pussy licking

  1. S

    Anyone know of a good forum to learn how to use our big dicks better?

    Ok so we put all this hard work into becoming bigger...now is there a place to learn how to become master fuckers? I mean soon as you enter the girl cums type of fucking. Any suggestions? I want to become an expert with my wood
  2. T

    How to RESTRICT Girth gains while doing PE?

    I didn't really know where to put this topic. Let me first say I will not be Jelquing or Sqeezing. Just pumping and stretching. I would like to buy the Bathmate to gain Erection Quality and Length, Girth may increase by half an inch but I don't want more than 6.2 inch girth. (6.2" is the max...
  3. P

    Testosterone cream

    anyone ever take this? if so what were your results.
  4. C

    Girls have no perception of size (part 3030)

    Hey, so check this out... My girlfriend asks me during sex the other night: Jesus, how big ARE YOU!?!? And afterwards, I told her to guess. Her: 10? Me: Nope. Her: 9? Me: Nope. Her: 8? Me. Nope. Her: NO?!? Me: Nope. Her: 5? Me: Nope. Her: How big are you?!? Me: Just about 7", a little under...
  5. T

    Anyone tried Leech Oil?

    This stuff supposedly contains something that increases blood flow when rubbed in and is ideal for jelqing. I've read up on it and it seems like there is a NPenis Enlargement movement that swears by this stuff for their jelqing and gets very good results from it. Just wondering if anyone here...
  6. C

    The real deal on how to please the woman

    I good friend of mine emailed this to me a long time ago. I have been using it very often when I was engaged in sex. I was not going to share it however, since I have been learning so much from you guys. I thought it would be necessary to pass this on. It is very interesting, however, it is...