I bought 4 bottles of leach oil about a year back. The theory intrigued me and I'm a sucker for every new supplement that comes out. I'll try them all.
I never noticed any enlargement from leach oil. It may help with petichae (don't know if I spelt that correct, is spelt a word?) you know, the little red pin spot bruising. The oil was a little costly as it came from Indonesia. The company was "Duroil". 60 ml bottles.
Ingredients: Hirudo medicinalis, Cocos nucifera, Zingiberis misus, Ghizoma Smilax myosotiflorae, Zingiberis officinale, Aleurites moluccana, Piper nigrum, Palm oil.
I like the stuff but I'm not to sure as to the effectiveness. Smells exotic, kind of like incense.
I once tried "Tiger Balm" the hot version for Penis Enlargement. I got my dick good and hard and started smearing the stuff on pretty heavy. I figured it would cause some major vasodilation and hell, I'm tough, I can take the burn, it won't last long. It started to get nice and warm, then warmer, then hot, then MOTHER FUCKER, the burn was so insane I was damn near crying like a little girl. Some got it my "pee hole" too. The shit stripped the skin of my cock like a bad sunburn. But yeah, pretty good vasodilation, try it, go ahead, I double dog dare yah!!