It's GREAT to be back!​

For the benefit of my own sanity, as I can't fathom anyone actually taking the time to read this jumble of wordage without immediately pressing the back button with vigor, I would like to structure this Progress Doohickey in a series of sub-sectioned updates, being:

Life As I Know It - The section most applicable to being as unread as Stevie Wonder's library. It will act as a vessel for all of my trivial grievances with the world and those who inhabit it.

Mind, Body and My Ever-Expanding Erection - It sounds all new age and bullshit I know, but I recently had an epiphany. Instead of only trying to improve one facet of my life in the pursuit of happiness, why couldn't I improve every part of myself? From a gamblers perspective, it's really much safer a bet! I shall provide a daily record of my progress in PE, while also noting my endeavor into Calisthenics (using your own body weight to get more ripped than Shaq's girlfriend after a win) and my pursuit of not being quite so much of a dick.

From One Member to Another - Since I haven't yet been able to solve all of life's mysteries, I would like to call upon my fellow phallus-forgers to share their knowledge and wisdom! This could range from a question regarding PE, to the best way to hide a body (kidding! or am I?).

Self-Gratifying, Motivational Quote of the Day - I don't know about you guys, but I have the tendency to lose focus on my goals... So what better way is there to remedy this, than with an inspirational quote from a wise bastard to keep your fire burning?! adult entertainment, adult entertainment is a better way...

Life As I Know It

After having somewhat of a hiatus from PE and this fantastic forum for a little over a year, I have reared my head again (pun intended), and let me tell you - I'm cocked (sorry...) and ready to go!

University (College to my American compatriots) in all of it's time and energy-sapping splendor, has released me from it's death grip and gave me an engineering degree as compensation! So... what shall I do with the time amassed between job searching, part-time working and revolting against the current establishment of 1% (that ensures that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, by bailing out their wanker banker friends and landing us in stupefying debt for the crime of merely meagerly living, consequently cock-blocking the notion of an equal and truly democratic society)?... PE of course!

A Little Background Check

I'd like to fill you in (giggity...) on my humble journey into PE so far. I've been an intermittent PE'er since 2008, when I stumbled haphazardly onto this forum, in search of the seemingly impossible - a bigger penis. I started the beginner's routine, compromising Jelqs and simple stretches, which at the time I must admit seemed as useful as jacking off into a wind tunnel... However, over the first few months, I noticed my gigglestick getting a little thicker, and a little longer. Encouraged by this, I began researching into the reasons for this fantastic predicament, that I was assured by WebMD was as plausible as Oscar Pistorius's defense.

I read everything, from the anatomy of the penis,positive-thinking techniques, to the more advanced techniques used by some low swinging veterans, hoping to be sufficiently learned enough to grow it as big as I could dream. I began to fortify my routine with exercises founded on theories that made sense to me, like Slow Squash Jelqs, Bundled Stretches, knowing even then that the key to continual growth is continual growth of my knowledge.

More recently, I purchased a [words=]Bathmate[/words] [words=]X30[/words] in an uncharacteristically brave move to see what the fuss was about, and what a game changer! Expansion like I've never seen before, a penis that looked as if it had been injecting steroids, and a smile/grimace on the face of my girlfriend when she felt the full extent of my training... and my penis.

Currently, after a year of casual fun with the [words=]Bathmate[/words] [words=]X30[/words], I have dedicated myself once more to turning my penis into something more feared than a shoe box in an airport. DLD's [words=]SRT[/words] method has given structure to my sporadic routine, and
with it I hope to reach my goals sooner rather than later!

Mind, Body and My Ever-Expanding Erection

Mind - Money really is the root of all evil...

I've recently been reading the biography come call of change, Revolution - by Russell Brand. Yes, he is a bit controversial in his views, but I find him to be an excellent communicator of opinions. I actually agree with a lot he states as mandates for a better human society, such as a fairer distribution of wealth (no duh), localized food production (America exports as much beef as it imports, riddle me the logic in that!) and perhaps most importantly, true democracy. In America, there has never been a presidential election where the side with more money hasn't won - how about that people power, huh? We are many and those in power so few, and yet we continue to be trod over...

It got me thinking about my own self, and how trapped in a greedy construct we really are, full of materialistic urges all to readily catered for by the very people who gave us that shallow desire in the first place. So I'm gonna be the change I want to see in the world and stop being so self-centered, which is really hard! Do you give to charity to help others, or to feel better about wearing sweatshop shoes?

Body - Handstand push-ups are easy... NOT!

Well after about a month of this Calisthenics malarkey, I have finally mastered (sort of...) the art of handstand push-ups! Granted, I can't do too many of them, but I do feel fitter than I ever have been! Does also make me feel a little like Bruce Lee... that is until I tumble out of one and smash into a table like an office party drunk! Despite the bruises, however, I'd say to anyone struggling with the monotony of gym sessions, give it a try.

A fantastic video for your viewing pleasure!

My Ever-Expanding Erection - The Routine and the Reinvented [words=]Slow Squash Jelq[/words]

Since I am forgetful, I shall put my routine down below for my own benefit, however if it helps anyone else then you're welcome and I accept donations...

Morning Routine - Stretching the Snake
3 Sets and 30 Seconds of each of the following;-

Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
Straight Down Rotary Stretches

Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Out Rotary Stretches

Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
Straight Up Rotary Stretches

Afternoon Routine - Pump Up The Volume

Warm up by performing Bundled Stretches, until the point at which your penis feels warm, puffier, and more malleable is reached.

The Main Event

AAG's Twisted Squash Jelq: 5 Minutes of performance.
[words=]Bathmate[/words] at Full Intensity: 5 Minutes
AAG's Twisted Squash Jelq: 5 Minutes of performance.
[words=]Bathmate[/words] at Full Intensity: 5 Minutes
AAG's Twisted Squash Jelq: 5 Minutes of performance.
[words=]Bathmate[/words] at Full Intensity: 5 Minutes
AAG's Twisted Squash Jelq: 5 Minutes of performance.

If you like it, put a ring on it (sorry...)

After this routine is completed, go ahead and slap on a silicone cock ring, or a Cable Clamp (at a low intensity) and keep it on until bedtime.
In accordance with the [words=]SRT[/words] method, it is important to keep the penis at its enhanced volume for as long as possible, in order to trick the body into thinking that this is your actual size.

AAG's Twisted Squash Jelq

So you may be wondering what this is all about, looking at it like an illegal immigrant called Rick - so similar, yet so obviously an impostor... Let me explain:


Whilst with a full erection, grab the base of your penis with a OK grip, pushing it up the shaft a little in order to increase the pressure. Then, squeeze the head of the penis to allow for more flexibility. After this, use an overhand OK grip with your remaining hand just below the glans, slowly twisting the penis until it won't rotate any further. From here, use the heel of the hand at the glans, to push down onto the glans, bending the penis into an arc shape. Maintain this arc for around 30 seconds, before releasing the top hand, allowing the penis to straighten. Keep the base hand in the same grip however.

I cannot over-emphasize the importance of knowing your limitations here: Be careful! This really is a high pressure situation for your penis.


The reason for me conjuring such an exercise is due to my love of two others (no, I'm not a polygamist...) - Slow Squash Jelqs and Bundled Stretch. Knowing firsthand of the expansion that comes with [words=]SSJ[/words]'s and the stretching of the tunica with the bundles, I was curious to attempt a hybrid of the two. The result is the Twisted Squash Jelq. It allows for expansion and tunica stretching in the same action, which has in my experience with it, allowed for increased volume over doing both exercises on their own. The width of my penis especially seems to increase very visibly whilst performing it, and the long term results I have had are impressive. I believe the reason for the effectiveness of TSJ's is due to the fact that, when releasing a stretch on the tunica, it will no doubt regress slowly to it's original size, however, here it is not allowed to do so whilst a pressure is exerted.

From One Member to Another

My question for today, my fellow members, is:

How did you get on with the TSJ's? Did you notice a larger increase in expansion when coupled with the [words=]Bathmate[/words], when compared to an [words=]SSJ[/words]? Did you even understand how to perform it?

Any feedback will be hungrily consumed, I assure you!

Self-Gratifying, Motivational Quote of the Day

"You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction." - George Horace Lorimer
Glad to see you back, and I do have to say that was a hell of an introductory post. I may have totally missed this and I apologize if I did, but can you tell us what your starting stats were when you first started PE, and what your current stats are now?

I also practiced calisthenics/gymnastic type exercises for a while, but considering I was 250 lbs at the time it was not possible for me to do Hand Stand Pushups or Planche/Planche Pushups. IMO the thing about calisthenics vs weight training in a gym is they serve totally different purposes. Weight training is best if you want to get very good at lifting heavy objects or if you want to make your body look better. Calisthenics is best IMO if you are training for a sport where balance helps and you don't want to lose flexibility/mobility that you could with the lifting of heavy weights. I haven't decided what I am going to do with my body over the coming year, but it looks like since my primary goal is to just look good then calisthenics is somewhat wasting time.

If you don't already do so, I suggest you look into Planche work, and see if you can develop your body to do Planche Pushups.
Thank you for your kind words, and that instantly EQ improving profile picture of yours! I appreciate you taking the time to reply to this thread of randomness, and as such I shall reply to your questions with glee.

My starting stats were (CIRCA 2009), as far as I can scrape memory back from:

NBPEL - 7.4 in
EG - 5.5 in

While my current stats are:

NBPEL - 8 in
EG - 6 in

The current stats vary depending on my commitment to the routine I stated in my original post, as with everyone's. Yeah, it's not a massive improvement.. but I for one am amazed I gained anything, what with being sober for what would be an optimistic estimation of a month at University! None of that lifestyle now (may it rest in peace...) so I have no excuse from now on (Unless I die in a smoldering wreck - that''s a pretty good one!).

I've been partaking in Calisthenics for a little over a month now, and I may have to disagree with your point. From my limited experience under it's influence, I have become a lot stronger, whilst also making my body look better - as ill-requested as the "Ken Doll" comments from friends are... On the upside, though, I get fondled more often by people I've just met, some of them are even attractive! I guess, as with everything in this world, it all comes down to preference and perspective - I'd just rather have my body with a strong core and low weight, with no overly puffy bits caused by an insubordinate amount of Creatine, causing my kidneys to explode like a fatal firework of blood... (that was a joke, no disrespect meant!)

My mantra is to focus on health first, and the looking good part will follow, both in PE and in Calisthenics.

I shall try and attempt these gravity-defying feats a little later today, thanks kindly for the heads up!

May I suggest you try my routine to see how you fair? I'd love to hear of your results.
Love your attitude! Your perspectives are very positive and seeing that your mind is just as powerful as your body you will realize changes so much quicker. I also like the idea of tackling multiple parts of yourself for improvement, with each improvement will come more confidence and will help you with other parts of yourself you are trying to change. I am glad that you have become a believer in what we do as I can see you will be a great accept to the Brotherhood with your knowledge and incredible attitude. I will check each post you make and help where I can but I have a feeling you will be teaching me many things.:)
May I say what an honor it is for you to reply to my little rambling thread, DLD!

I try to stay as positive as possible in life, that way I'm ready for the good things and unperturbed by the bad things! This has been a relatively new revelation to me, an epiphany if you will, that to be happy in life (surely the only goal), it is absolutely mandatory to have a balance of each of the three pieces of your self - mind, body and soul.

So I read, do some push-ups and try not to get caught up in a materialistic whirlwind of fabricated wants, for fabricated goods made in sweatshops for a fraction of the price - although, not at the same time, that would be silly and quite dangerous! But also quite impressive...

With regards to me teaching you, due to the fact that everything I know has originated (directly or indirectly) from yourself, I'd merely be an authorial mouthpiece parroting to its mentor an echo of their own wisdom! However, if I do impart an iota of knowledge upon you, I'd be honoured.

I do feel as though the Twisted Squash Jelq is promising, although I'd love a secondary, expert opinion if you were inclined to do so...

I pledge to you and every other member of this fantastic community, that I shall be flexible in impartation, porous in education and steely in dedication - not unlike my penis! ( apart from the porous part I suppose...)

Thanks again for the support, it means more than you think.
Merry Christmas Fellow Growing Members!

Life As I Know It

Seasons greetings everyone, from my overly warm bath and dangerously warm testicles! It seemed only yesterday that it was Christmas Eve...

This time of year always brings out the annoyingly excitable sprog (child to the USAsians) in me. I don't know the exact cause for my festive fever, maybe it's the continually looped yet undeniably catchy songs, perhaps the colder, darker days that draw families closer together (presumably for the primary function of staying warm- fuck love), maybe it's both... But it's one feeling I wish I could bottle, to use through the remainder of the monotonous and uneventful year to come, swigging out of it like a tramp trying to numb the present and revive the past...

Would it not be great if, instead of everyone (apart from the grinch and Kim Jung Un) only being kind, caring to others, charitable, forgiving and selfless at Christmas time, that was just how the world span around?

Granted it is also the only time of year that you can see an elderly woman punch a young mother in the head for a Furby ( they're probably related...), but let's chalk that down to a capitalist society preaching love as a store bought item...

[Insert rubbish Christmas cracker joke here.]

Mind, Body and My Ever-Expanding Erection

Mind - Uncooperative Cooperation

I've nearly completed this little booky wook called "Revolution", and what a painful involuntary spasm in the ol' nutsack it has been! I've never felt so conflicted about learning something so horrific- on one hand knowledge is power, power to do something with it, and on the other, I'm starting to wish I was still oblivious due to the harshness of the inferred reality.

Learning about the origin of Organisations, from the humble charters that used to limit their profit, longevity and consequently their power, to the point at which they were given rule of the land, in one foul bang of a gavel.

Good thing, bad thing. Good thing - in an attempt to give equal rights to African-American slaves, the 14th Amendment was passed, fun snippet;

“...nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

This, although arguably didn't help much in reality, did ensure at least in paper that black citizens should be given equal rights. Awesome!

Bad thing - the definition of an Organisation is an organised group of PEOPLE with a particular common purpose. So, bastard business lawyers being, well, bastards, forced the lawful hand of the judge to allow an organisation to be classed as a person!

So to cut this short (if you haven't already), given the rights of a person, can't be killed or incarcerated like a person, becomes unpenalised profit machine devoid of human morals (see IBM - the nazi helpers), chokes Earth on a plastic GAP bag like the dead-eyed psychopath that it is.

Have a little think, my fellow enhancing members, I know I am...


Calisthenics - done, but with an ale (it's Christmas after all!)

My Ever-Expanding Erection - It GREW!

I had a fantastic day with my penis yesterday! In light of curiosity, I decided to whip out a ruler, and to my utter amazement, and instantaneous erection, I measured in at ~8.5in long! Since I have only started to work length into my routines, I put it down to this, whatever it is I'm rather over the moon! I hope it stays.... I have yet to measure my girth, but going by the way it feels, it seems a little porkier. I shall confirm this ASAP.

On another note, the expansion I am getting after this routine, with minimal swelling, is really quite ego-feeding! One drawback of said expansion is that I have maxed out the length of the contraption, with my tacklehead looking like a melted marshmallow, pressed up against the valve! I may need to invest in a larger one... But which one?! I am getting some rather fetching pressure rings around my base, so I'm guessing I'm girthing it out to?

Crossing my legs like a lady

So I read an article (clever bastard that I am) regarding crossing your legs whilst performing a [words=]SSJ[/words]- naturally I had to give it a go. I gave it a go... And it did seem to increase the feeling of pressure in my penis! I'm still amazed at how such seemingly simple things are only now being realised, but then they are only simple once realised... Ouch, my head...

From One Member To Another

If you could have one thing for Christmas, what would it be?

Self-Gratifying Quote Of The Day

"Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store." - Dr Seuss

Again, Merry Christmas Modifying Members!
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AllAboutGirth;627647 said:
May I say what an honor it is for you to reply to my little rambling thread, DLD!

I try to stay as positive as possible in life, that way I'm ready for the good things and unperturbed by the bad things! This has been a relatively new revelation to me, an epiphany if you will, that to be happy in life (surely the only goal), it is absolutely mandatory to have a balance of each of the three pieces of your self - mind, body and soul.

So I read, do some push-ups and try not to get caught up in a materialistic whirlwind of fabricated wants, for fabricated goods made in sweatshops for a fraction of the price - although, not at the same time, that would be silly and quite dangerous! But also quite impressive...

With regards to me teaching you, due to the fact that everything I know has originated (directly or indirectly) from yourself, I'd merely be an authorial mouthpiece parroting to its mentor an echo of their own wisdom! However, if I do impart an iota of knowledge upon you, I'd be honoured.

I do feel as though the Twisted Squash Jelq is promising, although I'd love a secondary, expert opinion if you were inclined to do so...

I pledge to you and every other member of this fantastic community, that I shall be flexible in impartation, porous in education and steely in dedication - not unlike my penis! ( apart from the porous part I suppose...)

Thanks again for the support, it means more than you think.

Thank you for you kind words, it feel very good to hear this from you. I will give the Twisted [words=]SlowSquashJelq[/words] a try tonight and report back. I assume that you are below 100% erect when doing it, maybe 80%? How far are you twisting the penis? If you could give me a better description it will be easier for me to try. Thanks my Brother!
Thanks for the reply as always, DLD! To give clarification on the technique, it is much the same as the process involved in your very own [words=]Slow Squash Jelq[/words].

1. I start at 100%, with an ok grip at the extreme base.

2. Then, I loosen my grip whilst I kegel, before clamping down again and moving the grip up a little in order to further the pressure. From here, I perform a [words=]Slow Squash Jelq[/words], the only difference being that, instead of using the palm of my hand to push down on the glans, I place an overhand ok grip just under my glans.

3. The second to last step in this technique is to slowly twist your glans-located ok grip, whilst keeping the base grip locked. The degree to which you will be able to twist will vary depending on your erection strength, but as a generalised rule I would stop pursuing further rotation when you cannot torque it without increasing the force used markedly.

As a point of reference by pretending that the glans is a clock face, I can twist my penis to 3 or 9 o'clock, depending on a clockwise or anti-clockwise turn.

4. The final step is the squash. While in roration, use the side of your glans hand to squash the glans, resulting in the same effect as the [words=]Slow Squash Jelq[/words], but with a twist! (Quite literally).

I tend to hold it for around 30 seconds, unrotate the glans, and then repeat. What you'll notice is an increase in pressure, and your glans becoming hard with blood.

A variation of this is repeat up to step 2, but before moving on to step 3, pull your glans grip, with intention to stretch the penis, before twisting the glans, as in step 3. After this point, it is identical to the simpler method.

I do hope that this has proved to clarify any ambiguity. I would love for some feedback on both variations, as I feel being in expansion while the tunica is simultaneously stretched, will result in more immediate gains.

Thanks, Brother!
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Got it! I will try this tonight and give you my reviews. Thanks for taking the time to explain.
Life As I Know It

Boy's and their dick pumps

I, being of completely selfless intention (bad-dum-tss), am currently awaiting the delivery of my new toy. Some may be squandering their cash gifts on frivolous and temporary assets like beer or mail order wives, but not I - I bought a [words=]BathMate[/words] [words=]X40[/words]. A chuckle and a thigh-slap to the fabricated scenario currently doing the rounds in my mind - how would my parents react when given an answer as to what I bought with their kind donation?;

"I bought a big, shiny new dick pump to further mutate my shlong to eventually resemble a veiny baseball bat!".

Probably not too well...

So, I should warm you, reader being, that I will post a rather excited and grammatically dubious followup to my first use with it, possibly with superlatives and profanities in equal measure!

Mind, Body and My Ever-Expanding Erection

Mind - The Power Of A Glass Half Full

It's a saying we've all come across (perhaps to the point of annoyance, where you wonder why they couldn't use another phrase, at least as a palette cleanser), but in spite of it conjuring in me an unbridled rage equaled only to someone telling me to "Chillax" (which ironically only serves to make me angrier...), it is based on something profound yet simple - a positive mind can be the strongest tool at your disposal.

There have been a plethora of interesting little studies carried out on the role of a positive outlook on the physical and mental well-being of a human; "I prepare myself for the worst". This line you may recognize as part of your own inner dialog and if so, you have something in common with a bunch of men slayed by AIDS. When this group of negative thinkers were contrasted to the more chirpy subset of diagnosed, it was shown that they succumbed to the symptoms of AIDS and ultimately experienced less longevity. Complimentary to this was a study that found Heart transplant patients who were optimistic about their future had better health after 6 months after the transplant than those who felt defeated. Why is this important, specifically to PE? - This glass seems to help us heal...

PE is essentially the art of controlled damage and repair​

For every stretch of the Tunica, and every over-engorgement of the Corpus', micro tears are formed. The discipline of PE is the ability to damage the penis to the extent that new cell growth will occur, without causing injury. The successful healing of the penis should bring about a gain in volume, in order to cope with the stresses that torn it in the first place. However, it is necessary for you to trick your body into thinking that this is the normal stresses endured from an everyday erection, thus the more consistently the penis is damaged at a certain stress level, the more you're conditioning it to believe it's the norm.

Consistency is the sole contributor to gains in my honest and impregnable opinion, and so adopting a positive mental perspective to accelerate the healing process and maintain motivation is imperative. The faster the heal, the faster the gains - it really is as simple a game as that!

So in the immortal lyrics of the British institution that is Monty Python - "Always look on the bright side of life!"

Body - Gluttonous Maximus

I haven't so much as thought of exercise this past week, what with being to preoccupied with stuffing my face and stomach with as much food and drink as my body will permit (and then a little more), so I have nothing to add in this section today other than to say... I have no regrets!

My Ever-Expanding Erection - My penis looks strong, strong like a mighty oak

Following the same routine, but by wearing my cock ring all through the day, has enabled me to retain at least some of the expansion all the way up to the next workout. This, I believe, is having the effect of increasing my expansion every time, by providing a larger penis to work on at the start. In essence, I am expanding from an expanded state - kind of like a multiplier!

It should be interesting to see the difference my new [words=]BathMate[/words] [words=]X40[/words] makes on the expansion of my mutating member, which will be here tomorrow, by the way, have I mentioned that its coming tomorrow?! (sorry...)

One little revelation that I have had recently is with regards to something that used to stop me from PE'ing - ache and temporarily reduced girth. After a heavy girth session the night before, it is not uncommon to feel like you've had your member punched by Mike Tyson, and this always used to stop me from pursuing any further exercising until the point that the ache subsided. However, while feeling uncharacteristically brave, I powered through the barrier, emerging on the other side a victor, a penis victor.

In short, I managed to rid the achy feeling and smaller girth by simply performing a Uli - grabbing the base of the penis with an OK grip, kegeling blood into the penis, and then clamping it in. This seems to me to be a massive milestone in my search for consistency and gains!
No penis pain, no penis gain!​

From One Member To Another

What do you guys think of the whole positive attitude thing with regards to PE?

Self-Gratifying, Motivational Quote of the Day

With all the mention of the importance of positivity for our PE goals, I'd like to leave this to articulate what I cannot;

"In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision."-
Dalai Lama
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Very cool exercise, it really expands the tunica which is very hard to do. I will continue with it for a few weeks and see what happens. I appreciate you taking the time to explain and bringing us a new exercise to mess with.