I went to my first urologist last November and he told me I had a thrombosed vein and that it would heal on it's own, but it still has not healed.

Then three weeks ago, I go to see second urologist for another opinion and he diagnosed me with sclerosing lymphangitis. He asked me if I did excessive masturbation/sex, I replied yes. I did not want to tell him I used cable clamps while erect to make my penis thicker (guys please don't do this any more, look what happened to me). He told me I harmed my lymph vessel and it is full of some kind of fluid. This is completely different from what my first doctor said, which was a dead vein where the blood had no where to go.

He prescribed me 10 tablets of Naproxen 500mg to be taken every 12 hours after a meal. He said that if my injury didn't heal from that, then more than likely is going to be permanent. Well, I've taken all 10 tablets and I still got the damn thing.

I'll be the first person to tell all of you, DON'T use cable clamps as a pe exercise. You are freaking harming your penis!! I'm a pe veteran, I've been doing this for over 2 years. So this stuff doesn't apply to just newbies. I wish I had a digital camera to take a picture of my injury, but I don't have one. I guess the only solution is through surgery. I'm totally freaked out now. Right now I'm taking 1200mg (6 capsules taken twice a day) of Advil a day and 600mg of Niacin a day. I know this is not healthy, but I'd like to get rid of this. There has to be some sort of non-surgical method to get rid of this problem.

I've been reading this message board: http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-a...l?msg_id=0090C9
One guy says he's had this injury for 15 years and hasn't gone away. Oh boy I'm in it for the long haul :(

This is where I first posted my problem with clamping.

This is the routine I used:
I do one and only one clamp method and that is Stillwantmore's Clamp Bends. I do it a little differently though. The only difference is instead of using my wrist, I use a 4 inch circumfrence pole to bend my penis over it. Similar to RB's fake arm stretch, except I'm doing this at 100% full erection. I bend all the way down on it for about 30 seconds (or until I get about 50% erect) and then I release. I repeat it for 4 times. In between session I take about a 5 minute break by taking off my clamp and masturbating and jelqing.
This is my routine
10 minutes of Stillwantmore's Clamp Bends
5 minutes of masturbating and kegels to circulate more blood
10 minutes of Stillwantmore's Clamp Bends
5 minutes of masturbating
10 minutes of Stillwantmore's Clamp Bends
5 minutes
10 minutes of Stillwantmore's Clamp Bends
5 minutes including ejaculation
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I'll soon make a thread dealing with veins , clamps , and injurys. (also possible ways to get rid of this injury)

I guess many people won't be to happy about it and also I don't think you will be hearing "nice veins" at all after that.....
Mike I am sorry to hear about your injury but I would also like to help you with this issue. I have only done clamp work once and I felt it was too intense for me so I stopped. I know I am not a urologist but I spend so much time reading and studying the penis that I feel I could contribute to your therapy and possible complete repair. In most (if there is such a thing:)) cases of lymphangitis to the penis men are consumed with the look and feel of what is happening. Although this is scary this keep in mind that it is asymptomatic and completely benign. This disorder is also completely reversible with some intense therapy (or should I call it un-therapy:)) Complete abstinence from any penile stimulation (including masturbation, Penis Enlargement, intercourse, etc.) is the first step. Commonly prescribed drugs include anti-inflammatory or anti-viral agents. You could check with your doctor about getting on a therapeutic dose while you are healing. Your current dose of Advil is exorbitant and unnecessary and I would suggest you drop that by at least half. The idea behind taking an aspirin (or associated products) is for unclotting properties and any more than 600 mg is complete overkill. Even though you need to abstain from all sexual practices I would suggest you still do deep penile massage with hot wraps before and after.

I am not sure who this penis belongs to but I attached a picture of what sclerosing lymphangitis looks like. In this case it is at the cornal ridge. Notice the red line(s) running away from the inflamed area. This is very common in this disorder.
Thanks DLD for your advice. My sclerosed vessel is more severe than yours. Mine is about 4 inches long (shaped like an "S" along the left side of my penis) and 1/4 (flaccid)-1/2 inch (erect) in circumfrence. I heard heavy doses of advil might help so that's why I'm taking 1200mg a day. I'll consider cutting it in half though. So do you recommend me take aspirin over advil? If so how many doses should I take of aspirin? I'll try out the hot wraps on my effected area.
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Would it be possible to post a pic of it?

Advil is used to reduce inflammation which I believe will help. Aspirin is primarily a blood thinner(usually very toxic also). Not sure this will help. Maybe DLD has more insight on this though.
I wish I had a digital camera, but I don't have one. I'm going to combine both 1 tablet of asprin 325 mg daily and 3 advils (600mg) daily to see if helps.
mike2003 said:
Thanks DLD for your advice. My sclerosed vessel is more severe than yours. Mine is about 4 inches long (shaped like an "S" along the left side of my penis) and 1/4 (flaccid)-1/2 inch (erect) in circumfrence. I heard heavy doses of advil might help so that's why I'm taking 1200mg a day. I'll consider cutting it in half though. So do you recommend me take aspirin over advil? If so how many doses should I take of aspirin? I'll try out the hot wraps on my effected area.

That is not my penis nor do I have Sclerosing Lymphangitis but I have researched it disorder quite a bit. I understand that your case is much more extreme then the one I am showing and the only reason for the picture is the fact that Sclerosing Lymphangitis is a rare trauma to the penis and there is very little data depicting it.

If you are able to tolerate aspirin I would recommend using it. It has much better un-clotting properties at much lower doses. I usually tell guys to stick with 82 mg a day but in your case you may want to double that to twice a day. A good routine would be to take the aspirin 30 minutes before massage and hot wraps. This should help thin the blood and make the massage more therapeutic.
Sorry to hear about your injury.
All Penis Enlargement has the risk of injury to it, constricters aint dangerous if done correctly.
Pumping, hanging, [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extenders[/words], jelqing etc etc can all be very dangerous. Its like anything in life, if done wrong or whatever than it will caise damage. In my now nearly 3 years of useing constricters I aint had a single problem....your the second or third guy I know whos had injuries from them. Actually, you cant just point it down to constricters....it could be anything else. Also a guide on injuries and clamps wont be neccasary IMHO, when I update the next guide I shall add them into it. So whoever wants to do a guide on that than pm me and send it me when done so I can add it into the guide. Mike I'm very sad to hear about your injury, but dont jump to the conclusion its the clamps fault, or indeed the method. You probably went to HARD and INTENSE. You used the still bends which are fuckin hardcore anyway. You should have come to me back than and I would have made you a simple program like I do at Zululand where I can monitor it. I wouldnt advise peiple against doing this either. Look at my gains, and MANY other men. This WORKS and just because you have a injury, which could be from anything else either pe or sex etc etc than dont knock the whole method. I would LIKE YOU TO POST AT ZULULAND with the negative feedback. I WILL add this into my next guide. I WARNING that iif NOT DONE RIGHT, the constriction will bite. Like I said before, ANY Penis Enlargement can damage the penis. Hope you get better man, keep posting at ZL with ya progress and how ya doing with the medication etc etc. Regards.
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That doesn't sound good it makes me even more nervous about Peing I have been on it like a year and havent seen any problems i do a good five minute hot rap before i begin and i good hot shower after. I do about 5 min stretching 10 min jelg and some horses not to intense. Should i worry?
Jareth said:
That doesn't sound good it makes me even more nervous about Peing I have been on it like a year and havent seen any problems i do a good five minute hot rap before i begin and i good hot shower after. I do about 5 min stretching 10 min jelg and some horses not to intense. Should i worry?

Nothing to worry about. If you were going to have problems you would have had them already. Plus the exercises you mentioned arent that extreme.
jakb said:
Nothing to worry about. If you were going to have problems you would have had them already. Plus the exercises you mentioned arent that extreme.
ya there not really extreme at all i never get blood spots or anything i think i was just stressing over it. Were all kinda like guinea pigs with peing and such since there hasn't really been a long extensive study on it if u know a link though let me know. To tell u the truth i really don't religiously pe because i live with people and its hard to get time what really seems to work and give me some size was belive it or not kegels. Thank you for the advice if anybody has more or more comforting plez let me know.
I've done pe for over 3 years, constriction for nearly 3 years and I aint got any bad effects. You will damage your penis if you dont know what your doing, or go into areas that you arent ready for, push yourself too far.
I don't know that he did anything wrong, it could just be he was susceptible to this type of injury. You really never know if something is going to go wrong, and that is just the risk of Penis Enlargement. I thought I had a case of this a month ago, and I still think I have a mild case.
Maybe so, all I'm trying to get across is it isnt all about the method he used which ''could'' have injured him. His intensity, experience, time etc etc all can play roles.
If I hung a bib on me tonight wrongly than I could damage my penis, if I used the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] too intense than I could damage my penis .If I used the Vimax at too high a tension I would suffer a nasty injury. Penis Enlargement is full of injuries waiting to happen to those who havent searched within themselves and the method they use.....dont mean to sound arrogant but I have tried and tested nearly all Penis Enlargement method and have had my fair share of injurues. My main concern is bad press on the method I started, and I use examples here to get my point across that the constrictors isnt anymore dangerous than other pe methods if done correctly. I myself had my worst injury from a WET JELQ....I squeezes too hard for too long and my veins went ROCK HARD for weeks. I had to use ICE/HOT treatment and rest for that part of the season.
Thanks guys for all the info. Iam not gonna quit peing. Red u said u hurt yourself doing wet jelgs. THat is what i do i squeeze kinda hard and fluctuate between about 75 percent erect and 90 percent hard my one big vein gets pretty hard after wards and sometimes but i think its just pumping. I worry alout but know pe is good when iam on it i have a great sex drive and the sensitivity i get with sex is so much better. I think its from the extra blood flow to the penis head.

i think it is just the luck of the draw...like someone else said..maybe his penis no matter how much pe just wasn't condition for that type of workout...i think some people are going to just be prone for pe injuries...no matter how much warmup or warmdown....or how long they been doing it....some people here don't go as hard as others and still get t-veins...i myself never had an injury and hopefully never experience one...i think it is unfortunate that some have to deal with injuries...but i don't think this goes for everyone
I’ve currently got a minor case of Lymphangiosclerosis.. fortunately mine is just slightly below the glans on both sides and seems to be more prominent on the right side. I think I got a little carried away a few nights ago with my longer than normal SSJ session… had an increase in EQ so thought I’d put it to good use.

But before you worry, I’ve done SSJ for a few months now and never even come close to an injury so it’s dependent on the person but can be random. I’ve had this injury once before after a weekend of fun and cialis (about 5 years ago) but good news is it went away within 2 weeks so don’t stress too much. Also just to reiterate, I’d done many sessions before and after that one for a much more consecutive days and never got it at all and haven’t had it since that happened about 5 years ago. I was terrified when it happened and thought it was a clot so refused to even touch my dick for days but now know that I respond well to some care and can speed up process significantly - again, take the next bit of advice with care!)

Don’t want to advise you the wrong way as mine is always minor like I’ve said but I’ve researched this plenty and many other have had success using the below. BUT, please use with caution.

•First, warm up using warm/hot water compress or other method as you would normally prior to PE to help break up the area which has hardened.

•Use light massage (and I mean very light to start) and work in circles, then vertically and horizontally. You will likely feel a sensation when touching the lymph vessel, not quite pain but like a raw/overuse feeling and sometimes almost like an itchy-sensation if that makes sense… this is the threshold and should never go above this into pain category. Stick with this for a few minutes to help soften the hardened lymph vessel. I would only do this once per day in the morning to break up any injury initial tension and then later to break up any further tension from overnight erections etc.

•Post-massage just use a cool compress or something similar to help bring down the swelling. You can do this a few times throughout the day if needed to further bring down swelling.

•Some have reported that using Vitamin D cream (sunshine cream) helps but I can’t confidently comment on this as I never tried.

•STRICTLY NO PE - pumping/jelqing/clamping/stretching etc

• NO MASTURBATION for at least a week and then assess …if you really must have sex then light/slow sex is advised but most people who’ve had this will advise the abstinence approach to prevent further trauma to an already damaged area. Plus who wants limited sex? You want to use your piece to its full potential so my advice would be to put it off for a little while and save yourself for another day.
Essentially you have an overuse injury and just needs time and care to heal… but stay calm and just know that IT WILL HEAL! Just be patient and the closer you stick to my advice, the sooner it will heal. I know you want to jump right back into hardcore PE but if you do so too quickly then you’ll be right back here making another thread and just push back your PE progress even further. It’s a battle scar that will heal and there is no evidence to suggest you’ll be more prone to this in the future as long as you deal with it carefully. I can’t comment on the clamping side of things as we are all different but obviously once it is healed fully then it might be worth you giving other methods a try and build your own personal PE trial-and-error methods.
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Yea ssj are powerful and even I had a scare this week after a session and stopped me doing more for while or at least time I put pressure into each movement
I’ve currently got a minor case of Lymphangiosclerosis.. fortunately mine is just slightly below the glans on both sides and seems to be more prominent on the right side. I think I got a little carried away a few nights ago with my longer than normal SSJ session… had an increase in EQ so thought I’d put it to good use.

But before you worry, I’ve done SSJ for a few months now and never even come close to an injury so it’s dependent on the person but can be random. I’ve had this injury once before after a weekend of fun and cialis (about 5 years ago) but good news is it went away within 2 weeks so don’t stress too much. Also just to reiterate, I’d done many sessions before and after that one for a much more consecutive days and never got it at all and haven’t had it since that happened about 5 years ago. I was terrified when it happened and thought it was a clot so refused to even touch my dick for days but now know that I respond well to some care and can speed up process significantly - again, take the next bit of advice with care!)

Don’t want to advise you the wrong way as mine is always minor like I’ve said but I’ve researched this plenty and many other have had success using the below. BUT, please use with caution.

•First, warm up using warm/hot water compress or other method as you would normally prior to PE to help break up the area which has hardened.

•Use light massage (and I mean very light to start) and work in circles, then vertically and horizontally. You will likely feel a sensation when touching the lymph vessel, not quite pain but like a raw/overuse feeling and sometimes almost like an itchy-sensation if that makes sense… this is the threshold and should never go above this into pain category. Stick with this for a few minutes to help soften the hardened lymph vessel. I would only do this once per day in the morning to break up any injury initial tension and then later to break up any further tension from overnight erections etc.

•Post-massage just use a cool compress or something similar to help bring down the swelling. You can do this a few times throughout the day if needed to further bring down swelling.

•Some have reported that using Vitamin D cream (sunshine cream) helps but I can’t confidently comment on this as I never tried.

•No hardcore PE/pumping/clamping etc OR masturbation for at least a week and then assess …if you really must have sex then light/slow sex is advised but most people who’ve had this will advise the abstinence approach to prevent further trauma to an already damaged area. Plus who wants limited sex? You want to use your piece to its full potential so my advice would be to put it off for a little while and save yourself for another day.

Personally, I am still doing manual stretches and concentrating more on expressive, low grip stretches for the moment but again use your own judgement and be careful. Mine is right near the glans so is unaffected by low grip or manual stretching but if you have this going right down the shaft then it would be advised to stop PE altogether.

Essentially you have an overuse injury and just needs time and care to heal… but stay calm and just know that IT WILL HEAL! Just be patient and the closer you stick to my advice, the sooner it will heal. I know you want to jump right back into hardcore PE but if you do so too quickly then you’ll be right back here making another thread and just push back your PE progress even further. It’s a battle scar that will heal and there is no evidence to suggest you’ll be more prone to this in the future as long as you deal with it carefully. I can’t comment on the clamping side of things as we are all different but obviously once it is healed fully then it might be worth you giving other methods a try and build your own personal PE trial-and-error methods.

Not sure if it’s karma for not following my own ‘be careful’ advice but 24hours on from my post and I’ve got what seems to be some small thrombosed veins… not 100% (maybe someone can advise) but it’s a series of prominent blue veins which are raised on the same side. I did a few minutes of expressive/low grip stretches while in the bath and then about an hour later I noticed them after feeling a very mild stinging sensation. I thought it was a reaction to using a new cocoa butter stretch mark lotion but then I looked and saw the blue veins. I guess I’m out for a while until everything heals. It could possibly be just bad luck but I’m putting it down to further trauma on an unhealed area. Really annoyed as I was on track to hit half inch length goals before my birthday. Just praying I did enough to cement some of these gains as I’m only 6months in but I guess we live and learn. Going to edit the previous post so it says strictly no PE!
Not sure if it’s karma for not following my own ‘be careful’ advice but 24hours on from my post and I’ve got what seems to be some small thrombosed veins… not 100% (maybe someone can advise) but it’s a series of prominent blue veins which are raised on the same side. I did a few minutes of expressive/low grip stretches while in the bath and then about an hour later I noticed them after feeling a very mild stinging sensation. I thought it was a reaction to using a new cocoa butter stretch mark lotion but then I looked and saw the blue veins. I guess I’m out for a while until everything heals. It could possibly be just bad luck but I’m putting it down to further trauma on an unhealed area. Really annoyed as I was on track to hit half inch length goals before my birthday. Just praying I did enough to cement some of these gains as I’m only 6months in but I guess we live and learn. Going to edit the previous post so it says strictly no PE!
Were these not prominent at all previously? Do they hurt? Do they feel hard
Were these not prominent at all previously? Do they hurt? Do they feel hard

Not prominent in that location. They are visible in a weak flaccid state too and are a dark blue/purple colour. They are not hard though but there is slight pain, more of a raw/stinging sensation
May not be too bad then,suggest rest ,if I ever get one I have some gel to rub in and help but usually very prominent and spaghetti string feel to them
May not be too bad then,suggest rest ,if I ever get one I have some gel to rub in and help but usually very prominent and spaghetti string feel to them
Thanks dude, will do! Hopefully it heals soon

Sorry to highjack the thread but hopefully others will benefit from this too… when I get some more time I’m going to write up a proper thread for the Lymphangiosclerosis issue and include some proper doctor opinions/research papers etc. It seems to be quite a common issue that needs more exposure