im having trouble getting it from uknova, just keep getting a 28 kb file!? any ideas why?
johnc83 said:
hi all newbie here......

i found the torrent on this site might have to register and also they wont allow you to use bitcomet,and there maybe a waiting time ....but hopefully this wont effect everybody.....just type in 'penis' in the top right corner ....
This site is not open for public use.

johnc83 said:
hi all newbie here......

i found the torrent on this site might have to register and also they wont allow you to use bitcomet,and there maybe a waiting time ....but hopefully this wont effect everybody.....just type in 'penis' in the top right corner ....

I'm bumping this guy's response up.

You don't need to wait,you can browse the torrents after you've succesfully registered.

I'm downloading "The Perfect Penis" at the moment,the download speed's extremely fast,I will have it in 30 mins.
once registered you need to right click the hash file save target to desktop then open the hash file in your client....its only if you dont share and have a crap ratio thats when they make you wait to download
Thanks guys for waiting for me to finish the upload :cool:

People who have text me moaning about why didnt I do it via BT, well the boss wanted it done via FTP onto the MOS server than you guys could get it from another server as FAST speed but it hasnt gone to plan as computer connections have crashed and files not completed what they were supposed to.

I got the file encoded from DVD to avi Penis EnlargementRFECT but getting it onto mos FTP server is full of errors so I guess download via BT where and when you find it.
Well hopefully I can still get my copy uploaded to LIGHTNING soon.
My Upload speed is slow and my connections have broke a few times during the night so its not all gone to plan.
johnc83 said:

this is not the same show..?
I downloaded it and its about a guy with a really small dick.. don't think its the same..

where can I get "the perfect penis"?
that uk torrent site doesn't allow new members it seem... any other torrentsites where I can get it? I've searched on torrentbytes and piratebay.. nothing...
I got the Show, real good quality too. I am converting it now for the web.

The Guy showing his penis in the beginning is DLD showing his stretch mark.

Just so you know.

Great Fucking Show too, They need to show this type of shit in the US.
Here is the Video of The Perfect Penis.
I down compressed the video allot so it would only be 70 Megs.
So it lost a fair amount quality.
But Here it is as a Windows Media Player File.

The Perfect Penis

Light hearted persons, beaware :|

DLD's aprearence was great though :cool:

This documentary was awesome, I've learned so much with it :O
Never have been to your site before but I saw this show on the inter net I have to say DLD seems a little weird and mean but hey he INVENTED jelking and Penis Enlargement and I am very greatful.

he seemed a very possitive driven person to quite the obsessive myself and would love to know how he managed to shed so much weight and look so healthy.........and does he drink beer (this seems to be my biggest problem with weightloss)
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