This guy has to be a troll. No one should use steroids unless they are least 21 years old and have been working out for years and is over 200 lbs. HGH should only be used for people with dwarf syndrome. I'm sure this person doesn't know anything about steroids or proper PCT. Stop what you're doing now.
8InchMIKE said:
Look sikdog i know what you are trying to say here, i find steroids safe when used properly, the problem is that MOST DUDES DO NOT DO IT PROPenis EnlargementRLY.
We all know ower share of kids that have done this stupid thing or that stupid thing. I just can't help to feel that the even the tinyest of possibilities that these effects do exert themselves is enought to raise a red flag on some kid injecting HGH and AAS into his body hopping nothing goes wrong. Would you advise it to a family member of yours with a clear conscience?

Winny was removed from the Brasilien market after some doc prescribed it to a 8yo kid who stoped growing and will never ever grow again cause the bone plates shut down. It is banned still. One in a million? yes. Could it be your kid? also yes.

I'm no priest and no saint but kids??!!! Please stay away...

P.s. Doctor or no doctor, i stand by this. Doctors don't know the very first thing when it comes to steroids, growth hormones and dyuretics and other stuff applied to muscle hypertrophy or shedding fat. My own father is an MD and he DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE how the whole thing works. Granted it's not his area of expertize but in all those years studying he had a 6 month course on AAS in almost 16 years of med school.



real words of wisdom there!

i have to agree with you. i am not a roid hater or anything. but young inexpierence men taking aas without correct knowledge of cycles and post therapy cycle. ie your novalex etc to help increase natural test again is just plain daft.

im only 19 and the use of aas has been sitting at the back of my mind, i have done no research so until i research and i mean years of research i will never consider it.
8InchMIKE said:
Look sikdog i know what you are trying to say here, i find steroids safe when used properly, the problem is that MOST DUDES DO NOT DO IT PROPenis EnlargementRLY.
We all know ower share of kids that have done this stupid thing or that stupid thing. I just can't help to feel that the even the tinyest of possibilities that these effects do exert themselves is enought to raise a red flag on some kid injecting HGH and AAS into his body hopping nothing goes wrong. Would you advise it to a family member of yours with a clear conscience?

Winny was removed from the Brasilien market after some doc prescribed it to a 8yo kid who stoped growing and will never ever grow again cause the bone plates shut down. It is banned still. One in a million? yes. Could it be your kid? also yes.

I'm no priest and no saint but kids??!!! Please stay away...

P.s. Doctor or no doctor, i stand by this. Doctors don't know the very first thing when it comes to steroids, growth hormones and dyuretics and other stuff applied to muscle hypertrophy or shedding fat. My own father is an MD and he DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE how the whole thing works. Granted it's not his area of expertize but in all those years studying he had a 6 month course on AAS in almost 16 years of med school.


Hey you're preaching to the choir... i agree with you and would never condone the use of AAS on minors, but your argument is moot because if the first post is true... it's going to happen whether we agree with it or not. My point was that at least he is doing it under a doctor's supervision. If the doctor knows anything about steroid use, he can make adjustments to the kid's doses as i'm sure he'll be doing regular bloodwork.
Painful Pleasur said:
This guy has to be a troll. No one should use steroids unless they are least 21 years old and have been working out for years and is over 200 lbs. HGH should only be used for people with dwarf syndrome. I'm sure this person doesn't know anything about steroids or proper PCT. Stop what you're doing now.

How did you come to the figure of 200lb? the best top TRUE natural bodybuilders only compete at around 150-170lb frank zane who you said you would like to look like in another thread was a steroid user and off season was only around 200lb and competed at 175lb,i can name you dozens of champion bbs that are 200 or less pounds.not having a dig it just doesn't make sense to start throwing figures about like you have.
smileyguy said:
I was wondering if Pe exercises limit natural potnesial growth, if sothen maybe it's best to see what growth can be achived with the hgh and test then cycle again using pe exercises? But is regualr sex good for penis growth? If you prolong orgasm regularily?

And the doctor thing, it's a simple obligation. My friend had low T they ignored it so he took things into his own hands....
Sounds dangerous shit 2 me. Personally, why would he want 2 look like the hulk anyway. Everyone 2 themselves and all that, but it's not worth it. And man, where ur dick is concerned, u can get a big "enough" penis through Penis Enlargement and Jelqs and stuff like that alone within one to two years. I've got a pretty thick 7inch and that hurts my girlfriend sometimes. I've had sex with girls who are tiny in my pre pe days, who wud see what I have now as big. Entry level �naked person� have thick 7 inchers.

All I'm tryin 2 say is, it's not a race. I think that gettin involved in takin Testoreone or whateva seems a proper harsh thing 2 do anyway at whateva age. At least wait till ur 21 or whateva, and begin ur research now. Who knows what they'll know about Testoreone by then.

And also by then how big will ur muscles and penis be?
Seriously stop worryin about gettin big so FAST and shit like that. It's a bonus been big, I'm happy wiv my 7" and want 2 make it 8" I think. Dunno how long that will take, but I'm definately not riskin destoryin myself on chemicals. It's a proven fact that people with higher testoreone die younger as well.

Everything is up 2 u ur friend whateva. But seriously chill it I rekon.
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