singuy;546037 said:
Sorry for late reply, I am afraid I have to agree with you I got the PGE and IGF from them, now the IGF went bunk within 2 days Even mixing with AA. and the PGE had some crazy particle within 3 days. Any other source? Can you PM please? For the IGf1 lr3 do not skimp out and get the china version pay the almost 90 dollars for the american version your body will thank you. Dave Palumbo whoever the bodybuilder is that is famous for taking igf1 and writing about it, got busted for selling hgh vials that really had phosphate powder in it. That is the dude that perpetuates you need AA water for reconstitution. I am sure glass is a real volatile material that Dave types saying " glass has all these microgrooves that you need acid to dissolve the igf1 properly out of them. I say bullshit, you do not need acid for igf1 your run of the mill BA water is good enough for reconstitution. I'll never inject my self with white distilled vinegar aka AA water don't be an idiot and you guys type about injecting a firey substance into your dick it will burn and feel like liquid acid.

Ohh about purchase peptides the source. go to if you need any reviews on a potential source they have basically every gear slinger in the game this forum will tell you great sources to buy your test hgh and peptides with real customer reviews not paid for or anything if there is a steroid you want research then feel confident enough to buy and use eroids is the place for you , peptides has forum member sponsored blood tests with their american igf1 formula showing it's real . Also on igf1 there is 2 types that don't make much difference if your using there is Research Grade and Media Grade. One of those is wrong my memory fades from me on what one is incorrect. If you have a absolute great source like purchase you do not have to worry about the classes of quality between these 2 grades. With a chinese supplier you absolutely do and don't know what your getting
Ok guys nice thread and all , but I just logged into the peptides site, and they ask for a company name. I have tried with other companies like this before, and they won't sell you any IGF1 if you are not a research company, and your address needs to look like a business address.
wajiro;559036 said:
with all this discussion... is anyone ACTUALLY using this and does it ACTUALLY work?

Here is the gravity of the situation

I just injected igf1-lr3 in my right cc. I advise anyone wanting to inject anything in the dick PLEASE DO NOT.

My first pin i put it half way up my cc from head to pubic bone I did something wrong, Cause Immediately I saw some sort of liquid leaking then it just stoppede leaking after 1 hour and half

my second pin site I did the CC intra penile injection correctly, I did recieve resistence when trying to push down on the plunger SO I moved it around still had some resitance but managed to inject...

I am going to finish this through and not let 1 incident stop me. I ADVISE ANYONE WANTING to inject anything in the dick please research it if MIKELSHLORT oR KIngSNAKE made a tutorial on how to inject in the cc that would be awesome. One thing I can say for sure I mean ive injected hgh no biggy was no problem with me but putting a hyperdurmic needle in your penis is risky fucking business and till someone comes out on this forum with a TUTORIAL VIDEO to correctly do so PLEASE DON"T INJECT YOUR DICK

Substance : Igf1 LR3

Needles USed : 5 / 16th meaning quarter inch length needle Brand : Medline PLus

Medium to Reconstitute The IGF1 : Bacteriostatic Water . sUPRA Said something about usin Acetic Acid so the IGF1 doesn't break down. I never found 1 study where it sais using BA Water will make the potency of igf1 go down after 4 weeks. Plus puting a firey feeling substance in your dick will burn on the inside isn't to bright . IF someone does act "against" my advice and does decide to inject igf1 in the penis use regular bac water.
onemanorgy;560427 said:
Here is the gravity of the situation

I just injected igf1-lr3 in my right cc. I advise anyone wanting to inject anything in the dick PLEASE DO NOT.

My first pin i put it half way up my cc from head to pubic bone I did something wrong, Cause Immediately I saw some sort of liquid leaking then it just stoppede leaking after 1 hour and half

my second pin site I did the CC intra penile injection correctly, I did recieve resistence when trying to push down on the plunger SO I moved it around still had some resitance but managed to inject...

I am going to finish this through and not let 1 incident stop me. I ADVISE ANYONE WANTING to inject anything in the dick please research it if MIKELSHLORT oR KIngSNAKE made a tutorial on how to inject in the cc that would be awesome. One thing I can say for sure I mean ive injected hgh no biggy was no problem with me but putting a hyperdurmic needle in your penis is risky fucking business and till someone comes out on this forum with a TUTORIAL VIDEO to correctly do so PLEASE DON"T INJECT YOUR DICK

Substance : Igf1 LR3

Needles USed : 5 / 16th meaning quarter inch length needle Brand : Medline PLus

Medium to Reconstitute The IGF1 : Bacteriostatic Water . sUPRA Said something about usin Acetic Acid so the IGF1 doesn't break down. I never found 1 study where it sais using BA Water will make the potency of igf1 go down after 4 weeks. Plus puting a firey feeling substance in your dick will burn on the inside isn't to bright . IF someone does act "against" my advice and does decide to inject igf1 in the penis use regular bac water.

Yes I made a tutorial video. It can be found here: Pin: 1337

I threw it together quickly but it should show you what you need

Also, I use half inch long 29 gauge needles. I'd say a 1/4 inch long needle is too short. And you always should aspirate to make sure you're in the right spot. If you feel for the spot with your finger first you should hit it 9/10 times.
Substance : Igf1 LR3

Needles USed : 5 / 16th meaning quarter inch length needle Brand : Medline PLus

Medium to Reconstitute The IGF1 : Bacteriostatic Water . sUPRA Said something about usin Acetic Acid so the IGF1 doesn't break down. I never found 1 study where it sais using BA Water will make the potency of igf1 go down after 4 weeks. Plus puting a firey feeling substance in your dick will burn on the inside isn't to bright . IF someone does act "against" my advice and does decide to inject igf1 in the penis use regular bac water.[/QUOTE]

There is no study on the acetic acid it is just how igf1 was made to be reconstituted to hold it in liquid form in the bottle with out degrading to has nothing to do with potency n the body. it is also why you will see acetic acid being sold with igf1 because this is how it was done in the in the trials and how it was meant to be reconstituted into liquid form.

labs want to make the compound efficient this also why lr3 came about as igf1 was site specific as it time in the body was just to short to cause high levels of igf1 plasma levels lr3 is systemic as its active in the body for 24 to 48 hrs i believe of the top of my head. thats why it doesn't really matter were you stick it even though bodybuilders still do site injections on the muscle they just worked as they believe this is better causing cell proliferation in that spot and it may well be but over all it will circulate systemically all over the body in the above time frame.

1. the main reason for this is 1 igf1 or igf1 lr3 was meant to be used in multi injection dosages to cause hyperplasia in muscle mass
2. it was never meant to be injected into the penis
3. acetic acid just holds the compound in liquid and slow the degradation of the compound ba water will keep the product good for 24 to 48 hrs then it will quickly loss potency.
4. never inject acetic acid in your cock never ever as it cause necrosis to tissue doing this were you have tons of muscle mass is not that much of an issue but your penis is another story
5. since the goal from what i can see here is just to get a quick reaction from igf1 or igf1 lr3 or des igf1 using ba and injecting over 2 days will be fine just use the whole bottle in that basic time frame other wise you just shooting an inert compound into you penis.
6. i have no opinion on how much to shot in the penis or if this works or how to do it. this is just basic igf1 science nothing more.
Okay well use 1/4" needles if you want but don't complain when you keep missing the CC and have to take it out and stick yourself twice to get in one dose.

Also, a Dr. did tell me IGF-1 is okay to to use locally in the penis with the PGE1 doses, and also that using it systemically (not in the penis) would also benefit. But I'm not at the stage where I need to fuck with that yet so I didn't bother asking him about doses, complications, the science behind it etc.
Mike I do appreciate you having the video up for myself and others to go back to incase we are doing something wrong, you have literally saved a handful of mens wangs from pain including mine
diesel225;560456 said:
Substance : Igf1 LR3

Needles USed : 5 / 16th meaning quarter inch length needle Brand : Medline PLus

Medium to Reconstitute The IGF1 : Bacteriostatic Water . sUPRA Said something about usin Acetic Acid so the IGF1 doesn't break down. I never found 1 study where it sais using BA Water will make the potency of igf1 go down after 4 weeks. Plus puting a firey feeling substance in your dick will burn on the inside isn't to bright . IF someone does act "against" my advice and does decide to inject igf1 in the penis use regular bac water.

There is no study on the acetic acid it is just how igf1 was made to be reconstituted to hold it in liquid form in the bottle with out degrading to has nothing to do with potency n the body. it is also why you will see acetic acid being sold with igf1 because this is how it was done in the in the trials and how it was meant to be reconstituted into liquid form.

labs want to make the compound efficient this also why lr3 came about as igf1 was site specific as it time in the body was just to short to cause high levels of igf1 plasma levels lr3 is systemic as its active in the body for 24 to 48 hrs i believe of the top of my head. thats why it doesn't really matter were you stick it even though bodybuilders still do site injections on the muscle they just worked as they believe this is better causing cell proliferation in that spot and it may well be but over all it will circulate systemically all over the body in the above time frame.

1. the main reason for this is 1 igf1 or igf1 lr3 was meant to be used in multi injection dosages to cause hyperplasia in muscle mass
2. it was never meant to be injected into the penis
3. acetic acid just holds the compound in liquid and slow the degradation of the compound ba water will keep the product good for 24 to 48 hrs then it will quickly loss potency.
4. never inject acetic acid in your cock never ever as it cause necrosis to tissue doing this were you have tons of muscle mass is not that much of an issue but your penis is another story
5. since the goal from what i can see here is just to get a quick reaction from igf1 or igf1 lr3 or des igf1 using ba and injecting over 2 days will be fine just use the whole bottle in that basic time frame other wise you just shooting an inert compound into you penis.
6. i have no opinion on how much to shot in the penis or if this works or how to do it. this is just basic igf1 science nothing more.[/QUOTE]

Well thank you for informing me. My plan is to inject 60 mcgs every other day in either right or left cc and take 2 to 4 iu of riptropin on my off days of injecting igf1 to mature the new cells. THank you for your detailed history On IGF1 and the acetic acid. I personally don't believe my igf1 will go bad in in 4 weeks kept in the fridge any time after that sure potency will be degraded. I was aawre of what igf1 lr3 being systematic and DES being site specific causing hyperplasia I perospnally believe it helps to shoot the igf1 in the place you want to grow the lr3 that is.
MikeShlort;560506 said:
Okay well use 1/4" needles if you want but don't complain when you keep missing the CC and have to take it out and stick yourself twice to get in one dose.

Also, a Dr. did tell me IGF-1 is okay to to use locally in the penis with the PGE1 doses, and also that using it systemically (not in the penis) would also benefit. But I'm not at the stage where I need to fuck with that yet so I didn't bother asking him about doses, complications, the science behind it etc.

Mike luckily I have 4 or 5 half inch length 31 g needles that will last me a week and half till i get cash to buy more I just thought get the quarter innch ones not giving my penis enough credit to take half inc needle on a angle plus I did the injection flaccid. Your absolutely right I will miss the cc because my 2nd injection that was succesful I believe I hit a wall and pushed very minimally through, got alot of resistence on trying to push down the plunger when i did and retracted the needle it felt llike it was only a small bit passed the wall in my cc where you just break in quarter inch syringe def not long enough to hit the middle of cc
Just injected for the 2nd time yesterday using mikes method. MY first time literally it took me 1 hour and I injected it in the side of my dick opposed to up top how mike showed was whole bunch of trouble just to find the spot. WHen I did mikes method literally only took me 1 minute to find a good enough spot then 30 seconds to apply the syringe draw up blood then inject boom done. Some things to note i noticed this twice now using the igf1 as soon as you inject it your penis reverts to the widest possible flaccid girth you have and doesnt shrivvle back till the igf1 in your body stops working after 2 or 3 days or gets used up by the body, ALso there are some days I can't reach my already attained bpfls, when I inject the igf1 my dick is at its stretchiest and my longest bpfls is there and dare i say then some. Now the down sides I noticed, all the things I just said are pluses the only negative I have that does have a plus, When I get a boner Its shorter but wider. I am scared if i measure my girth I will let myself down I want to say right after I inject the igf1 and i manage to pop a boner my dick is atleast 6.5 6.7 inches in erect girth but length gets sacrificed I don't know why. Now Ive done hgh and am doing it now with the igf1 on off days. My very first cycle of hgh it was good shit because I did get testicular atrophy my nuts shrunk which made my dick look longer, I know for a fact the hgh i have is really good better than the firs tshit i ever took and my nuts arent shrinking but look like they are increasing in mass and volume. I believe this to be the igf1, IGF1 lr3 or des can both be used as pct or post cycle therapy for guys taking large amounts of hgh or Test and just got off sterods and your nuts shrivvle igf1 can bring your testicles back online
Sooo .. IGF1-LRG circulates the body systematically for 12-24 hrs , or does the IGF1 (no LRG) have the span of 20MIN ? Also noticed that most vials are sold by 100 mcg , therefore if using BA water , per vial ; would only be viable for 24-48 hrs ? Someone please fine tune me , thanks !
flyerboy;563478 said:
Sooo .. IGF1-LRG circulates the body systematically for 12-24 hrs , or does the IGF1 (no LRG) have the span of 20MIN ? Also noticed that most vials are sold by 100 mcg , therefore if using BA water , per vial ; would only be viable for 24-48 hrs ? Someone please fine tune me , thanks !

LR3 last 24 to 48 hours, igf1-1 Des last 20 minutes. My vial came in 1000 mcgs and in 1 bottle. There are guys on bodybuilding forums that reported the same amount of muscle volumization and growth using just bac water. If you plan on using it up in 21 days to a month don't worry about the Acetic Acid bac water is fine
onemanorgy;563498 said:
LR3 last 24 to 48 hours, igf1-1 Des last 20 minutes. My vial came in 1000 mcgs and in 1 bottle. There are guys on bodybuilding forums that reported the same amount of muscle volumization and growth using just bac water. If you plan on using it up in 21 days to a month don't worry about the Acetic Acid bac water is fine

Bumping an old thread; what was the final consensus of Kingsnake and anyone else with respect to IGF-1 directly into the CC? Is this a viable solution?
Threak-X;729597 said:
It didn't workout for Kingsnake with self-injection of IGF-1; the product may have been bogus...

True; very difficult to source real peptides these days. Many people in the know think the majority of stuff out there is fake or diluted. Also, some research I did showed that MGF is just as effective as IGF for local growth
but without the risk factor that IGF carries in growing bad cells.
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