Hi all, thanks to those of you who i have been talking with a bit on this forum, it's been fun.

I'm new to this forum but I have experimented with Penis Enlargement a tad in the past, mostly wet jelqing and squeeze type moves, but never a regimented exercise plan. I didn't learn about it from a board like this. way back when a friend and i were doing a project in school for anthropology about tribal body modification and in our research we came across some stuff about penis hanging/stretching ect. in India.

this got me curious as to whether i could enlarge my own member, and a few rudimentary internet searches mostly turned up paysites advertising penile fitness type stuff that was sort of a precursor to what Penis Enlargement is today. anyway, i gleamed what it was all about and experimented with it, mostly within two roughly six week periods.

out of this i got no results, not even harder erections or changed appearance, flaccid length, any of that stuff. so i became discouraged. but recently i overheard a random conversation between two guys with one swearing up and down that jelqing was working for him, and that he'd been at it forever but it was definately working. well this kinda sent me back to work and i looked all over the internet, mostly to prove to myself that Penis Enlargement was a myth, but after reading a lot of threads at peforum.net, and then finding [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]matters of size[/words], i decided that it not only works, but it can work for me.

here's the thing, i was lazy and undisciplined before, but i noticed then and have noticed since in a few recent preliminary sessions that i can't get much of a "pump." my length is okay, probably about 7.0 NBP inches with an average erection, up to 7.3 if i have a raging boner. but my girth is just 5.2 (at best, like after some hard jelqing) at the base and 4.9 up higher before the glans.
i know from experience that i have tough but loose tendons and ligaments in other places in my body, could my tunica be particularly tough as well? i have been taking heavy doses of vitamins and suppliments to protect joint and cartelige health for years, could this be a factor in having a penis not prone to expansion? i'm working with girth blaster type routines (though less sets) and while i see a little swelling, it's less than 0.1 inches above normal erection.

i like to date tall legy girls, and often i have found they have a bigger vagina size, and man i wanna fill these babes up! i haven't recieved any complaints yet, but i think this is mostly due to their lack of experience. my current girlfriend is just at six feet, and although skinny she definately is a little roomier down there than most i have slept with. not only do i want to satisfy her more, but i think the sex would be better for me if i had a more substantial girth to work with.

i know it's a pretty unreasonable request, but if anybody has some bit of wisdom of advice from a thread or concept i haven't come across yet i would love to hear it. i tried to read as much as i could before asking for help so it wouldn't be another redundant "newbie wants a super-effective routine made for them" type post.

anyway, i'm happy i found this place, you guys are hilarious and i've had a great time browsing through here. i look forward to getting into this and seeing where it takes me!
i could really use some help out here too...

i dont quite do the tall girl thing, being a freaking midgit italian at 5'10" or so, it just doesnt look right when they are an inch or two over you, though i have done that before. however, i have come to the realization that most of my play is going to be in the form of fat chicks..

there is nothing more depressing than seeing a 5.0" girth next to a 32" thigh (maybe less, but i mean, if i cant tell teh different between 9 and 7, what chance do i honestly have in guessing this?)

so please, hook me up with some nice girthies please :)
The best girth workout ( my opinion ) is DLD girth busters. THEN and only AFTER you have pe'ed for quite along time would i surrgest Reds constrictors. BUT please i must stress talk to red before trying them as they are VERY intense. If you feel the Girth Busters is not enough just up the amout of jelqs. But if your new to this stuff take it easy otherwise you will hurt yourself.
thanks for the input pUNKY . . .

as i said i have done some Penis Enlargement before, and while not exactly a veteran i feel like i know my body and my limits, and i have tried some pretty intense sessions multiple days in a row and not experienced any pain or injury. i guess maybe i should have made my question a more specific request to have other guys who have maybe stuggled with girth and then made some gains to please relate any of their experiences or strategies.

after being involved with competative sports my whole life i know what kind of effort it can take to make changes and get predetermined results out of your body, but so far i'm seeing minimal feedback with Penis Enlargement. i'm not really discouraged, just looking for any extra pointers along the way.

i've got the best feeling with a DLD blaster derived routine. however, even though i'm a young guy, i find my main problem is maintaining a 90% or so level of erection during the dry portion of the workout. even with porno to keep me stimulated after about ten minutes of hard work i tend to lose a truly hard erection in favor of a slightly more pumped but soft semi-type boner. something about working out on the old schwantz just doesn't seem conduscive to maintaining a really hard erection, and even when i have been pretty solid all the way through i haven't seen the "big pump" i hear so many guys describe. . . also, even though i rock climb avidly i'm finding that the workouts are just killer on hand strength. i am definately hitting fatigue during the workouts.

i know the right routine/attitude/ is out there, just wanted to know how some other fellas came about finding theirs?
Take comfort good. I did pe exercise for many months with NO growth. I kept doing everything that was suggested to me and growth finally started. I'll admit that girth seems to come slower for most guys than length. BUT you CAN do it. Just don't give up.

I a, concentrating on length for now. After a couple more inches I plan to switch to girth work as well. Personally I think that pumping followed by wearing a cockring would give ME the fastest girth.

Don't get discouraged.
Originally posted by crazyJLK
i dont quite do the tall girl thing, being a freaking midgit italian at 5'10".
Me too...I'm a midget Italian of 5' 10". Jen used to date a guy who was 6' 5" and I always joke that I could put my boner on my head and I would be taller:p
i dont quite do the tall girl thing, being a freaking midgit italian at 5'10

5'10" is not midget. You should count yourself lucky. I would kill somebody to be that tall. Im only 5'5" and am definitely not gonna get any taller. I dont think ill be getting too many tall leggy girls myself. I have always been a bit insecure and unhappy with me height and thats one of the reasons I love Penis Enlargement, because although people all around me are a lot taller and have more choice when it comes to women, I just think F*@K them, I probably have a bigger dick than any of these guys. Its unbelievable how much this has helped me to get over my insecurities and turn myself back into the super confident guy I used to be in my teens, before everyone else got bigger.
I suppose that due to Penis Enlargement Im a living testament to the old saying

Good things come in small packages
man, don't sweat the height stuff, chicks prefer dudes of all different heigts. the guy i know that gets the most play at our high school, and thats a lot, is like 5'6" and girls love him.

through my interest in Penis Enlargement and penis size stuff in general i often ask girls if they associate penis size with height, i.e. i'm 6'3", would they assume me to be bigger? almost always they say that yeah to a certain extend they do (keep in mind these are mostly all other teenagers, limited expereince), more or less jsut because they assume on some level biger body = bigger schwantz.

but, i have often heard girls discussing the "little guy factor" which seems to be a general assumption, and maybe it's jsut arounnnd where i live but i think i have heard it mentioned elsewhere, where girls tend to think that is often the shortest guys who have a real monster swinging around.

and as for those tall legy types . . . they and their oversized vaginas are why i'm putting all this effort into Penis Enlargement'ing man, they come with a price, besides being able to hold their own in a fight! (j/k)
I'm looking for length no so i really do a all stretch routine.When i first started pe though all i did was jelque.Wet jelques and dry jelque sessions.I noticed that dry milking felt like more of a workout for me,so i just did dry jelques.The dry jelques worked tremendously for me when it came to girth,but i hadn't really noticed to much cuz i was looking for length gains.My girl was going down on me one night and screamed out in surprise after a matter of minutes.She kept saying that it looked and felt much fatter
Originally posted by pUNKY
women class small as cute from what i know of.

Yes and thankfully I have never had a woman say my penis was "cute". I'd sooo open up a 55 gallon drum of Smack-a-ho.
thanks for the advice everyone.

i think i'm jsut going to have to keep at it with the girth blasters and such, see if i can't learn how to manipulate my body a little better. in a recent session i saw mroe of the pump type effect than i have seen before, so perhaps it will jsut be a process of getting used to the expansion of tissues and what not. who knows, i'm willing to keep after without immediate payoffs as i have little doubt it can work.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
Me too...I'm a midget Italian of 5' 10". Jen used to date a guy who was 6' 5" and I always joke that I could put my boner on my head and I would be taller:p

Yeah, but if you did that DLD, everyone would have to call you a dick head.......lol
Me too...I'm a midget Italian of 5' 10". Jen used to date a guy who was 6' 5" and I always joke that I could put my boner on my head and I would be taller

That would be a hell of a party trick
Originally posted by mowinman
Yeah, but if you did that DLD, everyone would have to call you a dick head.......lol

They already do:p
goodbutnotgreat;13822 said:
Hi all, thanks to those of you who i have been talking with a bit on this forum, it's been fun.

I'm new to this forum but I have experimented with Penis Enlargement a tad in the past, mostly wet jelqing and squeeze type moves, but never a regimented exercise plan. I didn't learn about it from a board like this. way back when a friend and i were doing a project in school for anthropology about tribal body modification and in our research we came across some stuff about penis hanging/stretching ect. in India.

this got me curious as to whether i could enlarge my own member, and a few rudimentary internet searches mostly turned up paysites advertising penile fitness type stuff that was sort of a precursor to what Penis Enlargement is today. anyway, i gleamed what it was all about and experimented with it, mostly within two roughly six week periods.

out of this i got no results, not even harder erections or changed appearance, flaccid length, any of that stuff. so i became discouraged. but recently i overheard a random conversation between two guys with one swearing up and down that jelqing was working for him, and that he'd been at it forever but it was definately working. well this kinda sent me back to work and i looked all over the internet, mostly to prove to myself that Penis Enlargement was a myth, but after reading a lot of threads at peforum.net, and then finding [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]matters of size[/words], i decided that it not only works, but it can work for me.

here's the thing, i was lazy and undisciplined before, but i noticed then and have noticed since in a few recent preliminary sessions that i can't get much of a "pump." my length is okay, probably about 7.0 NBP inches with an average erection, up to 7.3 if i have a raging boner. but my girth is just 5.2 (at best, like after some hard jelqing) at the base and 4.9 up higher before the glans.
i know from experience that i have tough but loose tendons and ligaments in other places in my body, could my tunica be particularly tough as well? i have been taking heavy doses of vitamins and suppliments to protect joint and cartelige health for years, could this be a factor in having a penis not prone to expansion? i'm working with girth blaster type routines (though less sets) and while i see a little swelling, it's less than 0.1 inches above normal erection.

i like to date tall legy girls, and often i have found they have a bigger vagina size, and man i wanna fill these babes up! i haven't recieved any complaints yet, but i think this is mostly due to their lack of experience. my current girlfriend is just at six feet, and although skinny she definately is a little roomier down there than most i have slept with. not only do i want to satisfy her more, but i think the sex would be better for me if i had a more substantial girth to work with.

i know it's a pretty unreasonable request, but if anybody has some bit of wisdom of advice from a thread or concept i haven't come across yet i would love to hear it. i tried to read as much as i could before asking for help so it wouldn't be another redundant "newbie wants a super-effective routine made for them" type post.

anyway, i'm happy i found this place, you guys are hilarious and i've had a great time browsing through here. i look forward to getting into this and seeing where it takes me!

I don't think I have ever slept with any girl taller than me, but what you said about them having a bigger vaginal turned me on therefore, henceforth I will be hunting for them. You can get to any length size you want. Since you are already over 7 inches in length, getting to 9 inches length won't be any problem for you. I suggest you buy the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]length master[/words] and also buy the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]bathmate[/words]. For [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]bathmate[/words], buy the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]X40[/words] extreme. You will get meaningful discount of 25% for each purchase.

To make very quick gains, follow the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] routine.
My wife is 6' and I am 5' 9", she was very shallow
My next girl was very petite and I could go balls deep
Jen was the next girl who experienced me before and after PE, she adjusted as I got bigger.
doublelongdaddy;758369 said:
My wife is 6' and I am 5' 9", she was very shallow
My next girl was very petite and I could go balls deep
Jen was the next girl who experienced me before and after PE, she adjusted as I got bigger.

Do you think every lady will adjust to a bigger penis when they find themselves in a long term relationship with a guy that has a bigger penis?
huge-girth;758443 said:
Do you think every lady will adjust to a bigger penis when they find themselves in a long term relationship with a guy that has a bigger penis?

Yes, I experienced it in real time. Jen was with me when I started and ended. She experienced every size and she adjusted just fine!
huge-girth;758443 said:
Do you think every lady will adjust to a bigger penis when they find themselves in a long term relationship with a guy that has a bigger penis?

the vagina has multiple personalities...like schizophrenia :) (my current GF keeps stretching as I gain) so as long as your goal isn't 8 pounds 11 ounces, just about every girl (with enough patience and lube) should be able to accommodate you
Big Schwanz Acht;758533 said:
the vagina has multiple personalities...like schizophrenia :) (my current GF keeps stretching as I gain) so as long as your goal isn't 8 pounds 11 ounces, just about every girl (with enough patience and lube) should be able to accommodate you


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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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