So I've been consistently doing girthwork in the form of jelqing, clamping and SSJs almost every day to no avail. Something has got to change. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've had temp gains that lasted like a week or two, but they would mysteriously disappear. I guess this must be because I was training too hard and causing inflammation instead of plastic deformation of the tunica.

At this point my dick is totally conditioned. I mean I can clamp and do the hardest [words=]SSJ[/words] my hands can manage and my expansion isn't near what it used to be. No red dots, nothing. There was a time when I would clamp and go from 5.6" to 6.2". Now it's more like 5.6" to 5.8". I'm incredibly frustrated as you can imagine. When I began focusing on girth almost two years ago, I managed a .5" cemented gain in about 6 months. Now I've been hammering away with no results.

So my question is... is it time for a decon break? I hate the idea of it, because I love doing Penis Enlargement, especially girth work. It's like a stress reliever that feels productive.

It's either that or take DLD's route and step up the intensity which... I have no idea how I would do. I can already apply my whole bodyweight of 140 lbs to my clamped dick without blinking.

I've been reading Redzulu's advise on doing girthwork every other day, which sounds nice, but on those days off my masturbation sessions have a habit of turning into Penis Enlargement sessions.

Thoughts? Advice? Has anyone else ever hit a wall like this? This whole making gains and losing them pattern is making me insane.
it does sound like you are very conditioned for the work..but maybe it is time to take a step back and try the less is more approach...i don't know..but the decon break might do you some good atleast for a couple weeks or not go at it every day..take some days off..good luck to you
I'm not a vet or anything but I was actually in the same boat as you. For months I was clamping, pumping, and doing [words=]ssj[/words] jelqs like nobodies busniess and didn't gain much midshaft girth. The only gains I got at the time where more length and base girth gains. My midshaft girth was 5.4 and would not budge. After reading up some science on the tunica I started really taking bundled stretches geared toward the midshaft of the penis seriously. In the morning my 1 hr workout of manual stretches are all bundled stretch variations, designed for pure tunica deformation while flaccid which will result in erect gains. Now my mid girth has increased to 5.5 inches with a normal erection and 5.7 inches with a viagra indoost erection. Even though that is not a big gain, it is a step in the right direction. So my point is try dedicating a good amount of time to bundled stretches to really stretch the tunica out width wise. Hold each stretch for 2-3 minutes and bundle every part of your penis in different variation.

Or another option is try shooting for length until you stall out there then go back to girth work. Your stats say you are 7.5 x 5.75. Maybe you can reach 8 x 5.75 through hanging or intense manual stretches then go back to reaching your girth goal of 6 later.
homelesswombat;354317 said:
I need to hear from the vets on this one. Do I need to decon or am I sitting on a huge opportunity for super-intense routines?

Perhaps you need to back off on the frequency. I posted this on the Penis EnlargementGym but I think it may apply in your case:

One thing to keep in mind- I've found that with my weight workouts, as I've gotten bigger and stronger, I require more rest than I used to before training again. While working out in my late teens I was usually able to train each body part once every 5 days. Currently, it usually takes on average about 7 days before I can hit that body part again, and in the heavier portion of my training cycle it may take 10 days or more. It took me awhile to learn to accept this, but once I did I was rewarded with greater strength, size, and my overall health improved since I was allowing my body adequate rest.

[Misc. note- If you're taking steroids, GH, etc. (I don't) you'll be able to recover faster and work out harder.]

This is because although you can continue to get bigger and stronger, your recuperative abilities will not be able to keep pace. Obviously stronger muscles and tendons will be able to produce more force (not to mention the stress on the nervous system), and causing microtrauma to a larger muscle mass means more total recuperation will be required. Other factors like age may contribute to that as well (as you age it takes a little longer to recuperate).

This same philosophy could conceivably apply to Penis Enlargement workouts to a limited extent (as Penis Enlargement doesn't put the stress on the nervous system that a heavy weight workout would)- especially if the subject has increased his penile volume significantly.

In essence, you'll likely have greater success if coax as opposed to trying to force your penis into growth

i where in the same boat like you...

i stopped clamping and the 80-100% erect jelqing.
i took 360°bundled-behind-the-leg stretches in my routine.
i took low-erected-jelqs (10-30% erection only!) in my routine.

i did this routine for about 1 month and gained ~1cm base girth and 0,2cm
in the middle in this time.

i think clamping/high erected jelqs are not that good, because the expansion
is limited, i feel that there is an end. if your cock is just about 10-30%
erected, you can kegel and really "milk" the blood in to your penis, and
you can expand it to the max., there is also a little stretch at the same time,
those kind of jelqs are very powerfull.
(just my little theory)

Hey abudabi2. Your philosophy on bundled stretches and low erection jelqs are the same as mine. I totally agree. I jelq at a little highter percentage though at 50-60%. The penis is still bendable and pliable in that range.
Thank you for your advise and observations gents. I'm still unsure of what routine I want to develop for this. Things I know I will do:

-Penis Enlargement every other day
-Bundled stretches
-Focus more on [words=]stamina[/words] work

Things I'm considering but unsure of:

-Full intensity every other day
-Light intensity for the first month
-A 1-2 week decon break
-Continue clamping

Anything y'all might add I'd appreciate.
I would consider taking a short break and then working every other day.

FWIW, you have made great gains overall. I know you want that idealized 6" girth but 5.75 is very big and going from 5" to 5.75 is an impressive change. You will get there eventually.
kingsnake;354329 said:
Hey abudabi2. Your philosophy on bundled stretches and low erection jelqs are the same as mine. I totally agree. I jelq at a little highter percentage though at 50-60%. The penis is still bendable and pliable in that range.

yeah, i forgot to say that the bundleds are very important, also for girth!
its the combination^^
I'd still like to hear from DLD or Redzulu on this before I nail down a routine. At this point I've decided I'm going to take a one week break while I go live with my lady. High quality problems rofl
Perhaps a total decon for a couple weeks and then start with basics. Sometimes a total reset can inspire new gains.
i posted the same thing not 10 days before you... havent seen midshaft girth increase in years.

im taking a 3 month, maybe even 4 month, deconditioning break. its really the only choice. if i gain even .25" of girth after this break i will know for SURE that deconditioning is the one secret to a girth plateau.

and from what ive read in other places, a deconditioning break of 3 months always leads to new gains right off the bat.

this decon break is crazy. its so hard to not Penis Enlargement after it becomes routine. i dont even allow myself to do a flaccid milk after peeing. total decondition.
I agree with Big Al's answer but would like to add on to that. Your muscles are design to "resist" against from stress/gravity= resistance training.

Your penis on the other hand is not made to fight against stress. Remember before you started Penis Enlargement your penis had zero stress on it to be condition for Penis Enlargement. So why would you slam so much work on it. It cant go from zero stress to a whole lot, you got to ease into intense stuff.
Girth Busters may also be an option, if you have not tried them yet.
I just might try those girth busters. Although I am uncut and have been confused to this day as to how one does dry jelqs. I get so much damn skin stretch and that shit is really uncomfortable. If someone could explain to me how to do those dry jelqs, I'm game.

After my week long break I think I'll try girth busters every other day. After each set I think I will do some light-medium intensity bundled stretching. I think as I step into this new routine I will begin light intensity and ramp it up over the course of a month.

DLD, do you think the Girth Busters will still be effective if I start off doing 1/2 the reps and work my way up?

Did you say you hang 140lbs on your unit?

How does it not rip off?

I put my whole bodyweight on a toilet compression squeeze. I don't hang ever.
homelesswombat;354528 said:
DLD, do you think the Girth Busters will still be effective if I start off doing 1/2 the reps and work my way up?

That is fine. For me, when my girth was dragging, Girth Busters really shocked me into gaining.
Go balls to the wall with PC work. Remember your penis is very elastic. The outer part inside the penis is pliable but still tight. The tissue might be able to absorb/soak up more blood it all depends on if your body has a reason to hold more blood or not.

If you have been working hard but are not reaping the benefits. It that your penis and PC fells no need to hold more blood.