxed out on lig gains since you are bundling the stretches. I dunno what kind of effect bundling a BTC or straight down stretch would have. Here is another suggestion: look up threads started by 'cool as fcuk' and search for his rendition of Phase 1. I think it is a bit better than what you have written, only because I don't agree with bundling BTC and SD. But your inginuity is awesome, and that is how guys like DLD come up with new exercises: by putting a new twist (no pun intended) on an old exercise, then another twist and before you know it you have a whole new exercise that targets some other area of the penis. Maybe some of the other members will support bundling the BTC and SD's; it would help to understand how bundling affects the stress on the unit. It seems that bundling takes stress OFF the ligs and puts them on the tunica, but BTC and SD are lig-training angles, so maybe just do twice the stretching at SO and SU with bundling instead. I have never done German Stallion Twists, and have yet to get a hang of Supra Slammers but hear great things about them.

As far as post-workout, I would do your stretches and apply an ADS afterward to take advantage of healing in an extended state. You can also check out my routine (in my signature) for any other ideas.

Best of luck
Work with aduquate intensity and duration untill you reach fatigue. Do this work routinly with deep subconcious belief and "you will get out of p.e. from what you put into it". This is true about life and alot of other things as well ;) A few words of wisdom in my eyes.
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I feel that stretching in all directions during a workout is best. Though you also wan to focous on the angle you think you need the most improvement in. Say for instance measure your stretched length in all angles, which ever angle is the shortest you should focus on the most. Say straight down your 7in and straight out your 6.75, then straight up your 6.5, focus on straight up in this sceniro. Though as well bust out stretches in all angles to promote total overall groth. But focus on your weakest ponit.

I don't believe I've ever heard this theory spoke of yet, though I feel If more guys get into focusing on the weakest point we might be able to gain at a more steady quicker rate. Also look out for a thread on this by me later because I have some thoughts on it and would like everyone to give me there opionions on it.
Alright, so lemme' see what I've gotten out of this:

-Bundling takes the stress off the ligs and puts it on the Tunica.
-Multi-directional stretching assists gains.
-I should change my routine when I plateau, not before.
-No one knows a damn thing about German Stalion Erect Stretching. :p

Okay, so aside from the normal routines, exercises and kegals, does anyone have any good suggestions for making an erection stronger and longer lasting? Note that with this, both exercises and supplements, along with anything else you can think of, is more than welcome.

Thanks for the responses, guys!

crazyed27 said:
I feel that stretching in all directions during a workout is best. Though you also wan to focous on the angle you think you need the most improvement in. Say for instance measure your stretched length in all angles, which ever angle is the shortest you should focus on the most. Say straight down your 7in and straight out your 6.75, then straight up your 6.5, focus on straight up in this sceniro. Though as well bust out stretches in all angles to promote total overall groth. But focus on your weakest ponit.
I dunno actually...I think that the higher the angle, it will always be smaller unless you feel where the penis begins at the base and measure precisely where that is, and even then, it should be the same length. I think that stretching down exposes a bit of internal penis (very small amount, but measureable) so the straight down measure will always be longer. Has anyone noticed different?

SIDE NOTE: I remember when I owned the Andropenis traction device I would have the same exact setting and upwards I would measure 6.5" at full stretch and would angle the device down (without removing the penis and careful not to let the head slip) and would measure 7".
goldmember said:
I dunno actually...I think that the higher the angle, it will always be smaller unless you feel where the penis begins at the base and measure precisely where that is, and even then, it should be the same length. I think that stretching down exposes a bit of internal penis (very small amount, but measureable) so the straight down measure will always be longer. Has anyone noticed different?

SIDE NOTE: I remember when I owned the Andropenis traction device I would have the same exact setting and upwards I would measure 6.5" at full stretch and would angle the device down (without removing the penis and careful not to let the head slip) and would measure 7".

Cool thanks for the input! I'd like to know more guys stats on this subject, so I'll start a poll or something like that!
crazyed27 said:
I feel that stretching in all directions during a workout is best. Though you also wan to focous on the angle you think you need the most improvement in. Say for instance measure your stretched length in all angles, which ever angle is the shortest you should focus on the most. Say straight down your 7in and straight out your 6.75, then straight up your 6.5, focus on straight up in this sceniro. Though as well bust out stretches in all angles to promote total overall groth. But focus on your weakest ponit.

I don't believe I've ever heard this theory spoke of yet, though I feel If more guys get into focusing on the weakest point we might be able to gain at a more steady quicker rate. Also look out for a thread on this by me later because I have some thoughts on it and would like everyone to give me there opionions on it.

That's actually a damn good theory Ed, I've never thought of it like that. So basically you find your weakest point when you do your 'measure' (I do it once every 3/4 months) then work on it and then possibly find a new weakest point... good idea :)
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