I absolutely love my Vac-Extender from MonkeyBar at
www.autoextender.com . I will post below my thoughts that I left on another forum some weeks ago.
I have now been using the Vac-Extender for about 2 weeks and the comfort is amazing. I wore the device (without the ring) using a pair of suspenders (TLCtugger style) around the waist for 14 hours yesterday with good tension while driving over 800 miles coming home from the Grand Canyon. In fact, while at the Grand Canyon with about 50 lbs (my youngest son in a carrier with water & some food) I hiked down & up about 1000 feet of elevation wearing it. Total comfort, it was even another 30-45 minutes before I took it off. I must admit with hesitation, I have even slept with it on, though this is strongly discouraged by virtually everyone for safety.
I just read the above and must clarify that the 14 hours mentioned was taking breaks every 3-4 hours or so. I should also add that I don't currently use it with the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]Jes-extender[/words] and I don't see much need to in my case.
MonkeyBar never ceases to amaze me. I get home and catch up on the forum and he has further improved the product AND he is sending out the improved portions with just a shipping charge to early customers. I am impressed. By the way, he also overnighted me a smaller
cylinder for the Vacu-
Hanger I ordered so I could have it before leaving on my trip.
In summary, I have two main points.
One, the Vac-Extender is the most comfortable device I have ever used by far. (By the way, the large sleeves work great with the Penis Enlargement
Weights which are second in comfort especially when used together but much less "stealthy".). I have the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]Jes-extender[/words], Penis Enlargement
Weights, [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]TLC[/words] Ventless [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words], ect. And a few inferior creations of my own.
Two, MonkeyBar's service is just impressive.
Of course, I have no financial connection (or any other) with MonkeyBar. I am just attempting to give honor where honor is due.
Originally Posted by monkeybar
Scabbot - what is [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]TLCtugger[/words] style? I'm in the process of writing VacExtender instruction and want to include that in if it's feasiable.
The more I think about that statement the more I realize how inadequate it is. Forget the term "TLCTugger style" because really the only commonality is using the single suspender to attach it.
Here is what I really meant..
Using just the
cylinder portion of the VacExtender with a round key-chain ring laced through the hole. I attach the VacExtender to the penis as normal. Then using a ComforTug Tugging
strap (probably any adjustable single suspender would do) I attach one clip on the suspenders to the ring orienting it just inside the hip bone angling up at roughly a 45 degree angle and stringing the suspender around the waist in the pointed direction coming all the way around and attaching again to the ring with the other side. (Most of the tension is horizontal of course this is all based on individual comfort) Tension is applied in two ways. Firstly upwards by raising what is now like a belt around you with key-chain ring serving as the belt buckle. Of course, adjust the suspender to the right tightness to provide a balance of comfort and it staying exactly where you place it. Secondly, turn the assembly to the desired side you are leaning your penis also providing additional tension this way. It can be easily and rather discreetly adjusted by sticking the thumb into the ring lifting outward to temporarily clear both the VAcExtender and your skin from the body, pull in the desired direction slightly beyond the intended final resting place, then rest it back against the body and go about your business. I personally wear a BallZinger (pumptoys.com) type device to help prevent "scrotum crawl" up the shaft. If the suspender is tight enough around your waist you can customize the tension with a simple turn of the thumb similar to the motion using when reorienting your pants if they become twisted. Also, it is very easy to simply switch to the other side using that same motion with both thumbs under the
I love the simplicity and multipurpose function of using the 1.5" ring at the base of the penis as shown in the instructions. Though, I personally have not yet adjusted to the ring at the base technique. So, instead of being able to wear it for hours on end with great comfort like I can with the above, I find myself getting irritable because of the discomfort at the base of the penis where the tension transferred to the ring is absorbed by my skin. It seems many others do not have this problem and therefore will not find the above quite as helpful.
Though night time usage is certainly not recommended perhaps someone may also find the below helpful.
I often will go to sleep at night with the VacExtender attached by attaching some string of the proper length to the bed-frame. Then attaching a Tugging
strap to the string at low tension. Because the
strap is very flat and about an inch wide, I let it run right up the chest and past my head on one side. It does not bother me at all and when on my side I run it under my cheek as if it is not even there. This works great for sleeping on my back or either side and though I have never tried it it should work equally as good going straight down past your feet.
One last tip..
Head to the bathroom slightly earlier if you are the type that tends to puts it off to the last minute. The VacExtender is easier to remove when you are not dancing and easier to put back on when it is not wet. I can wear it all day long if I want to with breaks taken only to pee. I am looking forward to the "improved" model. I believe it will be even better. Great product, MonkeyBar!