I usually start with DLD blasters and kegels first to fatigue the PC muscles. Here's the link, everybody should do these. http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/...7-dld-blasters-for-ultimate-length-gains.html

I'm hoping this is a new stretch. This is a expressive stretch. What you do is get semi erect to the level of your choice. The higher the erection the more powerful. I like them around 70-90 perent for a more hardcore stretch. I rub baby powder on my penis and hands. Then I grab the deep base of my penis with a overhand grip.I grab firmly and deeply with a ok grip (thumb and index finger digging in the fat pad). Then I bounce my erection up and down with my deep OK grip(not too hard or fast, just enough that I feel a good stretch).Im moving my arm perpendicular up and down to bounce my penis. If my grip slides at all then I squeeze my other hand with a tight OK grip pushing deep into the pubic bone again. let go of the first grip and move just pass the balls if you choose too. I then continue to bounce and pull my dick downwards with the first hand closer to the glans; While the base grip bounces up and down

I mostly bounce down with both hands. I continue to bounce and stretch/jelq downward tell I reach my glans with the first hand. Once I reach the glans I let go and switch grips.
you can do this stretch laying down, standing or sitting down. I also combine these stretches with erect two handed downward stretches. Again be careful go slow and feel the stretch there should be no pain. I believe these two stretches go together well in a erect or semi erect routine.

Be careful not to overdo the stretch. You'll have to feel what gives you a good stretch without hurting yourself. I believe this can be a good supplement to length work.

I got this idea from this link below. Go to the guys second post and just below cow milking(which is normal jelqs) is almost the same stretch using a reverse underhand grip(using one hand to bounce and stretch). Talking about how it stretches the deep ligs. Its a good read as there is some good PC muscle work in it as well. I recommend everbody to read it and I want DLD to read it as well when he gets the chance. I'm wondering if a lot of DLDs kegel work are the same??


Grow that monster brothers!!

P.S. Its important to Picture the inner penis coming out and growing during any stretching.

I will make a video soon..
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acromegaly;646004 said:
Nice, I will try it tonight. Are you pulling lig while doing this or focusing on the jelq?
the goal is to try to pull the ligs. its aimed to be a stretch.You wanna try to avoid the base grip from moving too much. But ya it would be something like a dry jelq with baby powder as the grips slide as you bounce downward . But you wanna keep the grips tight when pulling downward.Let me know how it works out for you.
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Nice new stretch and a great name:) I will include this in my next workout to test it out. Thanks for sharing it!
yup it helps me target internal penis and lower ligaments like DLD blasters at the same time...depending on the direction i am pulling
pogzee;646277 said:
yup it helps me target internal penis and lower ligaments like DLD blasters at the same time...depending on the direction i am pulling

Yup, that what I was thinking too.