I started this routine on October 10th - 2016.
This up coming thursday is a month of PE for me. I am already 5 weeks into my penis enlargement routine. I will post pictures with my stats this up coming thursday. My first week of PE consisted of basic stretches and jelqs.

My First Week Of PE:

Warm Up - 5 Minutes.

Exercise #1. (For length).
Basic Stretch - 5 Minutes.

Exercise #2. (PC-MUSCLE).
kegels - 30 Seconds.

Exercise #3. (For Girth).
The "Wet" Jelq - 10 Minutes.

I will post a pic with my starting measurements.

My first week was very light and easy to do and not to mention a very short routine. I started to increase the time by 5 minutes every week until I hit 30 minutes of jelqing and stretches. I also included kegels in my routine with the assumption of increasing the time by 5 seconds every week until I hit a minute of kegels.

I work 5 days a week with 2 days off. If I skip a day during the week I usually count it as a day off and make up for it the next day.

My current routine is this:

Warm Up - 15 Minutes.

Exercise #1. (For length).
Basic Stretch - 25 Minutes.

Exercise #2. (PC-MUSCLE).
kegels - 50 Seconds.

Exercise #3. (For Girth).
The "Wet" Jelq - 30 Minutes.

I currently believe more than ever that I am not a length guy. What I mean is I keep noticing more girth gains than length. I do love girth and currently do not want a skinny penis but I wish length gains where more noticeable.

Long-term Goal: 7/7.5 Inches. Girth: 5.5 Inches.

I will be measuring every three months to see if I made any progress or not.
November 7 2016.

Okay, just finished my routine and feel pretty satisfied. My stretches feel pretty intense but not hurt full. The only problem I am noticing is somehow my glans looks pretty bad like almost squished after a couple of stretches.

I always try to grip behind the glans and not the head itself.

I do tend to stretch flaccid but sometimes I stretch with a little blood in the penis.

I will post a pic of my glans and please give me some feedback?

Right after stretches I do a quick set of kegels under 50 seconds and then I start a 30 minute jelqing session.

The jelqs felt good but I usually don't count my jelqing strokes but I was wondering if it matters when jelqing incase you end up with too many jelqs or too little jelqs?

My personal theory is to go slow as possible with each hand when jelqing but overall it went great today.

My flaccid looks great as always when I am done with my entire routine but unfortunately after awhile my dick gets a little smaller.

I noticed I have a hard time trying to achieve an erection but usually the next day my EQ is back and I feel more sexual. Basically my penis is beat after my routine but I recovery after a few hours.
wow, what a massive difference in gains between the pictures, make those permanent as fast as possible. You have a very good looking penis also, great color and symmetry. I created myself a monster penis too. Except mine if photshopped. Keep up the good work! If you want or need help with your routine or anything else just let us know.
doublelongdaddy;713360 said:
wow, what a massive difference in gains between the pictures, make those permanent as fast as possible. You have a very good looking penis also, great color and symmetry. Keep up the good work! If you want or need help with your routine or anything else just let us know.

Do you think I should wrap after my routine is over? Because I noticed the next day my flaccid shrinks up again.
orgasmic19;713430 said:
Do you think I should wrap after my routine is over? Because I noticed the next day my flaccid shrinks up again.

Yes you should defiantly wrap after your session is done. This will help you heal in an extended state and will help cement gains faster. If you are really up to it, you can spend a little money and buy an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words], but if not then [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]UJW[/words] will do just fine, its never done me wrong lol.
orgasmic19;713430 said:
Do you think I should wrap after my routine is over? Because I noticed the next day my flaccid shrinks up again.

Depends if thats what you're wanting to gain, flaccid size.
November 9 2016.

Just finished routine.

Stretches feel good and intense. As for jelqing not so good. I always believe in jelqing with a firm grip to push the maximum blood flow through the penis, but my penis goes limp after 5 minutes of jelqing. I also beleive in jelqing with a semi erect penis to not prevent injury maybe I need to jelq at a higher erection level. I always take a break every 5 minutes to stimulate my penis or do helicopter shakes to promote more blood flow but today my erection level was not so great even with the helicopter shakes.
orgasmic19;713699 said:
November 9 2016.

Just finished routine.

Stretches feel good and intense. As for jelqing not so good. I always believe in jelqing with a firm grip to push the maximum blood flow through the penis, but my penis goes limp after 5 minutes of jelqing. I also beleive in jelqing with a semi erect penis to not prevent injury maybe I need to jelq at a higher erection level. I always take a break every 5 minutes to stimulate my penis or do helicopter shakes to promote more blood flow but today my erection level was not so great even with the helicopter shakes.

Re-stimulating yourself every 5 minutes is fine. Five minutes of jelqing at a time is not much different than the 5x5x3. Just be sure to get the next set going as soon as possible.
November 10 2016.

Hey, guys today is a month Of PE for me and I just finished measuring my stats. It looks like I did not gain much in a month but maybe a few. I really noticed that my MEG and BPFLS are growing a bit. I also noticed that my EQ varies time to time so it is hard to tell.

Here are my stats

Start Date: 10-10-16.
BPEL: 6".
NBPEL: 4 and 3/4.
BPFLS: 6 and 1/4.
MEG: 4 and 1/4.

11-10-16 - Re-Measurements
BPEL: 6".
NBPEL: 5".
BPFLS: 6 and 1/2.
MEG: 4 and 11/16.

Here is a pic of a ruler with my new measurements:
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id have a measurement after 2 to 3 months.. a solid routine is key,consistency,discipline,the time u invest exercising are important,having unreal expectations can be counterproductive.

I used to fantasize a lot whit that, and i got really dissapointed.i took a lot of breaks because of that..if you havent, check the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] and the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] they can really show you the way to go..:)
November 10 2016.

My routine was not so great today. I usually watch tv while doing stretches and by watching tv I forgot which angles to focus on. Sometimes I would stretch straight down to many times or at a different angle. I seem to have a hard time jelqing after 25 minutes of stretches, and I also cannot seem to keep enough blood flow in my penis when jelqing. Penis becomes limp after 5 or 6 minutes of jelqing and I have a hard time getting my erection levels up when re-stimulating my member. I usually jelq downward or straight out with a firm overhand grip because it makes it easier to push more into the fat pad with this kind of grip. I notice I am having more skin drag by jelqing down or straight out. I started jelqing straight up today and feel less skin drag and a better expansion but I am having the same problems with keeping my erection levels up. Maybe I should jelq first and than do stretches.
orgasmic19;713888 said:
I am also thinking about cutting back my warm up time to 10 minutes and not 15 since it takes too much time.

A warm up does not need to be any longer than 5 minutes.
doublelongdaddy;713917 said:
A warm up does not need to be any longer than 5 minutes.

I am having trouble keeping my erection levels up when jelqing. I was wondering if stretches have something to do with this? I always do length first and girth second but do you think its okay to do girth first and length second?
orgasmic19;713925 said:
I am having trouble keeping my erection levels up when jelqing. I was wondering if stretches have something to do with this? I always do length first and girth second but do you think its okay to do girth first and length second?

Great to change it up once in a while :)!
November 13 2016.

I already missed a day of PE during the week and two other days in a row in the same week as well. I usually do 5 days on 2 two days off but should I count the three days I missed this week as a rest day and make up for them or what?

I today is a workout day and I usually start my routine late at night. I will keep you guys posted when I finish my routine tonight.

Tonight I will perform jelqs first and stretching second because after performing 25 minutes of stretching my penis is really fatigue and I have a hard time keeping a good eq when jelqing.

I will keep you guys updated
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orgasmic19;713925 said:
I am having trouble keeping my erection levels up when jelqing. I was wondering if stretches have something to do with this? I always do length first and girth second but do you think its okay to do girth first and length second?

You should try jelqing later on in the day well after you do your length session, this should help!
orgasmic19;713925 said:
I am having trouble keeping my erection levels up when jelqing. I was wondering if stretches have something to do with this? I always do length first and girth second but do you think its okay to do girth first and length second?

Just kegel more often when you jelq
November 13 2016.

I just finished my routine and all I can say is wow. I mean it was not the best workout I have ever had. I started with jelqing first but since I missed three days of PE it feels like years. As I said I started with jelqing for 5 minutes but I felt like something was wrong with my jelqing. For that 5 minutes I felt my erection was really hard so I had to quite and start over with the desired erection quality of my choice for 30 minutes. I love to jelq with a semi erect penis.

I usually try do go slow with my jelqing strokes but I noticed sometimes I go to fast at occasions. My question is does counting jelqing strokes matter?

I also noticed more skin drag which is driving me crazy but I believe I can work through this.

Stretches felt intense but sometimes my grip slips and I end up accidentally gripping the glans of my penis. These usually causes pain and puffed up glans.

After stretches my flaccid was not as big as when doing stretches first and jelqing second.

So tomorrow I will do length first and girth second and stick to my original game plan.

Today is my first time wrapping my penis after my routine but I swear tomorrow I hope my PE routine will better than today.

I will stay wrap only for 30 minutes and go to bed after that. Should I wrap my penis in the morning as well? Because I usually start my routine late at night and not in the morning or does it only have to be after my routine?
So glad you has a kick ass session. Drag is actually a good thing if it is not too extreme as it allows you to jelq more blood without sliding along the shaft. I find the best drag using vaseline. Jelqing I like to time rather than counting. I would set an alarm for 20 minutes or whatever time I would train and get in as much as I could in that time period. I like faster jelqs, maybe 1 second per jelq as I feel more blood is captured and stays present when the strokes are faster. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]Ace[/words] Wrapping the penis is something you will want to do as much as possible as it helps train the penis to remain elongated. A [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SizeGenetics[/words], [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]Phallosan[/words] or [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]PeniMasterPro[/words] would be a better substitute for wrapping. The [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]Phallosan[/words] also allows for over night extending.
Last night my penis was so beat I could not get it up at all after my routine. I now know how it feels if you have ED. These guys that have ED probably have that urge of horiness but still can't get it up.

After my routine I went straight to bed but noticed later in the night and morning my night and morning woods where back and rocking again.

I take this has a positive indicator and of course I have been drinking plenty of water that night of my routine and this might of contributed to my morning erections.
November 14 2016.

Today's routine was whole lot better than yesterday's routine. Stretches went well and jelqing felt right. I just finished my routine and of course my flaccid hang is bad ass as all ways. I made sure I used an [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ACE[/words] Wrap to help cement my flaccid gains. Tomorrow I will increase my stretches to 30 minutes instead of doing 25 minutes.

The head of my glans was not so beat up after stretches and I take this as a good [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sign[/words].

I will keep you guys updated
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orgasmic19;714347 said:
Last night my penis was so beat I could not get it up at all after my routine. I now know how it feels if you have ED. These guys that have ED probably have that urge of horiness but still can't get it up.

After my routine I went straight to bed but noticed later in the night and morning my night and morning woods where back and rocking again.

I take this has a positive indicator and of course I have been drinking plenty of water that night of my routine and this might of contributed to my morning erections.

When you are having poor eq grab that cock and stretch the fuck out of it! There is no better time to gain length!
Today I viewed a little adult entertainment to check my PI's. I made sure I did not go to deep in the material if you get my meaning. My erection seems okay but not rock solid as I would like it to be at the moment. I am just very happy I recover from my PE training a few hours later in the night and the next day as well.

I am really against watching adult entertainment because I know how addictive it can be for me personally. I also believe looking at pictures are just as bad as watching it on your laptop. I remember leaving a comment on a thread and telling a guy about my experiences with adult entertainment. Viewing adult entertainment lessens my chances of being sexual aroused by a real woman walking down the street. I rather see a beautiful ass and get turned on instead of sitting at home watching my laptop.

I am the type of guy who gets off very easily to erotic material such as adult entertainment. I mean still view adult entertainment but I try to keep at minimum as possible like once or twice a week at max. The more I stay away from the material the better I feel about myself.

But anyway my PI's seem fine and I will keep you guys updated when I finish my routine tonight.
November 15 2016.

Stretches went well but I lost concentrate at certain times when stretching. Jelqs went okay as well but I could ease my grip up when jelqing to avoid to much pressure because at certain times my grip is so tight it kind of hurts a bit. Flaccid hang was alright but could be better.

Today's is my first day of doing 30 minutes stretches instead of doing 25 minutes. As for my kegel routine I will be doing kegels under 55 seconds and hopefully add another 5 seconds to them until I hit a minute of kegels.

Here is my current routine:

Warm Up - 10 Minutes.

Exercise #1. (For length).
Basic Stretch - 30 Minutes.

Exercise #2. (PC-MUSCLE).
kegels - 55 Seconds.

Exercise #3. (For Girth).
The Wet Jelq - 30 Minutes.
orgasmic19;714623 said:
November 15 2016.

Stretches went well but I lost concentrate at certain times when stretching. Jelqs went okay as well but I could ease my grip up when jelqing to avoid to much pressure because at certain times my grip is so tight it kind of hurts a bit. Flaccid hang was alright but could be better.

Today's is my first day of doing 30 minutes stretches instead of doing 25 minutes. As for my kegel routine I will be doing kegels under 55 seconds and hopefully add another 5 seconds to them until I hit a minute of kegels.

Here is my current routine:

Warm Up - 10 Minutes.

Exercise #1. (For length).
Basic Stretch - 30 Minutes.

Exercise #2. (PC-MUSCLE).
kegels - 55 Seconds.

Exercise #3. (For Girth).
The Wet Jelq - 30 Minutes.

Looks good but let me add a few things that will help even more.

1. Add in Bundled Stretches before both girth and length work (5 minutes is perfect.)
2. Be sure to get a set of Expressive Stretches in with your basic stretches (5 minutes is perfect)
3. Get in erect stretches at least 3 times a week for 5-10 minutes.
4. The Testicle Health Massage and Stretch is a great help to flaccid length, heaviness and hang.
5. Go through [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] and incorporate the healing measures into this routine.
November 18 2016.

Just finished my routine and everything went well. No problems with stretches or jelqs. I started my first 2 to 3 sets of stretches very light to help warm up my penis and ligs. After 2 to 3 sets of stretches I increased the intensity with more force. And, I have to say my flaccid hang right after jelqing looks really good.
November 19 2016.

Just woke up and noticed my penis is a little sore from last night's routine but not that bad. I believe he is in good enough shape to do another routine tonight. I noticed little red spots on my glans again this afternoon but I believe I have nothing to worry about. I believe they might be created by stretching or my grip might be slipping when performing stretches.
November 19 2016.

Just finished my PE routine. I started with a 10 minute warm up and 30 minutes of stretches. During the stretches I lost concentration and did too many of the same stretch in the same angle. I did two to three warm up sets to help stretch the ligs for more intense stretching. Jelqing was harder do to because my penis felt sore after stretches but I was able to maintain a alright eq to jelq. Now there where times I had to re-stimulate myself to bring my eq back up. Jelqs could of been better and stretches felt very intense. After my routine my flaccid hang was alright as normal. I just finished wrapping my penis up and I hope for the best but the only concern I have is my glans looks beat up a bit.

The last 10 minutes of jelqing my eq was not so great and I had a hard time maintaining a good eq.
November 20 2016.

After last night's routine my penis was so sore it was not funny. I noticed during the night my morning and night woods returned as normal. I take this as a good [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sign[/words]. This morning I stimulated myself to promote bloodflow in the penis to help him heal a little faster. My erection was not tight but alright. After lasts night's routine I did a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] wrap after my routine to help him heal in a elongated state. My penis was so sore during wrapping I believe it might not be a good Idea for me to wrap ever again. I have change the wrap every 30 minutes and stretch him back out and this to me is another form of penis enlargement. I will not be wrapping after my workouts because my penis feels very sore when doing so.

The glans of my penis is usually beat up after stretches I believe my grip is slipping but I am using baby powder. I noticed some little tiny red spots on my glans last night but today my glans looks fine and normal. I guess he recovered overnight because I was worried a bit. Today my penis feels fine and is in good shape and ready for another workout tonight.

I believe my penis is recovering through the night and this is why he feels better.
Your penis will feel sore after training and wrapping it in [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ace[/words] to keep it elongated is important to the healing cycle. Are you using Hydrocortisone after your training? If it is skin soreness this will fix that issue, if it is internal soreness I would wrap it up.
doublelongdaddy;715302 said:
Your penis will feel sore after training and wrapping it in [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ace[/words] to keep it elongated is important to the healing cycle. Are you using Hydrocortisone after your training? If it is skin soreness this will fix that issue, if it is internal soreness I would wrap it up.

It is internal soreness. I usually do my routine late at night and I usually go to bed in a hour or two after training. Do you think it is okay to stay wrap for at least a hour or two before I unwrap and go to bed?
November 21 2016.

My routine was okay and I can at least better than the day before yesterday. I am glad I took off yesterday. My stretches felt very intense as always. I lost a little concentration when doing stretches do to watching tv. Before I started my jelqing routine I made sure to stimulate myself to a 50% to 60% erection before jelqing. I had to re-stimulate myself at certain times. I guess my grip is so firm because at times and especially the last 10 minutes or so my eq must of drop to 20% . I have to say everything feels good and I am happy. I made sure to re-wrap my unit this time to help him heal in a elongated state.
November 21 2016.

After routine.

I try not to make it a habit but I usually view a little adult entertainment now and then check my PI's. And, I have to say my EQ is alright today.

Another way I like to check my PI's is through my night and morning woods but I will not know nothing until the morning.
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orgasmic19;715434 said:
November 21 2016.

After routine.

I try not to make it a habit but I usually view a little adult entertainment now and then check my PI's. And, I have to say my EQ is alright today.

Another way I like to check my PI's is through my night and morning woods but I will not know nothing until the morning.

The smallest amount of adult entertainment, the better. Use it for what you need and do not dwell in it.
November 22 2016.

Routine is done for tonight. I did 30 minutes of stretches but I am ashamed to say again I lost concentration again do to watching tv again. I guarantee you that my next workout I will definitely turn back to the television and focus on my stretches and jelqs more. Stretches feels so intense almost like I am ripping my dick off.

As for jelq I made sure to stimulate myself before jelqs. My start EQ was good but there where times I had re stimulate myself to a good erection quality. My eq drop fast and I believe it must be because of my tight grip. My EQ must drop to 10% to 20% at times but I usually continue my jelqs any way but it still frustrates me because of the drop of EQ when jelqing and I have to re stimulate myself to a good EQ at times or continue with 20% jelqs.
orgasmic19;715554 said:
November 22 2016.

Routine is done for tonight. I did 30 minutes of stretches but I am ashamed to say again I lost concentration again do to watching tv again. I guarantee you that my next workout I will definitely turn back to the television and focus on my stretches and jelqs more. Stretches feels so intense almost like I am ripping my dick off.

As for jelq I made sure to stimulate myself before jelqs. My start EQ was good but there where times I had re stimulate myself to a good erection quality. My eq drop fast and I believe it must be because of my tight grip. My EQ must drop to 10% to 20% at times but I usually continue my jelqs any way but it still frustrates me because of the drop of EQ when jelqing and I have to re stimulate myself to a good EQ at times or continue with 20% jelqs.

If adult entertainment is not helping with keeping the eq high, or you just do not want to expose yourself to adult entertainment I suggest you get your hands on some Viagra to supplement to girth work. TV should also help during stretching, as stretching is a no brainer, stretching while watching a show or movie can really help time fly.
doublelongdaddy;715570 said:
TV should also help during stretching, as stretching is a no brainer, stretching while watching a show or movie can really help time fly.

That's what I always do, helps with multitasking
a fine and comfortable couch while watching good stuff,Definitely gotta hit the lotto want to build my own PE gym :):cool:lol
Viagara sounds quite interestiing,gotta try that someday:slol
LONGERDICK7+;715744 said:
a fine and comfortable couch while watching good stuff,Definitely gotta hit the lotto want to build my own PE gym :):cool:lol
Viagara sounds quite interestiing,gotta try that someday:slol

I'll try it when I'm dead. I've been getting better EQ recently hot damn!
kyomoto;715780 said:
I'll try it when I'm dead. I've been getting better EQ recently hot damn!

Yeshua its for soft old PTSD weenies not a black templar disciple of the penus gods
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