This is basically my progress thread for my entire time on Penis Enlargement, however I'm naming it this because that is my first serious goal.

Starting Measurements are:

6.5" - BPenis EnlargementL
4.5" - MSEG
4.1" BPFL
3.8" MSFG


For the first six weeks i'm going to use Phase 1 of the [words=]MoS[/words] program as I feel that I won't need to use the DLD [words=]newbie routine[/words] due to having a month's experience of Penis Enlargement already.

After the first six weeks I hope to see ANY gain in MSEG, if only to show me that it is working and that I may actually get average girth in time for my holiday (in July, not sure on date as of now).

Then I'll probably ask for advice on whether to move on to Phase 2 of the program or get some advice on custom routines.

Two Starting Pics attached.

My LOT is around 7 or 8ish.
I planned solely on using Jelqing for the first 6 or so weeks, however after reading on Squeezes I might do them from the 3rd week.
Routine basically consists of Downward stretches (straight down, left, right) and rotatry stretches.
Girth as above.

Thanks for the compliments too :)

I'm wondering whether to do all of the other stretches as well (BTC, straight out etc etc) as surely having more stretches will bring more gains? Or is it not like that with Penis Enlargement?
After reading various posts on the forum out of anticipation (and boredness ;]) I've made a mental note of a few things to do different this time round on Penis Enlargement.

1) My grip for stretching was all wrong, and potentially dangerous. I was gripping opposite to how DLD does in the videos, and gripping my glans entirely. This is dangerous imo as a frenulum tear could occur if I pulled too tightly (as is the case with DLD If I read correctly)

2) Jelqs. I was doing them way too fast in the past as well, as sometimes I wasn't even stretching 1 second per stroke. So this time around I'll aim for a 3 second stroke minimum.

Am I right in thinking 1 stroke/rep is just the time it takes for ONE hand to do the stroke, or is it the time taken for both hands to do one stroke. If that makes any sense?
Today was the first day of my routine and I followed DLD's [words=]newbie routine[/words] precisely and also did the PC fitness and Testical health exercises.
All well so far.
Decided to do Length every day, and do Girth Monday to Friday, and having the weekend for the recovery period. May lower to Monday to Thursday if my dick is too tired for it all.
Made all stretches "Bundled" now as grip strength was getting a problem.
Still not properly decided on whether to do Girth today as well, as I believe in DLD's theory of 24 hours rest is enough, but then on the other side you have other people saying rest days worked well for them.

Just wan't to add to the thread that I am staying away for 2 weeks and so I'm going to have to make do with something else for Lube for jelqing. I was thinking along the lines of shower gel.
Yes, It's a crude replacement, but I definately don't wanna be dry jelqing or doing nothing at all.

In terms of not having any Talc, i'll just have to do my best.
Had to take a week off due to going away.

Started again yesterday with my routine being all the manual stretches at 30 seconds each, 300 wet jelqs and then 10 squeezes at 20 seconds each.

I've also received my order of cable clamps however I understand that I must condition for about 3 months first before starting clamping.

The squeezes don't seem to be overdoing it so I'll continue them.

Frequency is 6 days on 1 off for Stretches, and 4 days on 3 off for Jelqing and Squeezes.
Bit annoyed.. After finishing todays length workout I looked everywhere for my old ROP but can't find it >:( Gonna have to buy another I think >:( >:(
I've been a bit neglectful of my Penis Enlargement this week, I've only done 3 or 4 sessions due to getting settled in at the Gym and getting ready to go back to Uni next week.
I'll do a session today then try and do a session every day next week, bar sunday.

A point to note is that next Sunday is my first measurement date, I'm anticipating it quite a bit. If I dont find any gains, I think i will continue the DLD routine for another month and then move on to Phase 2 of the [words=]MOS[/words] Plan.
I decided to take my first month measurement today, a day early as I am moving back to my halls of residence tomorrow.

I've gained! So basically the little doubt I had in my head that I would gain anything or that It would work on me has gone.

I've gone from 6.5" BPenis EnlargementL to 6.75" BPenis EnlargementL, and 4.5" EG to 4.63" EG.

Whilst to the average user here these might not seem like much, if anything, but I am extremely happy with them as by my own confession, the last two weeks I have only done about 4 or 5 Penis Enlargement sessions. Not bad huh?

I think I've also gained around 1/5th of an inch in Flaccid length, although It's incredibly hard to gauge due to varying conditions, temperature, time of day etc. So I won't be tracking this as closely as the Erect measurements.

I've included two pictures for proof, although I confess they are not taken to the standard that people require to see that they are not faked. Therefore they are mainly for me to visually see that Penis Enlargement is working for me and not to prove that I am not lieing, because quite frankly, you shouldn't care if I am.

I even had a celebratory wank after measurements rofl
Awesome man! Yea I have a hell of a hard time gaining lenght, so I think I'll switch gears and concentrate on girth, since I seem to gain it a little easier. We are basically the same size, except you got me a little on length.
Very dissapointingly, I stopped pe'ing for 7 weeks as I went back to my University residence for my last semester of the year. I'm now back home so I plan to pick up where I left off!
I know this works, I said why I havn't been doing it for the last few months. Going to start and remain till my goal from tonight.

On a side note, saw Metallica last night at Wembley Stadium! Fucking awesome!
I think i'll start posting in this thread every time I do my workouts so that I can keep track and not forget to do any.

Monday 16 July 2007:

Length Workout - Done
For this first week back in the saddle I am doing a 1 on 1 off routine, just to acustom myself back to Penis Enlargement. So yesterday no exercises.

Wednesday 18th July 2007

Length and Girth Workout Completed.

I'm also going to do some reading up on clamping, and will be thinking of buying a power jelq device as they seem to be much easier to use and keep a uniform jelq going on.
Thursday 19th July 2007:

Started a clamping routine - 30 mins clamped whilst kegeling with 5 minute breaks every 10 minutes.
Monday 24 July 2007

Length Work Complete

Girth Work Complete
(300 Jelqs, 30 mins total clamping, 10 [words=]SSJ[/words]'s)

I'm not sure if I was doing the [words=]SSJ[/words]'s correctly though, I might have jelqing too far up the shaft with the clamped hand as there wasn't much shaft to expand.
Tuesday 25th July:

Girthwork done

(600 jelqs followed by 10, 1 minute [words=]SSJ[/words]'s)

Really felt the expansion here, and gave me a temporary girth increase of at least .25 of an inch. Flaccid hang was huge afterwards. Looks like this girth could be coming :P

Just wan't to point out that my routine for this month is basically:

Day 1: Length work (DLD newbie stretches) and Girth work - 300 jelqs, 2 x 15 min clamping, 10 x 1 min [words=]SSJ[/words]'s)

Day 2: Girth Work - 600 Jelws, 10 x 1 min [words=]SSJ[/words]'s)

Day 3: Same as Day one

Day 4 Same as Day two

And so on.
Wednesday 25th July:

Length Work done.

Girth Work skipped due to soreness on penis and discomfort when I tried jelqing. Hopefully cleared up by tomorrow so I can adjust my girth routine to 2 on 1 off.
Saturday 28th July

Did not do session due to red spots still present from 2 days ago. Wanted to get something done so I edged for 30 mins, measured and found a quarter inch increase in girth.
Tonight when I do my workout, I'm going to try doing 600 Jelqs, 10 [words=]SSJ[/words]'s, and then try out 3 exercises I've read about on another forum by the user Ferrari.
They are the 'Ferrari Mega Pump', 'Ferrari Head Squeezes', and 'Ferrari Slider Blasters'.

I'm sure they are just slight variations of exercises done by [words=]MoS[/words] and DLD, but I'm kind of intrigued in the way he said he gained half an inch girth in 4-5 weeks. Ideal for me, if I have similar results!!
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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