
Mar 17, 2005
I'd be interested in hearing from members who have made significant gains after a period of deconditioning. It happened to me once before. I am thinking about following RustyG's example and lay off again for a two month period. I've been bouncing from one routine to another for the last six months to a year without significant change in my BPenis EnlargementL or Flaccid Stretch length.

I can hit 8.5" to 8.75" pretty consistently, but I can't quite hit that elusive 9" goal. After a heavy duty session I hit it, but not after a day or two without practicing P.E. I'm talking about length here and not girth. I don't have a problem gaining in girth.

Soooo, my question is: Who has made gains after a period of deconditioning? And the follow up to this question: Aren't these gains just recapturing what is lost during the deconditioning period?
Goinfor11x7 I'm glad you enjoyed my post, and my journal. I forgot to mention a few things about my experiences with deconditioning periods. First, I just want you all to know I'm talking about hands only stretching - no devices or hanging, that shit just always confused me.

All decon periods I've done have been two months in length. I come back, do two weeks of newbie stretches and a few sets of DLD Blasters (all lig stretches), and voila, in two weeks I see a 1/4" gain in flaccid, stretched length, as well as erect length. 1/8" per week, to be exact, like clockwork. I measure consistently, standing and seated, non-pressed and pressed, over and over, and every single measurement I see that 1/4" gain in that two week mark.

I have found, through experimentation, that two weeks is the point at which I will not experience further length increases. For whatever reason, after two weeks, I gain no more length. Tried it, didn't work. Therefore, in those two week stretches, I learn to go completely by feel and instinct. I can FEEL the ligs burning on EVERY stretch. I can FEEL the ligs hanging loose afterwards and throughout the day. I can FEEL the lig soreness the following day, and I go a good two weeks with this soreness. Right at that two week mark it stops, the soreness, the burning, all of it. So why not just do more stretches, or more intense versions, or DLD's latest new stretch, to keep gains going? Well if I don't FEEL anything with my stretches then what's the point? I know I'm just another two months of away with NO STRETCHING (nice break time, I'm sure you could all use it) until I can get another 1/4" in length again after going for just two weeks.

Seems to good to be true, I know. Well, I am a bare bones 6 LOT, always had a hard time with length increases, and really don't like spending an hour a day doing Penis Enlargement anyways. Deconditioning is perfect for me. For you guys who have trouble with length I totally recommend trying it out.

And Goin', after each two month decon, I have not lost anything in length in stretched or erect positions. All stay the same for two months until I start the two week blast again.
Bib said:

The reason that gains stop is that you are not, or cannot provide enough stress with your current means to further deform the tough collagenous target tissues. This occurs because when stress is applied, the weakest fibers fail first. Then when they heal, they are a bit stronger. Then the next weakest fibers fail and heal, and so on in a cascade effect. At some point, enough fibers have failed, healed, become stronger, so that a significant number of fibers are resisting the stress in concert, and more and more targeted stress is needed to continue to gain.

Hanging has been shown to be a great way to provide targeted stress. However, you have to select the correct target, and then be able to provide enough stress to do the job.

So you need to decide on your target; ligs or tunica, septum, sides of the tunica, etc. Please read the LOT, mirror and palpation test threads.

Then you need to work your way up in weight slowly, until you reach a weight that brings on fatigue within the first set or two. Then you need to reduce the weight in subsequent sets, to remain comfortable, and continue to hang while in the fatigued state. Please read the managing fatigue thread.

All of that information and more is here, in various threads. If you have any questions, please just ask.

Here's a different point of view.
im really interested in this decon stuff, but id be pranoid that id lose my gains, maybe cement them first.

ah fuck it, i enjoy p.e. anyway. :)
I had to lay off for 2 months or so, came back with the newbie routine gained nothing. I was at 8.5" before I took off! Getting it back with this marathon hanging.
I took a few months off a couple times. Both times I kept all of my size and gained length. 1/8" the first comeback, and 1/4" the second time. If you can keep size while not Penis Enlargementing, then a decon break might be for you.
Well I've deconditioned twice in the last year, both times for more than 2 months. I've since modified my thinking. If you read the BIB thread that is exactly why I don't follow along with the "more stress" or "more intense" work to gain. Essentially he spells it out by saying that the tissue types will become tougher to elongate over time, and this means heavier weights, elaborate hanging angle setups, and more total time spent. This particular type of Penis Enlargement works for SOME people, but it does not work for all and CAN'T work for most.

Deconditioning breaks are great because they allow the body to heal, which means all of the tissue swelling has dissipated, the collagenous bonds have healed and are now in a naturally pliable state, and it will also help your overall penile health.

What Rustyg posted rings true for me as well. Most of the time after the 2 week mark, when performing an "intense" Penis Enlargement routine or for me even the newbie routine, there was no more "feel" in the stretches. What can be done is a more basic approach can be employed. You ebb and flow with your body's rhytHydromaxs, and that means you work everyday to make your penis a little bit bigger. I've been following a basic template that allows me to stretch everyday but not at maximum capacity and not for really long periods of time either. I get plenty of rest and as of right now I'm not having any loss in the sensation of the pulls, but I am making steady progress. I'm right at 8.5" FSL and that's up .25" since I've moved into this model. You can read more about this in the Progressive Stretching Thread.
Thanks, Millionman, Rusty and all for your feedback. It's tough for me not to be yanking on my wank, but I'm giving it one more week, (I may be in a gaining phase, I'm not quite sure--maybe I scared my dick into "putting out,") and then I'll try the two week deconditioning period. I did lose some the last time I deconditioned, (for more than a month), but when I came back, I regained what I lost and then gained some more.

Thanks all for the valuable information.
fuck that shit , im hanging with the max vac and im getting no blisters cause i hang EVERY NIGHT ...... if i take time off ill start to get blisters again
remiii;277703 said:
fuck that shit , im hanging with the max vac and im getting no blisters cause i hang EVERY NIGHT ...... if i take time off ill start to get blisters again

How long have you been hanging every night? I have gotten blisters twice and both times didn't occur until after one full month...long after I thought I was conditioned to the vacuum.
Thank you for posting your decon experience Millionman. Can you point me in the Progressive Stretching Thread's direction, I did a search but came up with nothing. Thanks.

Also, interesting point about not stretching at maximum effort. I too have developed the same approach when I do my stretching routines after the break.
goldmember;277802 said:
How long have you been hanging every night? I have gotten blisters twice and both times didn't occur until after one full month...long after I thought I was conditioned to the vacuum.

i hang 70 to 90 minutes every night ONE SESSION . i took a month off last year , and jumped back in and got a blister

so im not taking any step back wards by stopping and trying this latest pe fad , cause frankly i dont beieve in it:s
Remiii, It doesn't matter to me if you're into the "fad" or not. It's based in physiological FACT and whether or not you accept what your body does or does not do has no effect on me. I find your post to lack any value at all as you simply say "this happened to me" and then you spout off against the idea of progressive stretching. That makes very little sense at all. You taking a month off and then having a blister is because your skin was not used to being under vacuum. I've had similar problems with excessive fluid buildup in the glans when using the vac-extender as an ADS. That does not disqualify ANYTHING in terms of the value of what I've presented to the men here at MOS. Educate yourself as to what is actually going on with your body and figure out what works best FOR YOU. I've found that by using lower intensity and spending less total time Penis Enlargementing that I make BETTER gains and these are consistent improvements. I've pinpointed how and why MY penis grows and have been working to exploit this pattern. It's proven to be very successful for ME and I thought I would share it with the men here at MOS. If you're not a fan of being progressive and trying to improve upon the methods that have long been accepted then by all means ignore it, but so far I'm doing very well and that is enough evidence for me.

I'm curious though, have you been making progress with your hanging every night? Are you making progress at about 1/8 of an inch a month?
millionman;278303 said:
Remiii, It doesn't matter to me if you're into the "fad" or not. It's based in physiological FACT and whether or not you accept what your body does or does not do has no effect on me. I find your post to lack any value at all as you simply say "this happened to me" and then you spout off against the idea of progressive stretching. That makes very little sense at all. You taking a month off and then having a blister is because your skin was not used to being under vacuum. I've had similar problems with excessive fluid buildup in the glans when using the vac-extender as an ADS. That does not disqualify ANYTHING in terms of the value of what I've presented to the men here at MOS. Educate yourself as to what is actually going on with your body and figure out what works best FOR YOU. I've found that by using lower intensity and spending less total time Penis Enlargementing that I make BETTER gains and these are consistent improvements. I've pinpointed how and why MY penis grows and have been working to exploit this pattern. It's proven to be very successful for ME and I thought I would share it with the men here at MOS. If you're not a fan of being progressive and trying to improve upon the methods that have long been accepted then by all means ignore it, but so far I'm doing very well and that is enough evidence for me.

I'm curious though, have you been making progress with your hanging every night? Are you making progress at about 1/8 of an inch a month?

im only one person , maybe the vimax has worked for others? maybe taking a break has worked for you and other people? BUT it sure as hell did not work for me;);)

Im trying to work up in weight using my max vac - And so far im up to 16 pounds with no blisters to speak of:) If i take time off I know i will have to start hanging at a lower weight and i dont see the logic behind that

yes I have gained i dont measure every month , but i measured last night and i gained from last time i measured . which was 3 months ago:) somethimes i get carried away with this pe shit , but if i dont gain on the latest fad thats going around then i think its BS ....... not saying it is , but what goodis it to me if it DONT work on my penis;)??
Remii, This isn't a fad. It's the physiology behind the growth of the penis and then I broke it down into a simple method to allow for consistent results. It's really easy to follow and so far most of the men that I've heard from about this have done well so far. The reality is that the original practitioners of Penis Enlargement back about 10 years ago really focused on how the penis felt at a given time and used really simple movements like the basic stretches and then jelqing. There wasn't a need for a ton of intensity because it seemed to be understood that this was a process that took time and you had to work with your penis as opposed to against it. I'm merely trying to go back to that perspective and work with my body as opposed to against it.

If you're hanging huge amounts of weight from your penis then I'd hope you've gained .5" of an inch in 3 months otherwise it's really not worth the time or the effort. If you could break up your routine over the course of a day and allow time for restoration and healing then not only would your time be spent more wisely, you wouldn't have to expend so much effort.

Have you tried to use this method for more than 2 months, or even at all?
^ i would like to take some time off from hanging- because like you said it wears you down , but im afraid when i start back up im going to get a blister hanging with my max vac?? thanks for the post :)
The key to not getting blisters when using a vacuum device is to work up to a significant amount of time after you've taken off. If you're prone to getting blisters then I would say work up to 10-15 minutes or so with light weight and work your way back up the time ladder. The other thing you might consider is to use lighter weights and let it hang for total amount of time. That is after you've taken time to decondition, as I've come to see the deconditioning break a must for almost all Penis Enlargement vets if they want to gain consistently again. Give the tissue time to heal and it will soften and become more pliable after you've taken a significant amount of time off. My first decon. break was nearly 4 months and when I came back I broke through a plateau that was more than 2 years old. It makes a HUGE difference in the way your penis responds to the training stress.
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