Thanks Boss!! It's kinda hit/miss on these's a definite miss that I reviewed that I still laugh about:

here was my experience w/her in late August +/-
As mentioned, Michelle's incall is actually a SFR at the end of a bumpy, dirt/gravel driveway...there's a separate entrance down a steep concrete stairwell to the daylight basement, (which has a kitchenette, rec room, 3/4 bath and a very small 'bed' room, (cuz it really only fits a bed). Pictures are accurate and 100% her I am certain and she is a very down-to-earth fun girl to be around and talk to. I had a quick rinse in the tiny shower stall, (had to tip-toe around several product containers on the shower floor) and came-out in my boxer-briefs and T-shirt and was greeted by her roommate's Pit Bull mix who is very loving and sweet, but the timing wasn't all that great. Her roomie shooed the pup back upstairs and gave Michelle and I our privacy to chat and start doing our thing. She has a few limitations of which I don't participate in anyway, but I think she felt it necessary to put that on the table de rigueur. A quick BBBJ in the recroom, then off to the bedroom where we chat a bit and start again on some more BBBJ, (I commented on the 1st go-round that her teeth weren't optimal and she said that she wanted to 'redeem' herself, which she did on the second attempt) We moved on to a bit of CG and I rolled her into Mish and after 5-10 minutes I hear 'MICHELLE! Where's the blow?!!' from upstairs. I kinda chuckle to myself and Michelle lets her know where to look, and we're just getting re-started and I hear, 'IT"S NOT THERE!!' followed by footsteps down the stairs. At this point I decide to withdraw from Michelle's wonderfully wet vagina and as I'm standing there at half mast, her roomie pops her head in and asks the same question. Now I'm a total 'go-with-the-flow' kinda guy and am certainly fine if a girl wants to partake in a bit of 'hippie lettuce' or 'booger sugar', but I would have hoped it could have waited...clearly not and I didn't want to get in-between a girl and her party-powder. So Michelle has her look in a spot downstairs and then asks the roomie if she happened to have any bigger condoms...keep in mind that I'm just standing there with half a boner pointing at the ground taking-in the entire absurdity of the whole situation. Any way, we get back into it and here comes the roomie once again, this time trying to be helpful w/alternative condoms of which she tosses on the bed and leaves. I'm assuming these two are both in the SP industry based on this interaction, so I ask Michelle (almost thinking there might be a salvageable way to make the night more interesting), but NO! She's a GD medical assistant student! Holy Hell! I now understand why all you Canadians come down for our healthcare.
At this point, Michelle and I have worked-up quite a sweat and she offered to get me a refreshment, I declined but said she should go ahead...she said she'd be back in 2 minutes. I laid there staring at the popcorn ceiling trying to piece together what has just occurred, all the while making sure I'd be 'ready' to finish when Michelle returned. Well, I don't wear a watch and my phone was in my pocket in the other room, but I can damn-sure tell when it's been two minutes...and it had been at least 5. I throw-in the towel, get dressed and call-up the stairs to let Michelle know I was leaving...she says, 'come on up here' and I had all sorts of visions of what could possibly/potentially be up there, but I soldiered up and found her nibbling some ground beef out of a cast iron pan on the stove still buck-ass naked. Again, she's very polite, nice, and sweet but by then it was definitely time for me to get gone...
"Just curious, have you ever had a field trip that had their mind blown and wanted you to come back on a regular basis"

Three or four send me text messages from time-to-time, and I've become friends with a couple. One girl said she wanted to shoot a porno w/me...her exact words were 'guys love seeing huge cocks going inside petite girls' (had to agree with her on that one).

I'm really low-key about this part of my 'exploration', but it's been a fun ride so far. If any one is interested, I can post a report of how these 'field studies' are's usually a twice-monthly adventure :)

Post away B. IMO, it makes for interesting reading to see how your trips go.
Post away B. IMO, it makes for interesting reading to see how your trips go.

I love hearing about the trips! I miss Dash who also had all the stories after his trips on the road. Looking forward to him getting back here too.
How much have you gained permanently so far (measuring without using the [words=]BM[/words] for at least 4 or 5 days) ?

If I read you correctly you started at 6.50" BPEL 5.50" MSEG and reached 7" x 6.25" after 6 months, correct ? Right now at 8x7 after how long just using the [words=]BM[/words] ?

If that's really permanent, nice work ! Keep pumping your future donkey dick all the way :)

Cya Around

To be perfectly honest, I haven't gone 4 or 5 days w/out using it, so for all I know this could all be temporary. I do know that I'm incrementally getting larger with each passing month, so something's happening. One thing that I've noticed is the length that I'm achieving...this isn't affected by any fluid retention and I'd bet there's nothing temporary about it. Another benefit is my flaccid hang is phenomenal, I now relish the locker rooms and urinals, lol.
I'm going to continue to plod-along and commit to the commitment that I've made to you and everyone else that's along for the ride...there may not be any astronomical reports to relay, but in the end I know my goals will be met and maybe even exceeded.
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement and I'll try to be as helpful and transparent as possible.[/QUOTE]

Oh man I love reading posts like this! I also LOVE pumping because of the incredible confidence boost you get from the nice heavy flaccid hang. However much I respect your monste girth I do not wish to increase my current 5,7mseg much so I went the custom pump route of a 10X5,9 inch cylinder.
To be perfectly honest, I haven't gone 4 or 5 days w/out using it, so for all I know this could all be temporary. I do know that I'm incrementally getting larger with each passing month, so something's happening. One thing that I've noticed is the length that I'm achieving...this isn't affected by any fluid retention and I'd bet there's nothing temporary about it. Another benefit is my flaccid hang is phenomenal, I now relish the locker rooms and urinals, lol.
I'm going to continue to plod-along and commit to the commitment that I've made to you and everyone else that's along for the ride...there may not be any astronomical reports to relay, but in the end I know my goals will be met and maybe even exceeded.
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement and I'll try to be as helpful and transparent as possible.

Oh man I love reading posts like this! I also LOVE pumping because of the incredible confidence boost you get from the nice heavy flaccid hang. However much I respect your monste girth I do not wish to increase my current 5,7mseg much so I went the custom pump route of a 10X5,9 inch cylinder.

What is your final goal?
I had a 'duo' experience not too long's the ensuing 'wrap-up':

My general life-attitude is to go with the flow and enjoy each and every wave as it comes, so when I booked an hour with Lundyn over the phone yesterday evening (wonderful voice, btw) my intent was to caress and covet her exceptional frame with as much vigor as I can muster. There was some playful texting that ran into the next day and as I’m soldiering across the border to her Lougheed condo, she chimes-in with ‘hey, up for a duo? My GF is horny’ *screech* goes my brain, having never participated in multiples. So I gotta ‘ball-up’ and say sure ‘as long as you’re the main event’, thinking this could be at least story-worthy if nothing else.
Now many of you have mentioned Lundyn’s exquisite physique and all are 100% on-point, she also has a pretty face, nice smile, smells good, feels incredible and has a fun personality/attitude. Her GF is Kiara and she’s pretty as well, with a good sense of humor and adventurous demeanor, (I generally opt for a petit/average body-type but Kiara’s humor and attitude, plus BBBJ skills made that predisposition vanish). Both are very interactive with each other and had no problem getting orally involved even during the various positions being had. Very responsive, to say the least (the highlight being Lundyn squirting on the floor from RCG) so from a satellite perspective it must have looked like intertwined limbs/boobs/tongues for the better part of an hour.
Needless to say, this was quite the experience and everything had an oddly-natural flow…clearly not the first rodeo for these two. For me? It was almost stimulation-overload and it was difficult remaining focused just from the absurdity of what I was participating in. I’ll probably put the ‘daring duo-ing’ into the one-and-done category, but it was sure fun with these two.
Damage was $460 and I’m pretty certain we went way over the allotted hour and used-up all of her clean linens
In the last few sessions I've been able to hit my personal best in my modded X40 with enough consistency to call it my 'new normal' I decided to take it our for a spin and head-up north for some 3rd party verification :)
Feeling spry, I tried-out a different establishment (kind of a hole-in-the-wall), but had high hopes when one of the ladies named Anna introduced herself. I opted for a 45 minute session and then, surprisingly she was no longer 'available' and "Kitty' was sent in. Kinda cute Korean gal, but my fears of having less than stellar experiences w/Asian women bore true once again. I was actually surprised she was able to get 4" inside her, but when I tried to push a bit more in, she 'tapped-out' and did the universal sign for a hand-job, (I told her I can do that at home). The manager came-in and wanted to see what I was 'working with', and when I showed her, she said 'no good for Asian girl' to which I replied 'no kidding, that's why I chose Anna!' Anyway she refunded the donation and I made my way to a familiar parlor and was lucky enough to see a brunette bombshell from Argentina...muy caliente :) The only downside was that her English wasn't all that fluent, but we were able to muddle-through the basics. She had never experienced a penis that big before, so it took a bit of patience and lube to get things moving properly, but after about 20 minutes she relaxed enough for full penetration and was able to achieve an orgasm when I gently nudged-around in her cul-de-sac (again, something she's never felt before). So this is now becoming a trend with my size, so hopefully I can gain maybe another 1/2" in length but that may be the limit.
You were feeling spry,, no one under 50 knows what the hell that means LOL but in all seriousness, that was quite an evening. I’m amazed they refunded your money especially for a hole in the wall. I like the sounds of the blonde bombshell better anyways, you know that’s my type.

What gets me the most joy is the fact that you created that monster here in the brotherhood and we get to live vicariously through your stories which I think greatly inspire many to continue in their work. You’re an inspiration even though you’re an old man LOL
I'm certain many take issue with this faction of my lifestyle, but it definitely gives me solid perspective on my current size and what I should target as a limit
What’s wrong with your lifestyle? You have a blast in life, you’re always happy!
...I'm even happier knowing that The Earth is flat, climate change doesn't exist, my president isn't really lying to me, gravity isn't real and science is all made up. Being truly relieved of the burden of fact(s), I can now point my energies to the real menace, brown people coming into our country, stealing our jobs and raping our women.
I'm happy to read BSA's reports! I am quite timid myself and the number of my sexual encounters is very low. Doesn't really bother me that much though. :P
But reading people having a good time and all, the positivity is catching and motivational! (y)
I'm happy to read BSA's reports! I am quite timid myself and the number of my sexual encounters is very low. Doesn't really bother me that much though. :p
But reading people having a good time and all, the positivity is catching and motivational! (y)

Same with me
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OK, I just completed my first Bathmate session with the MOS pump-sleeve. I generally spend about 30 minutes total time in the cylinder at max pressure (broken-up into 3 separate stages) and always get a fair amount of fluid retention and an unsightly 'donut affect' just below my glans. So today, I began with the sleeve rolled-down so the top-edge sat just below the head and the remainder covered about halfway down my shaft. I did not apply any hair conditioner (I do this exclusively to prevent that awful 'Indian bun' sensation) and was able to pump-up to about 50% max pressure cuz the pain was really intense. After about 10 minutes of this, I withdrew from the BM and took-off the sleeve...virtually no FR, (although I looked a bit lumpy due to the lack of full coverage). I then did 10+ minutes of no sleeve, hair conditioner at full pressure and was able to sustain my usual maximums (about 1/16"-1/8" below where the dome meets the clear part). After withdrawing, there was the usual amount of FR. Now this is where creativity and experimentation came into play...I added hair conditioner and then put the sleeve on thinking this would eliminate that 'burn' (and it did, btw) but upon reaching full pressure, I noticed the sleeve started creeping up my shaft to the point where it was halfway off. I rinsed clean and then tried putting the sleeve on and then applying the conditioner to the exposed parts of my shaft and head. this seemed to work the best...the sleeve stayed-put and there was almost no burn.
I'll mess-around and see what works best, but the most difficult part was trying to maintain my EQ while fiddling-about with the sleeve, the cylinder, the hair conditioner...phew! Can a brother get a cute little Latina for a PE assistant up in here??
OK, I just completed my first Bathmate session with the MOS pump-sleeve. I generally spend about 30 minutes total time in the cylinder at max pressure (broken-up into 3 separate stages) and always get a fair amount of fluid retention and an unsightly 'donut affect' just below my glans. So today, I began with the sleeve rolled-down so the top-edge sat just below the head and the remainder covered about halfway down my shaft. I did not apply any hair conditioner (I do this exclusively to prevent that awful 'Indian bun' sensation) and was able to pump-up to about 50% max pressure cuz the pain was really intense. After about 10 minutes of this, I withdrew from the BM and took-off the sleeve...virtually no FR, (although I looked a bit lumpy due to the lack of full coverage). I then did 10+ minutes of no sleeve, hair conditioner at full pressure and was able to sustain my usual maximums (about 1/16"-1/8" below where the dome meets the clear part). After withdrawing, there was the usual amount of FR. Now this is where creativity and experimentation came into play...I added hair conditioner and then put the sleeve on thinking this would eliminate that 'burn' (and it did, btw) but upon reaching full pressure, I noticed the sleeve started creeping up my shaft to the point where it was halfway off. I rinsed clean and then tried putting the sleeve on and then applying the conditioner to the exposed parts of my shaft and head. this seemed to work the best...the sleeve stayed-put and there was almost no burn.
I'll mess-around and see what works best, but the most difficult part was trying to maintain my EQ while fiddling-about with the sleeve, the cylinder, the hair conditioner...phew! Can a brother get a cute little Latina for a PE assistant up in here??

Excellent review and I appreciate you continuing to work with it. Would you make the assumption that a longer sleeve that was complete with a headpiece would work better in this situation?
since the main purpose (for me, at least) is to control FR during max pressure pumping, so having the head covered wouldn't be optimal, but having a few more inches of length would help in covering the majority of my shaft and not get that 'lumpiness' :) On the other hand, this can still work fine and I'll attempt coupling the smaller sleeve with the longer one and see how that works
since the main purpose (for me, at least) is to control FR during max pressure pumping, so having the head covered wouldn't be optimal, but having a few more inches of length would help in covering the majority of my shaft and not get that 'lumpiness' :) On the other hand, this can still work fine and I'll attempt coupling the smaller sleeve with the longer one and see how that works
I got you. So we could just make them longer with the attached cap and then the users can cut them If they choose, makes the most sense right?
I'm keen to hear as well! I placed the flange behind my glans, as it was like in the illustration pictures, to my best memory. (Checked, indeed it is!)

I will like test it the other way around, so far I am impressed of the comfort of these.
I've had makeshift stuff before (from old "lovesleeves" and such) and a product really catered for pumping use as these sleeves (and many more applications), boy, it's a whole new ball game!
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I did it both ways and didn't notice an appreciable difference...once the sleeve is stretched-out, the thickness is even/equal.
My plan for today's session is to roll-on the shorter/smaller sleeve down to the base, then apply a dab or two of hair conditioner to the exposed portion of my shaft and glans and then push the longer sleeve just below the glans...hopefully there will be enough length to 'overlap' the shorter sleeve and create enough friction so it won't slide-up under full pressure from my BM.
I'll write-up a full report later
K...just finished today's Bathmate routine attempting to utilize both the smaller and larger sleeves at the same time.
TL/DR version: epic fail

My thought behind this was to reduce FR as much as possible via compression and full-coverage by unrolling both sleeves...problem for me was that I couldn't get the smaller one on (and I began to panic when I could get it unstuck from behind my glans). So I ended-up doing what I did before and just use the larger one just under the head. This is working-out quite well cuz my FR is greatly reduced while under extreme oddity was that after my session I developed about 80% of the FR once at rest. I may just keep the sleeve on afterward and see how that goes
I had another 'field trip' to gather additional intel on my 'how big is big from the working girl perspective' and it was almost comical. It must have been a busy evening because only two young Asian women were available when I dropped-by...I chose Chloe (why she would choose a name with the letter 'L' baffles me, but I digress). Very petite, maybe 5'1" and 100#, cute face, a decent handful (about a B+ cup) and a tiny tushy...I step out of the shower with a towel around my waist and she takes-off her robe to reveal a pretty, lacy, pink lingerie set...I slowly remove my towel and she looks down at my flaccid and lets-out a nervous laugh. She says 'too big for Asian girl' and walks out of the room, lol. I was hanging fairly low since I just had a hot/soapy shower, but I was no where near erect. After about 30 seconds the proprietor said he has a nice, slim, black girl that just started and I said 'sure'. In walks another very petite (maybe 105# with itty-bitty titties) pretty black girl who flat-out says, 'Chloe said you're waaaaay too big for her, but Asian girls usually exaggerate and I haven't met anyone I can't handle...and I date black guys, lol'. (Hmm, racist much? I'm thinking) So we get started feeling each other and warming things up and she asks if I'd like a BJ (has any guy ever said 'no'?), but after about 10 seconds I could tell it wasn't going to feel very good due to her small mouth and teeth scraping, so I suggest we start with some slow missionary. She said that large Trojans were the biggest she had and if I could put it on since she has long problem. Just to get an idea of the (mis)proportions, I'm over 6 feet and 220# and I completely dwarf this poor girl. I make certain I'm properly lubed and begin to slowly enter her, and I get about 2 inches in and start feeling her resist, so I withdraw and go even slower...we continue like this for a good five minutes until I can get about halfway. I ask if she's OK and she said she's never had anything that big inside her before and thanks me for being gentle. We're having this conversation while I'm still trying to wedge my way in, and I let her know that she's doing great and we have less than half-way to go, to which she reaches down and feels about 3+" out-in-the-cold and lets out a defeated moan. I can tell she wanted this to end, so I apologized for our ill-fitting adventure and she got dressed and said that's the first time 'anybody has complained', to which I responded that it wasn't a complaint, it was an apology...she seemed miffed. Not more than a minute goes by and I'm taking another shower, and in steps a beautiful, much larger girl of Spanish/German descent. I'd guess about 5'6", huge DD's, a bit of a belly and a big ole booty. We chat for a bit and she assures me that we'll have a great time. She mentions that her experience with larger men has generally gone well and that she prefers a 'thicker one' vs. a 'long thin one' and can often climax if her G-spot gets stimulated, usually during doggy. We start out with her on top and after several slow strokes, she's able to get all 8+ inches of me inside and I can feel the pressure of her back wall on my glans, we transition to missionary cuz she's kinda bigger/heavy and I'm able to fully penetrate in this position as well. She suggests I hit it from behind, and this is where that huge ass presented a challenge, but I think it worked in her favor cuz it was a direct line straight to her G-spot (which seemed to be about 3 or 4 inches inside her vagina). About 10 minutes of this and she expels a milky-white fluid all over me and then goes into the fetal position, lol. She says that I should concentrate on myself cuz she gets really sensitive 'down there' after cumming...back to missionary and she starts whispering how big it is and it's the biggest she's had etc. etc. about 2 minutes of that kinda talk sent me over the edge...all's well that ends well :)
That must’ve felt like 1 million bucks having the trade up because you’re too big? Your stories allow me to enjoy your life and see what it’s like to live that kind of lifestyle. I also used to love hearing Dash’s stories too. I live vicariously through my brothers here! So glad you’re getting so much use out of what you created
I just took delivery of The Vitallus Plus and gave it a whirl last night for a couple of hours...first impression was that everything looked like a quality product except the most important parts...the cylinder and sleeve. The pump works flawlessly and the constant low-pressure maintains a steady 'pull', (I can even use it for 'expressive stretching'). It's very comfortable to wear for an extended period, although I was only able to dedicate a couple hours with it last night. I'll continue with it and report anything noteworthy, but initially I think it'll become a steady part of my routine. (I also posted this as a new thread)
I just took delivery of The Vitallus Plus and gave it a whirl last night for a couple of hours...first impression was that everything looked like a quality product except the most important parts...the cylinder and sleeve. The pump works flawlessly and the constant low-pressure maintains a steady 'pull', (I can even use it for 'expressive stretching'). It's very comfortable to wear for an extended period, although I was only able to dedicate a couple hours with it last night. I'll continue with it and report anything noteworthy, but initially I think it'll become a steady part of my routine. (I also posted this as a new thread)
Thank you for your testing and she back! It really feels like we’re walking into a new generation of PE lately. I think this eight months issue that hurt us so much has allowed us to become the most modern and up-to-date site online in our business. Sure we lost a lot of money and a few members but let’s look at the silver lining here, the brotherhood has never been this busy, ever. We’re gaining so many new members every day. You would think we are at the top of the search engines with all of this traffic but we’re nowhere in Google! We are nowhere in Google and we’re crushing our competition! Sure we lost a lot of money and a few members but let’s look at the silver lining here, the brotherhood has never been this busy, ever. We’re gaining so many new members every day. You would think we are at the top of the search engines with all of this traffic but we’re nowhere in Google! We are nowhere in Google and we’re crushing our competition! Can you imagine when we’re back in Google! And who do we have the tank for this? Every single brother on this board who is stuck with us through thick and thin, you have made the brotherhood the place to be!
day 2 with the VitallusPlus...2+ hours of pure comfort, it was almost like the perfect mouth/throat enveloped me with steady (light for what I'm used to) pressure. The suction is strong enough to do a few expressive stretches, as well. I lubed-up fully with coconut oil and it allows to be fully 'sucked-in' (albeit slowly) into the cylinder with no grab/burn/chafe. I could definitely see sleeping with this (I'll try next week), and I'm hopeful to gain, but I'm sooooo used to extreme pressures I'm a tad skeptical.
day 2 with the VitallusPlus...2+ hours of pure comfort, it was almost like the perfect mouth/throat enveloped me with steady (light for what I'm used to) pressure. The suction is strong enough to do a few expressive stretches, as well. I lubed-up fully with coconut oil and it allows to be fully 'sucked-in' (albeit slowly) into the cylinder with no grab/burn/chafe. I could definitely see sleeping with this (I'll try next week), and I'm hopeful to gain, but I'm sooooo used to extreme pressures I'm a tad skeptical.
Thanks for your continued effort to understand and use this new product. You guys are crushing it with your reviews and I’m so excited to see so many new products coming to the brotherhood. The Future is so bright!
Thanks for your continued effort to understand and use this new product.
I know there have been mixed reviews on The Vitallus, but I'm really diggin' it. My Flaccid remains almost as long as my BPEL and it feels heavier. I'm not ready to have it on during sleep quite yet, but will definitely put my $0.02 forth when I far so good
If they like it, they really like it...and the opposite. All my SO wants to do is have it inside her and it keeps getting better with each/every millimeter gained. I've said it before, but I think it's worth repeating...every increase in size is like having sex with a new partner/vagina. Getting to reach places that no man has ever touched is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs
Last night I strapped-on' the Vitallus for about 3+ hours (or however long The Super Bowl was) and toward the end I noticed that the cylinder fully-compressed I only had about 1/4"-3/8" room at the dome...and when I did a full 'bone-press', I could reach the end! I spent the last 45 minutes doing 'expressive stretches' and a few 'rotary cranks'.
After this session there was minimal FR and I was hangin'-huge (so much that I ended-up rubbing one out, lol)
Good use of time! Could you link everyone to the pump so they know exactly what you’re talking about? Were you happy with the results of the football game yesterday?
here's a link to their Homepage (vitallusPLUS Penis enlargement & Penis lengthening), but there have been several members that have 'tested' it and find that it's anywhere from 'a waste of time' to 'complete junk', lol. Go figure, I like the stupid thing :) Far too early to report any results, but I'm diggin' it.
I watched The SB more out of habit than anything else (professional sports, except golf, has too many over-paid whiners who prefer preening over team, jmo). I do get into March Madness, The Masters/US Open, Wimbledon...those are 'must see' for me
Chiming in, not to steal BSA's thunder though! ;)

I've tested the VitallusPlus as well. Idea of it is quite sweet, but I never got myself to sleep while it was on, I tried it several times. (Meaning, many days of the week, not just once or twice!)

For now I've used it on several evenings while I'm in front of the computer, just to get some PE done in a day.
Overall I'm not too thrilled about it, as if you were to use it for a longer time, you'd need to get new cylinders once in a while.
Not very cost-effective.

It's fun to wear but it has no place in serious PE from my point of view. Underlining, my point of view. ;)

Looking forward to BSA's reports!
Never heard of that device before but the principle of a flexible vacuum based pump is interesting at least.

Pumping has never really been my thing in the past, but as I am moving towards girth focused work that will have to change in the future. The bathmate was a good tool but I never used it as much as some of the other guys here, mostly because my wife did not like the discoloration it caused.
Chime-in freely, my friend!
I can't see sleeping w/it either, but for the several hours of reading/TV/computer time it works perfectly for me. I'm not sure how long the latex will last, but for now it shows no signs of deterioration, (I generously lube-up with coconut oil prior to usage)...I'll do a measurement at the end of this week to see what/if changes happened
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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