This is a post that is taking place on another board, I would like to hear the [words=]MOS[/words] perspective on it also. Here is the topic (Copied and pasted from T's):
POST A: Surely it's not the actual ligs stretching that causes any erect gains.
Surely it is gains from the tunica, or shaft or whatever that cause the ligs to stretch as a bi-product.
I fail to understand how stretching the ligs would allow more penis to be 'expressed' during an erection.
I have come to this conclusion from studying Modesto's model, and from my own observations from my own Penis Enlargement.
POST B: I agree with you totally. When penis lengthening surgery is carried out by cutting ligs, gains are only made in the flacid state, none erect. Why would there be any difference if you stretched instead of cut ligs?
POST A: Surely it's not the actual ligs stretching that causes any erect gains.
Surely it is gains from the tunica, or shaft or whatever that cause the ligs to stretch as a bi-product.
I fail to understand how stretching the ligs would allow more penis to be 'expressed' during an erection.
I have come to this conclusion from studying Modesto's model, and from my own observations from my own Penis Enlargement.
POST B: I agree with you totally. When penis lengthening surgery is carried out by cutting ligs, gains are only made in the flacid state, none erect. Why would there be any difference if you stretched instead of cut ligs?