This stuff supposedly contains something that increases blood flow when rubbed in and is ideal for jelqing. I've read up on it and it seems like there is a NPenis Enlargement movement that swears by this stuff for their jelqing and gets very good results from it.

Just wondering if anyone here has heard about it or tried it yet.
9cyclops9 said:
Sounds like snake oil to me.

from what I gather it is actually extracted straight from leeches, something about their oil/saliva helps increase bloodflow, which is why they have been used medically to restore circulation.

I've seen it on E-bay and a few other sites... just trying to gather more info on it before I buy any.
I didn't mean to imply it was extracted from snakes and not leeches. I meant it sounds like BS.
Leech saliva is a natural coagulent. Means that blood doesn't clot to create a scab or stop bloodflow. If you do get some and it does work make sure you don't get cut while doin' Penis Enlargement otherwise you'll have a nice fountain goin' for awhile. ;)
Cybershot said:
Leech saliva is a natural coagulent. Means that blood doesn't clot to create a scab or stop bloodflow. If you do get some and it does work make sure you don't get cut while doin' Penis Enlargement otherwise you'll have a nice fountain goin' for awhile. ;)

you mean anticoagulant.
I tried leech oil before. Its a gimmick, it does not work. I have always wondered if a creme like ben gay would help Penis Enlargement. I mean to get more blood to your dong. But Ben Gay would hurt like a mofo. Some creme to get a warming sensation but not burn like Icy hot or Ben Gay.
Leech oil would work...the problem is the delivery. You see, the hirudin in the leech is water soluble, but clears the body in a couple of hours. So, the ancient ones in their wisdom created a primitive form of liposomal delivery by cooking the leeches in sesame oil, and afterwards aging it in green coconuts (contains natural emulsifiers and sodium-lauryl-sulfate...a saponin I think)with wonderful things like candlenuts (source of tung oil, which has an interesting chemistry as well) and other herbs added. I think the idea was to maximise the amount of hirudin that would pass through the skin, and increase the amount of time the substance remains in the get the maximum benefit. Unfortunately, yes, the stuff I've tried doesn't do much (minor vasodilation...a couple drops of capsaicin in your K.Y. would work better).
I am hoping to create a formula of my own, but the cash for materials and R&D is a little short right now...I'll keep you posted when I finally get going on it...
I bought 4 bottles of leach oil about a year back. The theory intrigued me and I'm a sucker for every new supplement that comes out. I'll try them all.
I never noticed any enlargement from leach oil. It may help with petichae (don't know if I spelt that correct, is spelt a word?) you know, the little red pin spot bruising. The oil was a little costly as it came from Indonesia. The company was "Duroil". 60 ml bottles.
Ingredients: Hirudo medicinalis, Cocos nucifera, Zingiberis misus, Ghizoma Smilax myosotiflorae, Zingiberis officinale, Aleurites moluccana, Piper nigrum, Palm oil.
I like the stuff but I'm not to sure as to the effectiveness. Smells exotic, kind of like incense.
I once tried "Tiger Balm" the hot version for Penis Enlargement. I got my dick good and hard and started smearing the stuff on pretty heavy. I figured it would cause some major vasodilation and hell, I'm tough, I can take the burn, it won't last long. It started to get nice and warm, then warmer, then hot, then MOTHER FUCKER, the burn was so insane I was damn near crying like a little girl. Some got it my "pee hole" too. The shit stripped the skin of my cock like a bad sunburn. But yeah, pretty good vasodilation, try it, go ahead, I double dog dare yah!!
leech oil is nothing more than a snake oil, as someone has already posted. don't waste your time and money, i tried a bottle i bought on ebay, in a word....crap
LOL, tiger balm on your cock sounds bad in the first place.. thats like the equivalent to icy hot.. haha. At least you tried it though ;)
When I was younger around 20, my Dick was big that I used to faint when I got an hard on, the doctor recommended that I use leaches on my Dick to suck the blood out when I getting aroused. By golly it worked, in fact it worked so well that used to have a pet leach that gave me the best blow job I have ever had. Of course like any medication, it had side effects, the biggest side effect was called penilieiuos destruction. Which in laymen's terms means your prick shrinks to a much smaller size. So once when I had a 9" banger, is now only a 4" banger. So you do have to be careful when using Leach type products
ElGeorgio said:
When I was younger around 20, my Dick was big that I used to faint when I got an hard on, the doctor recommended that I use leaches on my Dick to suck the blood out when I getting aroused. By golly it worked, in fact it worked so well that used to have a pet leach that gave me the best blow job I have ever had. Of course like any medication, it had side effects, the biggest side effect was called penilieiuos destruction. Which in laymen's terms means your prick shrinks to a much smaller size. So once when I had a 9" banger, is now only a 4" banger. So you do have to be careful when using Leach type products

By far, the funniest shit I have ever read on an internet forum! Sorry to laugh at your misfortunes El Georgio. Please forgive me.
Haha, dude I would not buy that shit, seems like a load of garbage. Snake oil indeed- I hear icy hot on your dick works well though, you should try that instead.
haha- did you see the before and after pics on that link- its the dudes little penis twice, nothing changed in the after pic- he said he grew 2 1/2 inches length and 1 inch in girth in two months too. Im afraid not. I would advise not to get these pills, but the choice is still yours if you really think they might work. Hell, send me some money and Ill send you some penis pills too.
Do your pills work? How'd you get so much gains in a month? was it the pills? I've been slackin on the stretches... i just want a big dick and that's it! i'm to lazy to be stretchin and pullin my dick all day lol.
Sure, they make you taller and supprisingly smell better too. They're $2,000 each too, as I have to go through the trouble of slaying the dragon and all to make them.
Stay away from the leech oil, they are picking up the leeches from the swamp, you never know what kind of blood the leech sucked before they caught it, it might be infected by some kind of sickness.
lepiricus said:
I tried leech oil before. Its a gimmick, it does not work. I have always wondered if a creme like ben gay would help Penis Enlargement. I mean to get more blood to your dong. But Ben Gay would hurt like a mofo. Some creme to get a warming sensation but not burn like Icy hot or Ben Gay.

What about Aspecream? It that orderless one that doesn't burn. It is supposed to loosen up soar muscles.
what about longer term numbness side effect from the leech saliva [its not infection its how they bite]? I tried some and im a bit numb...anyone else notice this? if so how long did it take to wear off?
im much better now - it wore off after a few weeks. Only used it once, a generous helping. I believe it was a malaysian product, hirudo medicinalis. They claim it is safely harvested, etc. The particular company is called duroil, and they claim their products are ISO certified [Malaysian QC standards] I think another product they make is called 'cosa' which contains this leech extract.

Anyways, I'm not willing to try this stuff again, given my experience with it. I was a bit hasty, thought 'wow this sounds like a good idea.' Do research before buying anything that seems weird. Because I didn't. I got caught up in the hype / hope.

a nice e oil of mixed tocopherols, or an aloe cream w/arginine will probably work nice on the side. No more animal extract oils for me. Anyway.
pull it out with the leech on in front of a woman. rumors will fly. you will never have sex again. You will be called leechy sick dick
I agree, leech oil does have some form of physiological effects. I've used Duroil and Cosagrande's old formula. Currently I have three different leech oil concoctions. All are very different in appearance and smell but they all seem to help reduce petichae blood spots and I always have a large flaccid, no turtling. Regular use of leech oil seem to be making the small surface capillaries more noticeable. The head of my penis is fuller and has better circulation with leech oil. My penis always feels warm as well when using leech oil.
REDZULU2003;361610 said:
Its more for healing and circulation than sensitivity

Ohh i got you now, thats all i really wanted to know, ima order some next month i need a tad bit more length and girth really more girth lolrofl
Nothing like SPAM to screw up a thread...

By the way, I went ahead and ordered from EBAY and am getting three bottles of Leech oil from China. Will keep you posted.... I am going to do a clamping and leech oil routine.
Has the stuff arrived? shame you didnt wait a few months. I got a 15% off deal from the RRP via the best Leech Oil supplier. The deal is for Mattersofsize members only, but for your future reference HERE is the address you need.
Hi, would like to introduce myself. Names Sunny K and I have been selling Leech Oil and Leech Fat for many years. I will not spam here but if you have questions about Leech oils, just PM me and I will try my best to answer your questions. Thank you.
Im loving leechoil I use it as often as possible and its affordable so I can use it in excess!! Its great if your going out and you want to feel some life in your penis; wakes it up- morning sunshine, going out today? Yes, yes Im going out to rule the universe from this day forward and forever.
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Hi i m thinking to buy the leech oil and i dont knw where to buy any wat would be good things with that? pls tell me wat are d gud things will happen to my penis if i will buy it pls guide me.