koooky said:
I'm with that. I think if soneone has a legit beef with someone, they cab be a man about it, say whats on their mind while being respectful, and then get it cleared up. If it gets to personal, then people should take it to PM's instead of hijacking a thread.
I have no problem with legitimate, constructive advice for my members and myself but members who want to try to be slick and make subtle comments that are meant to hurt and not help need to realize I am 10 steps ahead of them and I never sleep. I will not stand for any negativity and don't get it twisted, this goes for everyone of my members (this is not just personal). If anyone fucks with my members in any way I see as destructive I will not only ban you, I will eliminate EVERY ONE OF YOUR POSTS.
[words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] is now about positive energy only, if you want to bring people down go to another forum. If you have a problem with me, you know where I live, come and visit and we can deal with it like grown men.
I spent allot of years earning my place in this community, I have proven myself beyond any other man in Penis Enlargement...Penis EnlargementRIOD. I sacrificed allot to get [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] to where it is today. I have worked with thousands of men, for free, for many years. I started this thing from nothing and today I feel I have earned the right to ask for a little bit of respect for my members and myself.
I endured the attempted lynching of doublelongdaddy by my adversaries at Thundersplace, a very traceable, real experience. You see when I was going to start [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] I was supported, encouraged and advised on my new venture by Thunder himself. With the help of him and his moderators I was encouraged to make the site. I was encouraged to do something big with Men's Health and I set out to do so. I started a thread at Thundersplace announcing my plans. I was supported by each and everyone of those back stabbing fucks. I was supported by Thunder himself, he is the one who told me that a $50.00 membership was a fair price. I had so much more I was going to do with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], so many plans that were cauterized by Thunder and his pathetic lynch-men.
You may be wondering how this happened, if this is the truth, if I am making these things up but I tell you these things are very true. If anyone of the people want to deny it I have every single thread, from the moderators forum that was made about me, in private, without my knowledge, while they were supposedly supporting me. The entire time they were pretending to help me they were talking in private about how they planned on stopping my attempts and discrediting me. I hope they deny this as I would love to snitch on the moderators that allowed me access to the mod forum and I would love to expose Thunders private messages to me, messages that were in complete contradiction to the evil things he said about me in his hidden, wimpy mod forum (like a punk kid at school who talks shit when your not around, totally, fucking soft). A forum where he felt protected by a seemingly private place but little did he know I was watching the entire time, taking screen shots...the whole while every fucking dream I had was getting crushed.
This dream was strangled by a forum who turned on me, essentially lied to themselves as the same motherfuckers who gained with my exercises, people who posted their praise of my innovations and the measured gains they made...these same people came back and said that my work was useless and I was a con man.
What I trully believe is that Thunder really believed, when I was planning [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], that I was a pathetic, OCD, loser that would not stand a chance in the web-world so he encouraged me, and encouragement that was ill fated and without any real belief. When he saw that there was a huge potential, a potential that is fully evident in this thread about my departure:
WHEN I SAID GOODBYE TO THUNDERSPLACE When he realized that I just might make it he was swift with his sword, a sword made from solid envy.
We, us, this community of underdogs, a community they had destined for failure. I wonder how they feel today seeing that we not only survived their evil, we prospered.
The only reason we did prosper is because I never lied, I always was honest in my work and pure in my intentions. Anyone can trace me back to my first post in the Penis Enlargement world and I am the same man today, nothing changed but the numbers on the Range (Rover)
I never needed to worry about money, I never needed is period, I always hated it and even today I carry no money. As I have stated, EVERY Penis EnlargementNNY I MAKE GOES INTO THE FURTHER ADVANCEMENT OF MEN'S HEALTH.
I released [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] with a mediocre site, something I was only partly proud of, something that was incomplete and lacked the encapsulation of the full scope of my ideas around Men's Health. My full dream was not realized, I had so much more, so many other things I never let anyone know because of the trauma I felt from a group of people I believed truly loved and supported me.
Today is a new day, a new time and I am a new person. I will realize the full scope of my dreams and it will happen with this site and the assistance of my newest brainchild ALPHABLADE. If people were impressed with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] member-site, prepare yourself for something that will blow your minds.
The loser, heroin addict, ocd, 8th grade drop out is back on the scene, crispy and clean and I will drop some shit that will rock the entire health world. I have been working on this my entire life and I will no longer allow anyone to stop me from my mission, giving my members the best experience of their lives. The underdog got his own place now, no fear of rivals, AB and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] will reflect this.
New day people, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] is + not – My members will not be abused any longer. The only way we can grow is when we can believe and the only way we can believe is in a safe, positive, honest place.
Don't fuck with my property or you will be schooled.
If you want to see what DLD Blasters meant to Thundersplace simply do a search on their forum for DLD Blasters. Your mind WILL be blown.
I had to manually go through the forum there to get these threads as I was banned from the forum and I can not use the search function but I felt it necessary to prove my point. Look through some of these threads, look through every thread I made there, you will really be amazed at how all of this could have ever happened.
My Invention of the A-Stretch at Thundersplace
My Innovations in Gain Stalls on Thundersplace
My Attemps to Introduce Mental Penis Enlargement to Thudersplace
DLD I got Results!
Birthday Wishes for DLD from Thunder and Pals
My Attemps to Get Thudersplace to Invent Exercise SOmething that was very rare until I came on the scene.
Keep in mind, while looking at these threads, I was attacked when I first brought erect exercise to the community. I was told it was wrong and it would not work...Damn, where would we be today without Erect Exercise?
The introduction to Erect Exercise at Thudersplace
DLD Bends Thread Converted to Spanish by the forum that said it was wrong, done after my departure
I could go on forever but I have men who need my help, something that took priority over exposing these fucks for what they really are but there will be no more holding back, if I feel disrespected or I feel like any of my members are I will stop it.
Mike (DLD)