No kidding

.. I'm 9x6 and maybe the main proponent here of acrobatic length vs pure girth ..
I mean, .. you're right ... to a point ... on most days I'd have your back .. but then you're going waaaaay too far.
{ I'm not sure 'Across The Room' is an actual position.. }
-maybe- around my size, and smaller ... yes ... but you're talking about a size that's bigger than the long-held world's record size held by Falc on. That's not 'versatile', it's so big that he has to do potentially hours of foreplay .. and then take 30 minutes trying to get it hard .. so he can only put some of it in. And (as I read it) he doesn't have a chick or a job because of the way it swamps out everything else in his life. You're wanting to go even bigger.
(again, hope he's not reading, this isn't anything tearing him down, he seems like a great guy, just making an example point...)
As an analogy that might make some sense .. if you were driving a really long distance at 20mph, you'd think "omg this is ridiculous, we're never going to get there". So then you speed your car up 4x to a nice cruising speed of 80mph and think "yeah, this is waaay better, we're making great time now". But then (somehow) .. to make the trip even more quickly .. you speed your car up another 4x (hey it worked before) to 320 mph .. and you think "Omg wtf is going on .. I can't .. Aaagh .. Blargh .. I'm dead."
Things don't just keep scaling. That ramps up really really fast. It's like doubling a penny. For a while it's just 4 cents, and 8 cents, but then out of the blue it's 1,070,000,000 cents. Which, cash is cool. It has a granularity. You can break it up into smaller amounts and spend it on stuff. You can't do that with a dick. It's one single massive pile of a trillion cents to lug around and try to put places.
Is no size 'too far'? Why not shoot for 25 inches? That's even bigger too..
Have you seen The Visualizer site? [
The Visualiser - The Cock Comparison site ]
Plug in some test numbers there (using the "Adjust Size" and "Custom Cock" settings) to see the
rapid escalation in
scale. What seems like 'small' jumps from 8 to 9, .. or from 9 to 10, .. etc, are actually gigantic changes.
If you take average as 6x5 (which is really larger than average) I'm 50% longer than that, and 2.3 times bigger by volume. It's like having 2.3 dicks ...
already. 14 inches is another 5 inches (like five jumps in magnitude) bigger than that.
A 10x6.5 setting already doesn't even seem to be from the same species!
And its largest setting, 12x7.7 (still
inches away from a 14inch goal) looks more like an Arm than a Penis, .. except that an arm doesn't take half an hour to be functional, and most chicks aren't trying to get rammed by a semi-functional arm.
Templnite was like: "Yeah bro if he wants a fourteen incher fuck it let him have one."

It's all academic, brah. Like I said, by the time you get within several inches of 14 you'd see that you're already GIGANTIC, and how bothersome it can be, and how you're already seeing diminishing returns in the way it's positively reacted to. Cabrera and Falc on got to their sizes genetically without being able to stop at a smaller size, which they would have if they could have.
Either way, Go With God. We're getting way off the evening primrose subject, lol ...
post script: there might be (probably is) a rubber dong out there of the size you're thinking. Actually holding that, asking chicks if they'd like to enjoy its versatility, and
trying to wear it around under clothing, would make a point better than any written words could say.