I'd like to add a stretching regimen to my routine but i always get an erection as soon as i start.
As I dont find jerking off before every single workout a very time eficient solution, I was wondering what kind of mental tricks/ techniques/ meditation thingys other people use to evade erections.
Anyone got any tricks?
Think about Roseanne Barr, or trigonometry or something. lol Seriously though, I also found myself getting an erection when stretching a few minutes after I woke up in the morning. I realized that I don't get an erection when stretching if I wait an hour or so after waking up. When do you do your stretching bit?
I dont think its to do with the time i do my stretches because i dont have a stretching routine because i know that as soon as i start i'll get erect.
I'm pretty sure that the same thing happens whenever i try stretches, regardless of the time.
I even tried stretching right after j/o but i found i got hard after just a few mins of stretches.
I suppose ill never have a stretching routine until i'm either impotent or develop some self control over my erections. I was just hoping that somone knewe of a method to practice and develop this sort of self control.
do u work out? when ur exercising your blood will be needed wherever ur muscles are being worked, thus no boner. i like to do my stretches in between sets. also its time efficient, you need privacy tho, so its not for everyone. gl
Hmm i have a problem with that too, i can control it to a sertain point. Like when focusing on pretending the dick don't excist, then it usually get limp. And thinking of gays then my erection says poof and its down hehe
Partial erection?
No prob. PUMP! I realized when I first started Penis Enlargement a few years ago (had to stop shortly after and am just now getting back into it) that almost half the time I tried to arouse myself to erection i got too hard, or too soft. the other half of the time I enjoyed it so much I just forgot all about Penis Enlargement and kept enjoying myself to the obvious conclusion.So I bought a decent quality pump.
Now I pump first for a couple of minutes, get an 80% - 90% erection, then jelg, as it softens up I pump it back up and jelq again.
I also do this while in the shower, so I have a washclothe and hot water for a warm wrap (used prior to each pumping session), and everything is cleaned up when i finish!
works great for me - no arousal to maintain or get carried away with - it's a purely mechanical erection.
I have noticed if I can stay flaccid enough to do an A-stretch and pull hard enough to get a lig pop I go completely flaccid for the rest of the stretches sometimes 1.5 hours of stretching with no return of erection until I want it for jelqing at the end on my routine.
I find j/o before stretching to be most helpful. I have to wait a couple of minutes thought becouse mi glans get a bit too sensitive.

Maybe kegeling your ass off before will help?
Jacking off before Penis Enlargement is the best for anti-erection, but you have to make sure you can get sufficiently hard afterwards for jelqing. Either that or do them in 2 seperate routines.
Just use this as wallpaper. Works everytime, just don't abuse the pic, as in over viewing, because it may start to have a reverse attraction. For every re-attraction thier is an equal an oppisite attraction.

Why don't you do other things when more erect, like 440s, erect bends, blasters, stretching, jelqing. In other words, stretch while you can, then do other exercises, and when in the right "state" return to strethcing.
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That's dead wrong.

When you start to get erect just take some time to put some heat on it. I always stick my unit back in the heating pad and think about things that aren't related to sex.
Get a clock with hands and stare at it. Watch the hands go round to time your stretch. Listen to music. However, I still need a partial erection to get enough blood into the head for the stretch. Seems to work for me...
The perfect way to do it is to hold an intense kegel for about 30 seconds or as long as is needed. That will make your erection disappear. The only time that hasn't worked for me is when I'm on viagra.
If it starts getting erect hit it with a hammer, it always worked for me:)

Only joking

To prevent my penis becoming erect during my stretch routines I usually watch a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words]/video (of the clean variety) to take my mind off becoming erect. I also watch the seconds hand on my clock which also helps.
Sorry for bumping a really old thread but this is what came up when I was googling "anti erection." I want to tell you an interesting way to control erection. It's only a shame that my advice doesn't help my situation! oh well! :)

Engage the prostate by sitting on something with a round flat top and bottom, a spray can, shaving cream can, a cup, something tube-shaped and won't break. Anything that has this shape: http://store.iuneeds.com/images/gillettefoamy.jpg (image is of a gillete fusion foam shaving cream). I think a large rubber ball (superball / bouncy ball) might also be able to put enough pressure and may be more comfortable.

You want to sit on almost like it's trying to penetrate you. You don't need your full weight. You can move it forward closer to the scrotum away from the anus as well. When you get it right, you'll feel a powerful sensation, a heartbeat in your prostate, or maybe it will be less powerful depending on how much pressure you are applying. Anyway, sitting on it with the right pressure will cause your penis to deflate. Variable pressure may allow you to get any level of erection. Since this is pleasurable you can get fully erect with less pressure or fully flaccid with more.

Side effects include horniness, extreme penile pleasure sensitivity, extreme desire to ejaculate, and in rare cases also cause prostatic fluid to be pushed into the urethra. If you get near orgasm and even go "over the edge", stop all stimulation immediately! Applying a good amount of pressure will stop the orgasm dead in its tracks, you will be able to feel a little bit of the orgasm as it gets halted. This is actually a great edging technique. However, if you are going over the edge and continue to stimulate the penis, you will go fully over the edge and retro-ejaculate into bladder unless you release pressure.

Experimentation is required.
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well the guy is complaining about erections i know this is an old thread but he should try erect stretching and the dick will become flaccid after a few stretchings..
oh shoot, now I remember. That was some crazy shit.