...the lower/constant pressure creates very little fluid retention and zero discoloration
This is intriguing to me for sure. I had actually thought of trying to create something like this a few years ago, minus the electronic vacuum mechanism.

Does it get you fully erect? Does it take you beyond your normal BPEL size at all?
I enter with the highest EQ possible and once the cylinder has compressed fully, it'll maintain your max-size for the time in the tube. There's no way to accurately tell if I'm at BPEL or not, but it feels very, very close...I only have 1/4"-3/8" until my glans come in contact with the top of the dome, so maybe I'll use that as an indicator of gains
I enter with the highest EQ possible and once the cylinder has compressed fully, it'll maintain your max-size for the time in the tube. There's no way to accurately tell if I'm at BPEL or not, but it feels very, very close...I only have 1/4"-3/8" until my glans come in contact with the top of the dome, so maybe I'll use that as an indicator of gains
Thanks for the info, definitely will be following to see how your routine with the device goes and how you like it.
Yesterdays 'field-trip' was kind of a bust...I visited an establishment that I'd visited (and had good experiences) in the past, but the available 'talent' consisted of 5 Asian girls and only one Caucasian (of whom I've experienced in the past). I usually like to try-out someone new mainly for the 'surprise' factor, but decided to give her another try. She admitted that her preference was for 'bigger' men and that she has a toy about the same thickness as me, but is 12" long and she can 'almost' bury it. After a bit of 'warm-up', I was able to fully penetrate her and nudged her back-wall (which she seemed to really enjoy) and exclaimed that her boyfriend (who happens to be black) couldn't hit that spot...and in doggy, the feeling was even more intense. Oddly, this exchange was more of a 'scientific' nature vs. pleasurable and there was no way I was going to 'finish' because my mind just wasn't into it. So I showered-off and went to another place that is usually a can't miss, but this time there was a very pretty (but kind of chubby) Hispanic sweetie. She was rather stoic and didn't show any surprise when we got naked...the only indication was when she mentioned that I should have brought my own protection because she only had 'regular ones'. She was very, very tight (even with a bunch of lube) and I could tell it wasn't very comfortable for her so I suggested that we do a bit of mutual-masturbation. She did start talking a bit dirty and said it turned her on to watch me 'stroke your huge dick'.
So all-in-all, I probably could have saved a bit of time/money and 'took care of business' at home, but at least it got me out of the house for a few hours, lol
Getting out of the house is a big deal especially for me. My field trips are never as fun as yours LOL but I love reading about your field trips. Keep up the inspiration my brother
I noticed that I haven't uploaded any new pics lately...(spoiler-alert, I couldn't get into the 'proper' frame of mind so it's just a shot of me in my X40) I also included a measured pic of mu BM with the bellows fully compressed (and me pushing it against my countertop with all my might trying to mimic it being bone pressed)
as you can see, I'm about 1/8" shy of the 'dome/pebble' part of the cylinder which translates to about 8 1/4"-8 3/8"...less than an inch to go!! PE is definitely not for the faint of heart...this is tough work, lol
as you can see, I'm about 1/8" shy of the 'dome/pebble' part of the cylinder which translates to about 8 1/4"-8 3/8"...less than an inch to go!! PE is definitely not for the faint of heart...this is tough work, LOL

Your thickness is just amazing! You’re about to break the sides of your pump! You’re so close to 9 inches too. Very impressed with all your work and thanks for pictures makes it so satisfying. Do you have a Mityvac coming to you, or will you update with BM?
Thanks Mike...I'm definitely striving for that elusive 9" bpel. I'm hopeful The MityVac arrives soon, it looks very promising. I'm also beginning a 'body-transformation' program cuz I put-on about 8 lbs (on top of being 10-15 lbs too heavy), so hopefully my 2"+ fat-pad will start to go away too :)
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Thanks Mike...I'm definitely striving for that elusive 9" bpel. I'm hopeful The MityVac arrives soon, it looks very promising. I'm also beginning a 'body-transformation' program cuz I put-on about 8 lbs (on top of being 10-15 lbs too heavy), so hopefully my 2"+ fat-pad will start to go away too :)

Boy can I relate to you! My fat pad is still above 2 inches ? I need to put fire under my ass, I what I need to do I just can’t get it started. I hope this goes great for you.
I think I'm going to start slowly with a 2-3 mile walk, three times a day...I generally will have one beer w/dinner that I'll eliminate...and maybe throw-in some push-ups. I figure any activity is good activity and if I throw too much on my plate, I'll never stick w/it
I think I'm going to start slowly with a 2-3 mile walk, three times a day...I generally will have one beer w/dinner that I'll eliminate...and maybe throw-in some push-ups. I figure any activity is good activity and if I throw too much on my plate, I'll never stick w/it

That sounds easy and like something I would be able to do. I’m gonna try to do the same thing and start out really easy and then work my way up. I’m the same way if there’s too much on my plate my whole schedule is up ended and I end up stressful mess. Everything needs to fit into my day perfectly. But starting so simple is something I definitely can do.
Simplifying helps a lot of times! Of course certain things do have a very elaborate schedule or plans, but with many things simplifying is the key to victory. :)

Those beers add up, I tell you. I was living quite well for a few months in Germany, I rode a bicycle on almost daily basis and ate pretty healthy. But the beer! The cheap glorious beer ... :D
I could get premium beers for little money over there compared to my my home country. Here I pay from 3 - 10 USD for a premium stuff but over there most things were in 2-5 USD range. (Conversing from euros to USD. :) )

I need to add more exercise to my days as well.
Skipping rope is a good way to burn calories, I think @REDZULU2003 might have mentioned that!

Best of health to all Brothers out there!
Simplifying helps a lot of times! Of course certain things do have a very elaborate schedule or plans, but with many things simplifying is the key to victory. :)

Many people think that I’m smart but I’m not smart I’m very simple and I deduce and simplify everything to its most basic level. I never went to school nor was I educated formally in anyway. My mind just has the ability to play Game Theory as a normal way of thinking. Things should be a simple as they can be. I made a post in the moderators forum that nobody replied to, but it was a post based on why things need to be simple in today’s day and age. Have a read through it because it has a lot of good sense.
I got the 'itch' for a bit of a 'pick-me-up'...might be time for another field-trip :)

I’m so excited I’ll get to go out again and live this incredible venture through you! Can you smoke a little bit cannabis for me just to see how that works on your field trip LOL. Well I’ll be waiting patiently for my vicarious visit via your adventure?????
I ended-up playing golf instead...gorgeous (albeit 'crisp' day), but it seemed to 'do the trick' :) BTW, my hippie-cabbage smokin' days are in my distant (40+ years ago) past and I'm afraid if I had any of today's coma-inducing weed, I'd be in a corner sucking my thumb
I ended-up playing golf instead...gorgeous (albeit 'crisp' day), but it seemed to 'do the trick' :) BTW, my hippie-cabbage smokin' days are in my distant (40+ years ago) past and I'm afraid if I had any of today's coma-inducing weed, I'd be in a corner sucking my thumb

40 years ago my goodness you would not be able to even handle it with the new strains! Anyway, a beautiful day playing golf sounds very nice but it doesn’t compare to your usual field trips. ❤️??
just a quick update...still using the 5X5X3 method in my modded X40, and hitting 8 3/4" in the cylinder (which translates into a 'real world' length of 8 3/8") and my girth is holding steady at 7" MSEG

Big that is great news! I am so proud of how far you have come so far with the 5×5×3 SRT girth work. It shows that this routine has longevity and will bring gains far into the future. Seven inches of girth is Diesel territory!
...symmetry is the new black :) I'm about 3/4" shy of 9" BPEL and at that point things should have a more 'balanced' look. PE is very difficult, but oh so rewarding

You know I’ve always been about symmetry, that’s what I spoke on most in the Perfect Penis Movie. I’m so particular about the way things fit, the way they’re shaped and how big they are etc. etc. etc. So I’m obsessed with things being balanced and symmetrical. With a solid 7 inches of girth you definitely need 9 inches of length maybe even 9 1/2. But that’s only my opinion ?
I had a 'field-trip' yesterday and hooked-up with an attractive brunette named Kyah/Kiah (I didn't ask her for the spelling). She was pretty tall, about 5'9" with a nice pair of C+ boobies and a big/round booty. She asked if I wanted a back massage and I replied with 'how 'bout a front massage, lol. This lasted about 3-4 minutes and she moved up to my ever-growing johnson, then said 'did you bring your own condoms cuz I don't have any XL's', (I didn't but said we could 'make the ones she had work). After a short BJ, (she only took the head+an inch) she climbed on top and let-out an almost inaudible 'gasp' as the first few inches entered her. We went very slowly, and all she could manage was about 6" so we switched-around to missionary. It took some patience (and a lot of lube), but I was able to almost penetrate her fully and her back wall resisted anything more than about 7 1/2" - 7 3/4".
We continued for about 20 minutes and I could feel myself starting to get kinda numb, so we decided to finish via mutual masturbation. I find it really erotic watching a girl touch herself to the brink of orgasm (I'm sure she didn't climax), and she said it turned her on to watch me stroke myself. At one point she mentioned that she was going to tell her friends that she was almost able to 'take the biggest cock ever' and that I should make a adult entertainment, (I said 'only if you co-star' :)). The more she talked about it, the closer I got to cumming and finally exploded when she said 'yours is the biggest one I've seen'
I had a 'field-trip' yesterday and hooked-up with an attractive brunette named Kyah/Kiah (I didn't ask her for the spelling). She was pretty tall, about 5'9" with a nice pair of C+ boobies and a big/round booty. She asked if I wanted a back massage and I replied with 'how 'bout a front massage, LOL. This lasted about 3-4 minutes and she moved up to my ever-growing johnson, then said 'did you bring your own condoms cuz I don't have any XL's', (I didn't but said we could 'make the ones she had work). After a short BJ, (she only took the head+an inch) she climbed on top and let-out an almost inaudible 'gasp' as the first few inches entered her. We went very slowly, and all she could manage was about 6" so we switched-around to missionary. It took some patience (and a lot of lube), but I was able to almost penetrate her fully and her back wall resisted anything more than about 7 1/2" - 7 3/4".
We continued for about 20 minutes and I could feel myself starting to get kinda numb, so we decided to finish via mutual masturbation. I find it really erotic watching a girl touch herself to the brink of orgasm (I'm sure she didn't climax), and she said it turned her on to watch me stroke myself. At one point she mentioned that she was going to tell her friends that she was almost able to 'take the biggest cock ever' and that I should make a adult entertainment, (I said 'only if you co-star' :)). The more she talked about it, the closer I got to cumming and finally exploded when she said 'yours is the biggest one I've seen'

I let one off tonight, it’s on you ? I will read this right before I am about to fall asleep I will end up beating my cock! ? 2 times ?
you know it's waaaaaay more enjoyable IRL :)

With my Kids living with me now and the Grandbabies I get way too tired to remember to do whack LOL and I really don’t have the privacy anyways because I live in a tiny 2 room apt. and now I have four more people living with me. This will be a great help for my abstinence LOL
...here's my Odyssey from yesterday afternoon/evening:

Traffic was a bit sticky on Marine Drive and I was trying to meet-up w/Jasmine by 4:30p cuz she was only scheduled til 5p...got there at 4:45p and I tried to have the owner (Pauline) talk her into staying an extra 30 minutes, but she had a family obligation, (but dang is she ever beautiful!) Bounced across the street to SASA and the 'no-name' place next door, but there were only Asian providers available and they're never a good match...same thing at iSpa. Since Tiger Spa was only 20 minutes away, that was my next destination...parked in back, used the super-secret (that everyone know about) rear door and Sara ushered me into the room and said 'how long' to which I always make a joke 'a tad over 8 inches'and she chuckled then asked for everyone to 'say hi'. I had a fun time w/Krystal before and heard great things about Dina, but Ashley just had that twinkle in her eye (we shared an hour together about a year ago and I enjoyed every minute), so the decision was easy.
Ashley is about 5'5"-5'6", long dark hair, narrow waist, nice bum and huge soft boobs with large, sensitive hi-beams. She's almost demure but then unleashes some serious naughty-talk and loved watching herself open-up fully to accept me. Standing mish, CG, Mish, standing K9 (and various transitions in-between) took-up the entire time. Ashley provided some really hot verbal encouragement to get me over the hump and past the finish-line! Kudos to her perseverance and all-around sexiness.
After reading that I feel like I ran a marathon, I need to take a nap now! You have so much stamina for an old man damn! Thanks for the story though again living vicariously through you LOL
just an observation, (and it's probably just my own character flaw), but I'm feeling the need to 'ramp-up' my PE activities because I no longer feel that 'rush' when a new girl first sees it. I used to relish the look in a girls eye and anticipate her comments, (which still creates excitement), but now I almost feel compelled to seek this elsewhere...like catching a girl eyeing my crotch at the grocery store (or anywhere else for that matter). It's almost not enough that I know what's swingin' 'down-there'...maybe I'll research a 'clothing-optional' beach nearby and see how that goes, (gotta wait for the temps to rise, tho :))
just an observation, (and it's probably just my own character flaw), but I'm feeling the need to 'ramp-up' my PE activities because I no longer feel that 'rush' when a new girl first sees it. I used to relish the look in a girls eye and anticipate her comments, (which still creates excitement), but now I almost feel compelled to seek this elsewhere...like catching a girl eyeing my crotch at the grocery store (or anywhere else for that matter). It's almost not enough that I know what's swingin' 'down-there'...maybe I'll research a 'clothing-optional' beach nearby and see how that goes, (gotta wait for the temps to rise, tho :))

Are you still using your X40 or you have upgraded to the X50?
I haven't used my X50 (Goliath) in a very long time...I get significantly more FR w/it. Since I 'whole package' pump, this may help in keeping the FR 'in-check' due to being fully packed thereby focusing the majority of the pressure/forces lengthwise...at least that's my theory :)
I haven't used my X50 (Goliath) in a very long time...I get significantly more FR w/it. Since I 'whole package' pump, this may help in keeping the FR 'in-check' due to being fully packed thereby focusing the majority of the pressure/forces lengthwise...at least that's my theory :)

Can i upgrade to the X50 extreme once my length gets to 9 inches bone pressed? Even though my girth is not up to 6inches mid shaft?
Can i upgrade to the X50 extreme once my length gets to 9 inches bone pressed? Even though my girth is not up to 6inches mid shaft?
you definitely could upgrade, but the X40 will accommodate 9 inches (and beyond), so I can't really see much of an advantage. The X50 (Goliath) is more of a novelty, for me
you definitely could upgrade, but the X40 will accommodate 9 inches (and beyond), so I can't really see much of an advantage. The X50 (Goliath) is more of a novelty, for me

Yes the X40 will surely accommodate 9 inches. I used to doubt it before but now that I've passed the 8 inches mark, I firmly believe. I still need the X50 extreme. I need those temporary expansion for sex.
Can i upgrade now or should I wait until I get to 9 inches?
you could get the X50 at any time...you're plenty big enough. Just know it's much more difficult to get a good seal due to the sheer size of the pump...the only way it works for me is to press it against my pelvis with my left-hand (I'm right handed) while supporting the bottom of the Vacu-Vin pump and my right hand does all the pumping. I'm not certain if the hand-ball of The Extreme makes this any easier or not
you could get the X50 at any time...you're plenty big enough. Just know it's much more difficult to get a good seal due to the sheer size of the pump...the only way it works for me is to press it against my pelvis with my left-hand (I'm right handed) while supporting the bottom of the Vacu-Vin pump and my right hand does all the pumping. I'm not certain if the hand-ball of The Extreme makes this any easier or not

I will surely get the X50. I remember dld used to say, using a much more larger pump will enable the penis to grow fast.
I will surely get the X50. I remember dld used to say, using a much more larger pump will enable the penis to grow fast.

It’s like a fish in the fish tank if you use a small tank the fish will never grow but if you use a larger tank the fish will grow larger?
you could get the X50 at any time...you're plenty big enough. Just know it's much more difficult to get a good seal due to the sheer size of the pump...the only way it works for me is to press it against my pelvis with my left-hand (I'm right handed) while supporting the bottom of the Vacu-Vin pump and my right hand does all the pumping. I'm not certain if the hand-ball of The Extreme makes this any easier or not

I will surely get the X50. I remember dld used to say, using a much more larger will enable it to grow fast.
It’s like a fish in the fish tank if you use a small tank the fish will never grow but if you use a larger tank the fish will grow larger?

I've decided to take the advice given by Red and focus on length only for now until I get to 9 inches. I will do all girth pumping sessions with the largest pump when the time comes to focus on girth
I will surely get the X50. I remember dld used to say, using a much more larger will enable it to grow fast.

I've decided to take the advice given by Red and focus on length only for now until I get to 9 inches. I will do all girth pumping sessions with the largest pump when the time comes to focus on girth

Focusing on length is just as effective as focusing on girth, you got this my man. Your routine has always been evolving as you’ve always been humble to advice from your Brothers.
I've been on The DL for the last few days, (too much walking exacerbated by too much pumping has caused sensitivity/itching/discharge where my scrotum meets my thigh). I'm hoping this clears-up soon cuz I have a 'field-trip' scheduled for tomorrow
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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