I guess I am going to post a dick pic just for fun and nothing fancy. This has no relation to PE as far as I am concerned or it might. If any of you are worried thats vaseline on the first and last pic.
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orgasmic19;715805 said:
I guess I am going to post a dick pic just for fun and nothing fancy. This has no relation to PE as far as I am concerned or it might. If any of you are worried thats vaseline on the first and last pic.

Same upward angle with mine. Banana
orgasmic19;715805 said:
I guess I am going to post a dick pic just for fun and nothing fancy. This has no relation to PE as far as I am concerned or it might. If any of you are worried thats vaseline on the first and last pic.

I was about to say why you always ejaculating for your pics lmao

templnite;715781 said:
Yeshua its for soft old PTSD weenies not a black templar disciple of the penus gods

Yeah I don't plan on using that shit when I got kegels for life. All natty
Hey, guys I have been doing PE for a month and two weeks now. I have recently became very lazy and took a week off of PE. I will start my routine back up tomorrow. Do you think I am safe as far as PE is concerned?
Thanks for the replies. I noticed I developed a old bad habit since I took this week off from PE.

I have been doing good with little to no adult entertainment use and masturbation when performing PE, but since I had a week off to myself I have been masturbating to adult entertainment like crazy.

I am still a young man in his early 20's and I have been trying to get rid of this terrible habit for sometime. Any tips to help me quite adult entertainment addiction?
Since having a week of PE I noticed I became very lazy. I also have been masterubating more often to adult entertainment which is a bad habit I need to quit. I also feel like 6" BPEL is good enough for me at the moment. To tell the truth I believe I did not give penis enlargement a chance, but I feel like giving up the road to PE for now. I did learn a lot from PE and I know there is a lot more that I could of learned. For now I just don't feel up to doing it anymore. I have a feeling of probably returning to PE some time in the near future but for now I just don't feel up to it.

I like to think you all for your support and patience.
orgasmic19;716111 said:
Since having a week of PE I noticed I became very lazy. I also have been masterubating more often to adult entertainment which is a bad habit I need to quit. I also feel like 6" BPEL is good enough for me at the moment. To tell the truth I believe I did not give penis enlargement a chance, but I feel like giving up the road to PE for now. I did learn a lot from PE and I know there is a lot more that I could of learned. For now I just don't feel up to doing it anymore. I have a feeling of probably returning to PE some time in the near future but for now I just don't feel up to it.

I like to think you all for your support and patience.

Maybe you need to take some time off to reflect on things and sort it all out. I will keep your spot open and vacant knowing you will return. In the time that we do not see you may the grace and kindness of Jesus be upon you. I will keep you in my prayers. It has been a pleasure to become one of your Brothers!
orgasmic19;716111 said:
For now I just don't feel up to doing it anymore. I have a feeling of probably returning to PE some time in the near future but for now I just don't feel up to it.

Once a Brother, always a Brother! Strength, discipline and dedication take time and effort to develop...expect a few bumps along the road (turn them into challenges to be conquered!)
Big Schwanz Acht;716381 said:
Once a Brother, always a Brother! Strength, discipline and dedication take time and effort to develop...expect a few bumps along the road (turn them into challenges to be conquered!)

:) great statements
Big Schwanz Acht;716381 said:
Once a Brother, always a Brother! Strength, discipline and dedication take time and effort to develop...expect a few bumps along the road (turn them into challenges to be conquered!)

Ain't that the truth!
After taking at least two weeks off from PE I got thought urge to continue where I left off. I guess what really made me jealous was seeing other guys with bigger dicks than myself. After all I just want a healthier and bigger dick.

Start Date: 10-10-16.

Warm Up - 5 Minutes.

Exercise #1. (For length).
Basic Stretch - 5 Minutes.

Exercise #2. (PC-MUSCLE).
kegels - 30 Seconds.

Exercise #3. (For Girth).
The "Wet" Jelq - 10 Minutes.

Add 5 minutes every week until I reach 30 minutes of stretches and jelqs.

My Current Routine.

I will continue where I left off after a two week break.

Warm Up - 5 Minutes.

Exercise #1. (For length).
Basic Stretch - 30 Minutes.

Exercise #2. (PC-MUSCLE).
kegels - One Minute.

Exercise #3. (For Girth).
The "Wet" Jelq - 30 Minutes.

Long-term Goal: 7/7.5 Inches. Girth: 5.5 Inches.

Start Date: 10-10-16.
BPEL: 6".
NBPEL: 4 and 3/4.
BPFLS: 6 and 1/4.
MEG: 4 and 1/4.

11-10-16: Re-Measurements
BPEL: 6".
NBPEL: 5".
BPFLS: 6 and 1/2.
MEG: 4 and 11/16.

I will add two weeks to my original start date. 01-20-16: 3 month deadline.
Hey, guys I know this must be beginner questions but I usually have a bad EQ after a training session. I mean by that I can't get it up.

PE and fatigue

I know a lot of guys don't talk penis fatigue after a good workout but I would like your thoughts on this subject?

If your penis is fatigue after a workout will you still gain? Is fatigue and bad thing? What is commonly associated with penile fatigue after a workout?

Is internal soreness part of being fatigue?

I noticed after my workout my dick is usually beat and I find it hard to achieve an erection is this normal?

I know of other guys who have a great EQ after there workout?

My penis usually recovers through the night and is back to normal the next day.
orgasmic19;716648 said:
Hey, guys I know this must be beginner questions but I usually have a bad EQ after a training session. I mean by that I can't get it up.

PE and fatigue

I know a lot of guys don't talk penis fatigue after a good workout but I would like your thoughts on this subject?

If your penis is fatigue after a workout will you still gain? Is fatigue and bad thing? What is commonly associated with penile fatigue after a workout?

Is internal soreness part of being fatigue?

I noticed after my workout my dick is usually beat and I find it hard to achieve an erection is this normal?

I know of other guys who have a great EQ after there workout?

My penis usually recovers through the night and is back to normal the next day.

Gains will come regardless of fatigue. Fatigue will just change how much of an erection quality and how frequently and easily you can gain an erection. It won't affect your size in terms of gains. Fatigue is a very general term so yes we also use it to represent internal soreness. It's definitely normal to find it hard to achieve an erection unless you're doing girth work. Remember practice kegels often.
I wouldn't be overly concerned about your EQ after a hard/extended work-out...hopefully you're still having erections during sleep...this is where oxygenated blood will help repair/restore whatever you've exercised and also help in gaining. The more you can stay elongated, the better...so after a workout put on a CR and keep that stretch as long as possible
Take advantage of fatigue! If you are in an extended state of fatigue it can greatly benefit your length gains through flaccid stretching, [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] use, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words], hanging, etc. whatever the length exercise, the more fatigue the better.
December 5 2016.

Okay, today I started with a 5 minute warm up and 5 minutes of bundled stretches. After bundled stretches I went straight to basic stretches for 30 minutes. Basic stretches went well but I usually have a lot of skin drag when doing upward stretches.

Once I finished all my stretches I did 30 minutes of wet jelqs. When performing jelqs I usually use a firm overhand ok grip to push the maximum blood flow through the penis and I also make sure my jelqing strokes are slow as possible. When performing jelqs my EQ went down as usual and kegels did not seem to help but once I used a regular ok grip with one second strokes my EQ went up to a 100 percent.

I am now from on will be performing jelqs with a one second stroke. I noticed more skin drag when doing a 100 percent erect jelqs but this really does not bug me that much.

The only concern I have is I noticed pre-cum when jelqing and plus I am scared of accidently ejaculating. I was going to do a short edging session to promote blood flow but now I am probably not going to edge since doing 100 percent erect jelqs.

I still want to do edging session after my jelqs but I am worried.

Warm Up - 5 Minutes.

Exercise #1. (For Length).
Bundled Stretch - 5 Minutes.

Exercise #2. (For Length).
Basic Stretch - 30 Minutes.

Exercise #3. (PC-MUSCLE).
kegels - One Minute.

Exercise #4. (For Girth).
The "Wet" Jelq - 30 Minutes.
Pre-cum is natural in jelqing, edging, or any other girth exercise that requires and erection. The challenge here is to stave off that orgasm and last as long as you can. Pre-cum will happen but loss of erection will not happen until there is an orgasm. I would also advise you to eventually get into the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SlowSquashJelq[/words] instead of the Jelq, just a much better girth exercise.
doublelongdaddy;716983 said:
Pre-cum is natural in jelqing, edging, or any other girth exercise that requires and erection. The challenge here is to stave off that orgasm and last as long as you can. Pre-cum will happen but loss of erection will not happen until there is an orgasm. I would also advise you to eventually get into the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SlowSquashJelq[/words] instead of the Jelq, just a much better girth exercise.

It gets annoying but just let it dry up or clean yourself up. Personally best to edge or jelq in the shower since you're already cleaning yourself there.
Original start date: 10-10-16.

Warm Up - 5 Minutes.

Exercise #1. (For length).
Basic Stretch - 5 Minutes.

Exercise #2. (PC-MUSCLE).
kegels - 30 Seconds.

Exercise #3. (For Girth).
The "Wet" Jelq - 10 Minutes.


Start Date: December 5 2016.

Warm Up - 5 Minutes.

Exercise #1. (For Length).
Bundled Stretch - 5 Minutes.

Exercise #2. (For Length).
Basic Stretch - 30 Minutes.

Exercise #3. (PC-MUSCLE).
kegels - One Minute.

Exercise #4. (For Girth).
Upward "Erect" Jelq - 30 Minutes.

Saturday/Sunday = Release.

Long-term Goal: 7/7.5 Inches. Girth: 5.5 Inches.

Start Date: 10-10-16.
BPEL: 6".
NBPEL: 4 and 3/4.
BPFLS: 6 and 1/4.
MEG: 4 and 1/4.

11-10-16: Re-Measurements
BPEL: 6".
NBPEL: 5".
BPFLS: 6 and 1/2.
MEG: 4 and 11/16.

I did a month and two weeks of PE before taking a two week break. This time I added 5 minutes of bundled stretches and erect jelqs with a cockring for better expansion. Originally my jelqs where done semi-erect with a firm overhand grip to push the maximum blood flow through the penis. I noticed after stretches my penis is so fatigue I have a hard time maintaining a good EQ when doing regular jelqs. I will be performing erect jelqs with one second jelqing strokes for better expansion. The cockring will not only aid in expansion but less skin drag as well and not to mention better EQ.

Stretches will be left alone with the addition of adding bundled stretches to the routine clockwise and counterclockwise for 5 minutes straight out. Each stretch will be performed in a flaccid manner including basic stretches. I will be performing all stretches siting down except kegels and erect jelqs.

This time I will make sure to do 5 days on and two days rest and nothing more.
Rock-on Bro! My best advice is to keep your routine fun and interesting...I know in my case that if my attention isn't engaged, boredom can sink-in and destroy the entire session. PE should be something you look forward to every day...if it isn't, do whatever you have to so it is
December 6 2016.

Okay, stretches went well, but erect jelqs felt okay today. When doing erect jelqs with a cockring my expansion felt alright. I was distributed and nearly got caught by my parents trying to come in my room.

In the beginning I was using a nice grip to push the maximum blood flow, but I eventually had to lighten up my grip especially once I used two rubber cockring's when jelqing.

I eventually had to use one ring because I felt like I was jelqing through rock sheets and I really had to lighten my grip a lot when jelqing, and not to mention kegels helped with better expansion.

The good news is my flaccid is much thicker than before and I mean thick.
Do think erect jelqs will stop length gains?

any tips when jelqing erect because I am llittle scared to tell you the truth?
orgasmic19;717097 said:
Do think erect jelqs will stop length gains?

any tips when jelqing erect because I am llittle scared to tell you the truth?

I think that erect jelqing will help length gains as well as girth.
Okay, decided to split up my routine into two parts like girth in the morning and length at night with 4 days on and 3 days Off.

Morning - Girth: The "Wet" Jelq - 30 minutes.

4 days on and 3 days Off.

Night - Length: Penis Stretch - 35 minutes.
I also decided to do the regular jelqs with a semi-erect penis instead of doing erect jelqs. The reason I don't want to do erect jelqs is because I am worried about creating a massive injury, and plus it feels like I am cutting through rock sheet when doing erect jelqs.
orgasmic19;717298 said:
I also decided to do the regular jelqs with a semi-erect penis instead of doing erect jelqs. The reason I don't want to do erect jelqs is because I am worried about creating a massive injury, and plus it feels like I am cutting through rock sheet when doing erect jelqs.

Are you not using a oil or lube of some kind while jelqing?
I use vaseline when jelqing but I decide to do erect jelqs anyway but with more caution

- - - Updated - - -

December 8 2016.

Okay, today I just finished my jelqs and my expansion was looking good. I was going to do regular jelqs with a semi-erect penis but instead I did erect jelqs with a cockring after I said I was not.

I first started to do regular jelqs but when performing jelqs with a low EQ my penis was expanding and looking bigger and harder.

This gave me the thought of maybe erect jelqs work or something along those lines. I mean without a cockring my girth looks massive then normal and I felt a tight erection before erect jelqs.

I did take yesterday off to recover so I don't know if this contributed or what.

I would like to know if it is okay to skip my warm up for jelqs as long as I warm up for stretches?

Tonight I will do my stretches and kegels.
December 8 2016.

After doing erect jelqs my flaccid hang is much thicker than normal. After a few hours my penis feels very sensitive and highly aroused after jelqs. I kind of wish I was doing work sets from the start of my routine for instance girth work early in the day and length at night. I noticed when jelqing a little more pre-cum but this does not bother me at all and actually I find it sexy. I personally think by using one second jelqing strokes my expansion is better but at times the head of my glans feels like popping off. Sometimes I will switch to two second jelqing strokes during erect jelqing but one second seems to be the sweet spot.

Stretches went well. As for bundled stretches I can barley feel the stretch, and while bundling I can feel some of my scrotum skin get twisted as well. Basic stretches went alright but I believe the intensity could of been better. The head of my glans looked beat up again. I did all my stretches standing, but I usually feel like stretching straight out and down feel more intense when performing these stretches siting. When standing up stretches to the left, right and up feel better than sitting but I did all my stretches standing today.

Here is my routine

Early in the day: Upward "Erect" Jelq.

4 Days On and 3 days Off - Monday, Tuesday, OFF, Thursday, Friday, OFF, OFF.

Late at night: Bundled Stretch & Basic Stretch.

I am also planning on doing a few light piss pulls in between sets. I will not be doing [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ace[/words] wrap as plan because I go straight to bed after stretches and I am worried about blood circulation.

For now on I will do kegels with helicopter shakes after stretches to help blood flow and recovery.
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orgasmic19;717295 said:
Okay, decided to split up my routine into two parts like girth in the morning and length at night with 4 days on and 3 days Off.

Morning - Girth: The "Wet" Jelq - 30 minutes.

4 days on and 3 days Off.

Night - Length: Penis Stretch - 35 minutes.

Sounds good. For me it was the other way around, I did length am and girth pm. My reasons were that since I am so tired in the morning it would be best to do length than as length takes no real focus, simply grab and stretch with all your might. On the other hand, for myself, girth made the most sense at night because I was awake and aware making it easy to concentrate and focus on the girth work (which takes plenty of focus) but also, to have sex when I was at y thickest, right after girth work. This of course was when I had a girl and I was very active in training.
PI's feel great after stretches. After performing stretches my penis is beat but a few hours in the night my night and morning woods are back.
December 9 2016.

Just finished erect jelqs and my flaccid is much thicker. I noticed when jelqing with a heavy grip my penis goes limp. When jelqing with a light grip my expansion is better and better. For now on I will be performing one second jelqing strokes for better expansion as well. I usually perform kegels when jelqing for better expansion. I also believe the cockring helps out a lot but I could be over exaggerating.
orgasmic19;717436 said:
Do you guy's know how to prevent scrotum skin getting in the way of stretches?

Many suggest just pulling back on that skin with one hand and just stretch with the other hand.
December 9 2016.

Just finished stretches. I can barley feel any stretch when doing bundles. As for basic stretches my penis is very sore and I believe I am having skin soreness as well when pulling. I did some of my stretches standing up part of the time and the other half siting down. Certain stretches I can feel better by standing and other by sitting.
orgasmic19;717527 said:
December 9 2016.

Just finished stretches. I can barley feel any stretch when doing bundles. As for basic stretches my penis is very sore and I believe I am having skin soreness as well when pulling. I did some of my stretches standing up part of the time and the other half siting down. Certain stretches I can feel better by standing and other by sitting.

You really don't feel bundle stretching? Are you twisting enough?

orgasmic19;717540 said:
Do you think I should do a light stretching routine on my days off for 5 minutes ?

Yes, do as much light stretching possible for light days.
kyomoto - You really don't feel bundle stretching? Are you twisting enough?

No I can't feel the stretch and as for twisting I try to twist much as possible.
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I decided to masterubate today and my EQ is suffering even on a off day. I could not get hard as I usually get.

I also have been doing 30 minutes of stretches and I would like to cut this time in half to at least 15 minutes of stretches. I mean 30 minutes leave my dick very sore and take a lot of my time up as well. Do you think it's okay or would this stop me from gaining if I decided to cut time in half?
Besides having a poor EQ and soreness after stretches I decided to measure my bone pressed flaccid stretch. I remember DLD saying something along the lines on how BPFLS will eventually convert to erect gains. I was going to cut my 30 minutes of basic stretches to 15 minutes but I don't know if this will be counterproductive or what.

I measured my BPFLS today and to my astonishment it looks like I gained a few.

My original BPFLS - BPFLS: 6 and 1/2.

Today's measurement - 6 and 3/4.

My question is simple how many times should I measure my BPFLS and GIRTH to check progress?

And, should I leave my stretches alone and not cut them back?
orgasmic19;717637 said:
Besides having a poor EQ and soreness after stretches I decided to measure my bone pressed flaccid stretch. I remember DLD saying something along the lines on how BPFLS will eventually convert to erect gains. I was going to cut my 30 minutes of basic stretches to 15 minutes but I don't know if this will be counterproductive or what.

I measured my BPFLS today and to my astonishment it looks like I gained a few.

My original BPFLS - BPFLS: 6 and 1/2.

Today's measurement - 6 and 3/4.

My question is simple how many times should I measure my BPFLS and GIRTH to check progress?

And, should I leave my stretches alone and not cut them back?

Check girth after every session to be sure you show expansion. This is not an official measurement, due to swelling, but it is an indicator that expansion is happening, thus girth is being built on. Flaccid-Stretched, Bone-Pressed should be watched weekly, this, again, is an indicator of future gains. Now the best way to sure these gains up is to get in as much erect stretching as you can. Also follow the healing portions of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] with all you have, these are the steps that will convert.
December 12 2016.

I decided to split my stretches in half instead of doing 30 minutes of basic stretches. I also decided to do 15 minutes of stretches in the morning and mid day and it still comes out to 30 minutes of stretches and girth at night with a cockring.

1. Start time - 10:30 am
30 minutes of edging.

Just finished a 30 minute edging session but I must confess a little adult entertainment was in use at the time but nothing to drastic. I was going to do stretches after edging, but I noticed often my penis is sometimes a little plumped after a good edging session. I will start my stretches at 2pm today.

2. Start time - 2:30pm
5 minutes warm up.
5 minutes of bundled stretches.
15 minutes of basic stretches.
1 minute of kegels.

Bundled stretches felt good today and I believe I got a better twist and pull than my previous attempts. I did 15 minutes of basic stretches with complete force and concentration. I just put on an [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ace[/words] wrap and everything is going well.

I have been taking the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ace[/words] wrap off every time I have to go pee and I usually do a couple of helicopter shakes to promote blood flow because of discoloration or loss of blood. I eventually had to take the wrap off because of loss of blood flow and plus my penis looks darker in color. I think I will probably never wrap every again.

3. Start time - 6:30 pm
5 minute warm up.
15 minutes of basic stretches.
1 minute of kegels.

Just finished stretches again everything is going well I don't feel as fatigue as when I used to do all the stretches in one session. I just hate having skin drag when doing upward stretches.

4. Start time - 10:30pm
30 minutes of Erect jelqs.

Just finished erect jelqs with a cockring and all can say wow. The first minutes of jelqing I noticed little red spots on the head of my glans.

I starting jelqing as normal with one second jelqing strokes and light grip but my expansion was terrible. My EQ kept on dropping and getting worse and worse.

The last 5 minutes of jelqing my expansion went off the roof, and I mean I could feel every little vain and ridge on my dick. It almost felt like my veins were going to pop. I had to slow down my jelqing strokes tremendously and use a light grip at the same time pointing my you dick Upward for more expansion.

GIRTH EXPANSION: 4 and 13/16.
BPFLS: 6 and 3/4.
Perhaps switch from the Jelq to the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SlowSquashJelq[/words] and you will eliminate any spotting at the glans. The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words] does not push blood into the glans, it keeps the blood pressure from just below the head to the base. When you compress your hands they are coming together so the blood is pushed away from the head and into the shaft.
December 13 2016.

Start Time - 10:30pm.
5 minute warm up.
5 minutes of bundled stretches.
15 minutes of basic stretches.
1 minute of kegels.

Stretches went well, but I did not get a good enough stretch because dick is still sore from yesterday.

Start Time - 12:30pm.
15 minutes of basic stretches.
1 minute of kegels.

Okay, I took a warm bath and after I got out the bath I went straight into basic stretches. My stretches were terrible all I could feel is soreness and I believe I am experiencing skin soreness.

After stretches I did a couple of helicopter shakes to promote blood flow.

Start Time - 11:00pm.
The Erect jelq.

Jelqing started okay, but I could not maintain a good enough EQ when performing jelqs. It was like 8 minutes in my EQ raised and dropped and raised again.

It looks like doing kegels helped bring up my erection quality, but it wasn't until I started thinking sexual thoughts my EQ went up to a baseball bat again. It looks like thinking in a sexual mindset helped out my EQ tremendously and this is something I usually don't do with PE in general. I guess a couple of fantasies don't hurt.
Looking good. The Kegels are ding what they are meant to do and I am happy you are seeing this. I would still like you to try the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SlowSquashJelq[/words] when you get the time.
December 15 2016.

Start Time - 6:30pm.
5 minute warm up.
5 bundled stretches.
15 minutes of basic stretches.
1 minute of kegels.

Stretches went well, but I can barley feel any intensity when doing basic stretches. I can feel some intensity, but not where I would like it to be at.

Start Time - 8:30pm.
5 minute warm up.
15 minutes of basic stretches.
1 minute of kegels.

I can tell that my unit is sore from my previous stretches, and once I began doing basic stretches again the soreness set in.

The stretches went well, but I do believe my grip is slipping a bit and I might need to invest in some gloves or something for better grip.

As for stretching upwards towards my belly button I noticed more skin drag every time. I would like to know if I should replace this stretch with something different or continue and make the best of it?

Start Time - 11:30pm.
[words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]Slow Squash jelq[/words].

Okay, I spent some time messing around with this exercise and noticed a big expansion. But, what scares me is bending my penis in the middle might lead to tunica injury.

I am not sure if I am doing this exercise right but what I am basically doing is getting almost 90% erect and I grab the base of my penis.

With the hand at the base I jelq up about inch and with the other hand I press down or side to side on my glans. I noticed by pressing down into my other hand I can feel my penis pushing in my body.

Am I doing this exercise right and how long should I do it? And, how can I tell if am getting the maximum expansion each time or should I measure at the end of this girth exercise? Can you do this exercise at a 100% erection quality?

As for the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Titan[/words] pills is it okay to do stretches at 11:00pm and then take one pill at 1:00pm, And Could I take one pill 30 minutes before girth work to help EQ and girth work?
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Try a different version of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SlowSquashJelq[/words], instead of crushing against the head grip just below the head and compress from there in a straight line. No bending involved and expansion is even better for some.
doublelongdaddy;718219 said:
Try a different version of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SlowSquashJelq[/words], instead of crushing against the head grip just below the head and compress from there in a straight line. No bending involved and expansion is even better for some.

So compress in a straight line like pushing my penis inside my body?
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  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
  • Quote
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!