December 16 2016.
Start Time - 10:00am.
5 minute warm up.
5 minutes of bundled stretches.
15 minutes of basic stretches.
1 minute of kegels.
Bundled stretches were not so good and I believe my grip was off a bit. So basically I skipped bundles and went on to basic stretches.
As for basic stretches they went well and no complaints, but I believe I need better intensity and on the plus side I also can feel the stretch in certain areas of the penis without having to pull so hard.
Upward stretches I can still feel a bundled of skin stretching when doing these stretches.
Start Time - 12:00pm.
Bath - Warm Up.
15 minutes of basic stretches.
1 minute of kegels.
Okay stretches went well again but I believe I might need more intensity.
One [words=]TiTan[/words] pill at - 1:00pm and another at 11:00pm.
I am skipping girth today.
Start Time - 10:00am.
5 minute warm up.
5 minutes of bundled stretches.
15 minutes of basic stretches.
1 minute of kegels.
Bundled stretches were not so good and I believe my grip was off a bit. So basically I skipped bundles and went on to basic stretches.
As for basic stretches they went well and no complaints, but I believe I need better intensity and on the plus side I also can feel the stretch in certain areas of the penis without having to pull so hard.
Upward stretches I can still feel a bundled of skin stretching when doing these stretches.
Start Time - 12:00pm.
Bath - Warm Up.
15 minutes of basic stretches.
1 minute of kegels.
Okay stretches went well again but I believe I might need more intensity.
One [words=]TiTan[/words] pill at - 1:00pm and another at 11:00pm.
I am skipping girth today.