OK so I havn't really tested my Special jelqs quite well enough jet but I'll just go ahead and post em. P.s These arn't easy to do and they need some time, training and timeing until you do em right.

1. Get an about 70 - 80 Percent erection ( Get an erection and let it go down until the point where you're dick get's flexable. It's hard to explain, i mean exact the point where you're dick goes from rock hard to bendable soft.)

2. Start a Normal Jelq 2 sec. jelq

3. (Now this is the tricky part) When you reach the glans, don't let go but keep on holding the ok grip at the top. At the same time as you reach the top do a strong kegel to push in blood from behind and then do the ok grip at the base with the other hand as if you would be starting a new jelq. (Don't start a new jelq jet, just do the ok grip) Now at this point you should have a nice portion of blood in you're shaft between you're top ok grip and you're bottom ok grip. ( you should feel the expansion pressure in you're shaft at this point, if not you didn't time the kegel right).

4. If you did the first part right then now start pressing the both ok grips towards each other. Realy squash that shaft together for about 5 secounds, but don't hurt you're self!

5. After the 5 sec. squash let the top ok grip at you're glans go. ( Not the Bottom one! )

6. With the bottom ok grip at the base of you're shaft, restart the exercise with that hand.

I said they were hard and you need a few times until you get them right. Belive me especialy with the kegel timeing. All in all it should be a flewent motion that takes about 7 - 10 secs per special jelq.

If you do these right then these are very very intense but they take some time. i usualy do them wet and about 100 - 200 of them. i can do about 10 - 30 in a row and then i have to get back to that special erection level explained in 1. If You are to hard you will hurt you're self or you can't do them properly. If you are to soft you won't get the right engourgemant.

My dick is realy worn out, red and beaten after a session of these.

I wish everybody luck who wants to try these, but like i said They arn't easy and need some practise to get them right.

Nice, the special jelqs sound really cool... almost like a cross between a jelq and a Horse squeeze. I can't wait to try it. They need a name though!
1. I'll call em The GAS Squashing jelq ;P

2. Yeah please try em and tell me what ya think about them

3. Keeping up my routin and hoping for gains ;)

P.s even if i got no time for pe my minimum is 15 mins of clamping a day!

ok due to a lack of time I've decided to completly redo my workout for the next 3 - 4 months. I'm going to try out a tipp i got from a other GAS Member so I'll be completly cutting out my length routine to completly concentrate on girth for now. I decided this because I'm now at a BPenis EnlargementL of 17,6 cm with a girth of 11,5 - 11,7cm. I'm quite happy with my length right now but my Girth is realy something to cry about. Ok so like i have said i havn't got much time at the moment but realy don't want to cut out any girth workout I'll be doing this:

1. warm up
2. 10 mins of clamping
3. 50 - 100 dry jelqs
4. 10 mins of clamping
5. 50 - 100 dry jelq
6. 10 mins of clamping
7. warm down

As you can see i cut out my Special Squash Jelqs, not because they don't work but i just havn't got the nerv and time right now for the time it takes to perform them. Thats why it would make me very happy if some GAS kollegs will try em and tell me how they work for them.

If you got any coments on my routine or help to make it a bit intenser in the same time please feel free to tell me.
And as said I'll be back with my old routine as soon as Possible but for now, my primary goal is in not loosing my Girl because of the lack of time that i have.
My advice:

I would try to do about 200 wet jelqs in between clamps and probably do 300 after your last clamp. The jelqs don't need to be done at high intensity - especially the last ones. Just use an intensity that's comfortable without popping a T-vein. I would make the last 100 jelqs (of the 300 after the last clamp) light. Edging would also be beneficial between clamping sets and before your last "cooldown."

I know the wet jelqs may cause your routine to go over a time limit goal that you have set. I just really feel strongly about incorporating wet jelqs in a routine - especially after clamping or hanging. If you are concerned about time, you can cut the number of wet jelqs between clamps down to 150 and the last set down to 200. You can also increase the speed and decrease the intensity.


thx hoos, I'm doing edging between the clamps anyway but the wet jelqs arn't wha i want right now, thats why i changed to dry jelqs. I find them much more intense. And I'm getting more outa them then from the wet jelqs.
hopful said:
thx hoos, I'm doing edging between the clamps anyway but the wet jelqs arn't wha i want right now, thats why i changed to dry jelqs. I find them much more intense. And I'm getting more outa them then from the wet jelqs.
I understand that you are saying that dry jelqs are more intense for you than wet jelqs and that you are concerned about not gaining enough girth from them. I recommended the wet jelqs between your other exercises because I feel that they assist in realigning tissue and circulation - especially after intense exercises that constrict (clamping) or stretch (hanging). IMHO - They are beneficial in helping you recover enough to hit all the phases in your routine - as well as assisting in recovery for your next session.
i know i should be doing some of em but right now i know that i won't be and befor i don't get to doing any jelqing i rather do dry jelqs. I know you mean it good but wet jelqs just won't happen right now ;) With the dry jelqs edging and squeezes i get a quite good cycalation back after ech clamping.
Keep up those wet jelqs....at least for me they help no only girth, but erection hardness/strength as well.

Keep increasing the number of wet jelqs you do weekly for a while and see how you do.

Keep us updated
Ok here's my ( a bit late ) update.
As you can read in my sig i have lost some gains. :( This is because of a big lack of Penis Enlargement in the last weeks. But right now i don't realy care about that. I've been having a terrible time with my long term girlfriend and we might even be standing befor a break up :(. I havn't been posting much the last days because i just realy need some time right now to get my head clear. I'm just so sad and lost and ohh man i don't really know what to post right now. I just feel like a pile of shit. Anyway to my GAS members please don't be upset with me for not activly taking part alot right now but i just could be sick the hole day long and I'm cinda getting nothing done right right now. well when this all clears up or hell nows what happens I'll be back and working hard again full time, but for now I'm just going to go back to my corner and cry again :(. I'm sorry for letting you guys down right now but I promise i'll be back so don't give me up.

Love you all and cya
Everything will get better. As a wise person once said,"Time heals all wounds." Sometimes, setting a few easy to accomplish daily goals help get over a difficult time. i.e. - take a bath today (can be hard when you're depressed), do 20 pushups, etc. - Then check those items off your list. It will help you feel like you accomplished something and will pass the time as well.

Best Regards,

I was in similar situation(i guess?) a year ago,and i can understand your curent situation.Clear up your thoughts,and emotions than start again,me personaly ain`t going enywhere,i`m staying here,and i guess the most of us GAS soldiers!!!

If you are worried about loosing gains,dont be,when you start up again there will be some newbie gains.
hopful said:
Ok here's my ( a bit late ) update.
As you can read in my sig i have lost some gains. :( This is because of a big lack of Penis Enlargement in the last weeks. But right now i don't realy care about that. I've been having a terrible time with my long term girlfriend and we might even be standing befor a break up :(. I havn't been posting much the last days because i just realy need some time right now to get my head clear. I'm just so sad and lost and ohh man i don't really know what to post right now. I just feel like a pile of shit. Anyway to my GAS members please don't be upset with me for not activly taking part alot right now but i just could be sick the hole day long and I'm cinda getting nothing done right right now. well when this all clears up or hell nows what happens I'll be back and working hard again full time, but for now I'm just going to go back to my corner and cry again :(. I'm sorry for letting you guys down right now but I promise i'll be back so don't give me up.

Love you all and cya

I feel you hopful, I went through the same thing with my X and it is one of the most difficult emotional stresses to get through. I know this will be something you don't want to hear at the moment but I just want to give you my experience so there is a glimmer of hope at the end of this dark tunnel. Time heals all wounds, cliché?, yes, but so true. When I was in the middle of my difficult breakup I hated everything, did not want to do anything, spent my days obsessing about what I could have changed, what I could have done different. Amidst all of this negativity my X-girl started to become much more than she was in my obsessive head, I started to manifest all of the good memories, dispelling all the bad and she looked like a God. This made things worse and I really thought I was going to be stuck in this rut forever. I got out of the rut by getting out of my head. I had to stay busy, do things for myself and most importantly entertain the option of new relationships. Nothing cures a broken heart like a new love. For me it was JEN and today I no longer think about my X. It is like a bad dream I woke up from. Ironically, my X today wants me back in the worst way and I have absolutely NO INTEREST.

Remember that Penis Enlargement is a wonderful escape from the struggles of life.

Keep your head up brother, things will get better.
oh man i feel like a pile of shit right now...... today girl moved out and we broke up.... We decided to take a time of for 2-3 months and then decided if we shall try it again or give it up. We wanted to go apart peacfuly at first but it camelike i thought it would... We had a big fight and left each other without even a good bye.... damn who knows what will happen tomorroww.........
Well, 9 months after breaking up with my girl I'm back again.

2 weeks ago I started a new only girth routine, consisting of a mixture of 250 super intens and well performed jelqs and ulis. For me this is fine at the moment to get back up and started. At the moment all i want is girth, better said, all i want at the moment is a standard 5" girth to go with my 7" length. ( 7" length with 4,25" girth realy looks skinny...).

I've decided only to measure once a month for this new beginning because the last time i was on Penis Enlargement, i only got my self totaly fucked up in the brain measuring everyday. I even started beeing scared to lose 1 mm ( a 30th inch or what)... Anyway, won't do that again ;)

I'll be Posting my stats on the 12th,
Regards to all the people who havn't forgotten me,

ok... i know I'm a day early but i realy felt like measuring today ;)

BPenis EnlargementL="7.125" EG="4.375"

Got a bit of girth... but damn the same in length aswell...
Still, I'll keep to my routine and see what will show up next month.