Hey all, Just wanted to know how everyone's workout routines are going and what they consist of. Here's mine in a lot of detail. Looking forward to hearing from other members so I can gain knowledge and add stuff to my arsenal.
1. Warm-up with shower or warm wash clothe with 5 min. of light [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]. If using wash-clothe I stretch and pull at my ligs, also I throw in a T-health massage and ball stretch.
2. 1 set of DLD's newbie stretch routine with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words]. Today I discovered that you can do lazy ass stretches with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words]!!! Jeeez those were stupid intense =O, I'm in stretch heaven, is there anything the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] can't do lol?
3. (Optional) After I take off the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] I do BlueWhales lig stretch, a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]powerassist[/words] stretch or two, and maybe a mandingo stretch for good measure, all while I still have the theraband on from coming out of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words].
4. I then warm-up again and use the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words], I might do a few sets 20 min. x 3 sets at the most. I did that today and got a great workout. My method changed a little, Instead of doing it in the tub all the time which is hard for me. I fill up a bucket of water in my room to fill it up, put the vaseline on the seal, shake the air bubbles out and get in on quickly while I'm still erect and pump gently instead of hard because the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] seems to lose pressure when I pump hard all the way so I pump about half way and I get amazing pressure. I did this today and I got the best suction yet, it even hurt It was sucking so hard this is what I was looking for and I got it. Last I sit on my computer chair with a heating pad over my lap while I have the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] on and put on a nice adult entertainment. Today was best [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] session I yet. =) Extremely pleased with the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words].
5. Now I lube up and do [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s mixed with regular Jelqs for 20-30 minutes.
6. After that do about 10-15 min. of erect kegels. To do these I made a rubberband cock ring as shown on youtube, then I attached a padlock to the smaller loop. I then slip the bigger loop onto my shaft and do weighted erect kegels.
7. Warm-down, I usually just use the heat pad.
8. At night before bed I do pillow foaffers mixed with nice hard intense kegels with a pillow tucked between my legs. Once in a while I might listen to some Penis Enlargement hypnosis that I found from this site as well to relax.
Every time I urinate I do about 3 kegels and some JAI stretches. Also I will soon be incorporating hanging with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] into my routine to gain length but I will probably need to do it a separate time of day and call it a second workout with 5 min. of [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] in between hanging sets. Things I want to get for the future is the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SG[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words], and a ball weight. I might have forgot some small things but I think I mentioned just about everything. What do you guys think, please feel free to critique, Thank you for reading.
1. Warm-up with shower or warm wash clothe with 5 min. of light [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]. If using wash-clothe I stretch and pull at my ligs, also I throw in a T-health massage and ball stretch.
2. 1 set of DLD's newbie stretch routine with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words]. Today I discovered that you can do lazy ass stretches with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words]!!! Jeeez those were stupid intense =O, I'm in stretch heaven, is there anything the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] can't do lol?
3. (Optional) After I take off the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] I do BlueWhales lig stretch, a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]powerassist[/words] stretch or two, and maybe a mandingo stretch for good measure, all while I still have the theraband on from coming out of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words].
4. I then warm-up again and use the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words], I might do a few sets 20 min. x 3 sets at the most. I did that today and got a great workout. My method changed a little, Instead of doing it in the tub all the time which is hard for me. I fill up a bucket of water in my room to fill it up, put the vaseline on the seal, shake the air bubbles out and get in on quickly while I'm still erect and pump gently instead of hard because the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] seems to lose pressure when I pump hard all the way so I pump about half way and I get amazing pressure. I did this today and I got the best suction yet, it even hurt It was sucking so hard this is what I was looking for and I got it. Last I sit on my computer chair with a heating pad over my lap while I have the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] on and put on a nice adult entertainment. Today was best [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] session I yet. =) Extremely pleased with the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words].
5. Now I lube up and do [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s mixed with regular Jelqs for 20-30 minutes.
6. After that do about 10-15 min. of erect kegels. To do these I made a rubberband cock ring as shown on youtube, then I attached a padlock to the smaller loop. I then slip the bigger loop onto my shaft and do weighted erect kegels.
7. Warm-down, I usually just use the heat pad.
8. At night before bed I do pillow foaffers mixed with nice hard intense kegels with a pillow tucked between my legs. Once in a while I might listen to some Penis Enlargement hypnosis that I found from this site as well to relax.
Every time I urinate I do about 3 kegels and some JAI stretches. Also I will soon be incorporating hanging with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] into my routine to gain length but I will probably need to do it a separate time of day and call it a second workout with 5 min. of [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] in between hanging sets. Things I want to get for the future is the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SG[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words], and a ball weight. I might have forgot some small things but I think I mentioned just about everything. What do you guys think, please feel free to critique, Thank you for reading.
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