Max Whitewood

Im uncut and finding it hard to get a good grip. Some have said to pull the skin back, or grip then kegel to get a good sized head to grip behind. Either way I always end up with a semi thats too thick to stretch with.

If i do end up getting a good grip, im always injuring my skin. The other day I felt a SHARP pinch on the top of my penis just behind the head. It was a burst blood vessel about 5mm diameter (biggest ive had), but was only visible when i pulled my skin right back. I have let that heal and its almost good to go again.

If anyone can quote and answer my issues It will be appreciated immensely

- Will my session be negatively effected if im constantly stopping waiting for the chub to go down?
- If i do successfully get a good grip with the skin back it feels like im going to pull my nob off and ends up hurting the skin
- Is stretching necessary before jelqing? Can I just begin jelqing after my warmup and ditch the stretching for now?

Thankyou guys.
Hello Max, I am new here, so please take what i say with a grain of salt.

With that said, because of the lack of knowledge and overall time spent during PE, The only answer i can provide, more of a tip actually is dealing with stimulation during stretching. You need to take PE seriously, and by seriously I mean, Think of PE as an exercise at the gym, that requires focus and form, not just "playing with your dick" Because your entire life your brain has known one thing, "when it gets touched, it gets hard" You need to override this function, Put on music, close your eyes, setting up a breathing pattern helps too. Think of your routine as a normal exercise at the gym, Nothing more. It's a mental battle.

Also when griping the head, avoid movement as it has tons of nerve endings and will increase stimulation.

I hope this can help you a little, and I am sorry i cannot answer all of your questions.
- Will my session be negatively effected if im constantly stopping waiting for the chub to go down?

It'd be better if you don't get it. In this case you have 2 options:

-1- Masturbate (ejaculate) before you start stertching. That way you'll get in the best stretching phase and therefore have a much better session. You can see how and why here..

-2- (this is an answer I wrote to another member who had the same issue)

I think this is not all that bad. What you can do is either do some erect stretching (very effective when you want to make flaccid gains into erect gains) or maybe throw in some jelqs (good for girth, but also very effective length exercise). But if I was you- I'd consider this to be a bonus. That way you not only stretch, but you superset different exercises. Once your erection subsides- go back to your normal stretching routine. If you do what I wrote above, not only will you be able to continue your routine, but you will upgrade it to the level where you gain more and combine it with some girth methods giving you even more gains. I think this is something you should be happy and excited about

If you really want that boner out of the picture- masturbate and afterwards do some DLD Blasters principle (tire you PC so that you could get the most effective stretch ever). The reason why DLD Blasters is one of the best (if not the best) length exercises is behind its principle (you tire you PC off, so that it does no "defensive kegels" and not resist your stretch. Once I read DLD saying that is the surgery method- they cut the suspensory part and send people home with [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] and stertching routines. Doing what I wrote above is a perfect way to mimic this whole thing. Therefore, this would be as effective as having a PE surgery, but with the difference that you PC will be stronger, it will safe and natural, and no one's gonna cut nothing). Try doing both and see which one works better for you

- If i do successfully get a good grip with the skin back it feels like im going to pull my nob off and ends up hurting the skin

There are different schools of PE. Some say just grip and stertch, skin will stertch over time and you will be able to target the internals more easily, while others say that you should 1st stretch only skin (with a light grip at the base and not target the internals) and when you have stertched your skin enough not to get in the way of the stretch, then you go for the internals with a tighter grip.

Both of these are do-able and it is more of a taste on what to do.:)

- Is stretching necessary before jelqing? Can I just begin jelqing after my warmup and ditch the stretching for now?

Jelqing is a length exercise as well. You have a few options here.

1- Jelq in the morning and stretch later on. Jelqing will tire you off a little and that way you can avoid getting erections while stretching. You can do the stertches right after the jelqs, but I prefer doing them a few to several hours later. I've tried both and personally when I stretch after jelqing- I feel like my good girth expansion is going away.

2- Stretch at the morning and jelq right after. As I wrote above- you always have the option to jelq qhile stetching to get the erection down and go on. You can throw a few jelqs in the stretch session itself and some more after it to ride the wave. But my advice is to do both, and not skip doing any of them :).

If you have any additional questions- ask, I'll answer if I'm around :)