The only time the Ol' Lady's ass is too fat is when she sits on yer face and mutes out the stereo.
hepcat;495451 said:
C'mon, I have to go to sleep soon and that image will haunt me into my dreams.<:(:s:)

Just turn your stereo up!:)
For losing weight there is need to do regular exercise and proper diet plan. In exercise running,walking and jogging are best and in diet food fruits and vegetables are best. Water is also beneficial because it burns calories and fat so it is best to drink lot o water in a day.
Revend;496326 said:
For losing weight there is need to do regular exercise and proper diet plan. In exercise running,walking and jogging are best and in diet food fruits and vegetables are best. Water is also beneficial because it burns calories and fat so it is best to drink lot o water in a day.

I know this is spam but I can't figure out why, your responses sound very mechanical. Please respond so I know you are a real person, thanks. DLD
Drink lots and lots of water,avoid high calories foods and drinks.Try to engage yourself in some kind of physical work out like gym,swimming,running,walking whatever you like,which helps to burn our fat/calories quite fast.
Sorry, I just not use to I also suck at typing, But many thanks to everyone who posted. :)
There's so much conflicting information; on this thread, online, and out there in general.

So, lets hit the big issues. First off, you might want to visit your doctor to have him check you out. You are very over weight so there might be a good reason to make sure your heart is able for it.

There's also the fairly major issue that most studies show that fat people are fat for life. Simple as that. Because for the most part, your body is a reflection of WHO you are not WHAT you do. We understand that these things are both linked but if you are not disciplined, focused, hard working and use those elements in a prioritized body image, you'll just yo-yo back and forth. We all have the fat friends of facebook who post "Super workout at the gym, time for a treat", etc.

So, if you are over weight there are some things you need to do. First off, forget about exercise and working out. Unless you fundamentally enjoy it (which, as an overweight person you probably don't or you wouldn't have become overweight) it's just going to make getting yoru diet sorted out. Seriously. Your blood sugar levels will yo-yo, you'll think you've earned a treat, your schedules and shit will be fucked and you'll end up cheating your diet. So, if you are serious about weight loss, health, and not dying, then you need to put EVERYTHING into diet (for now, at least).

Diet is fairly obvious. Drink water. Cut out sugar. Eat less shit. Reeducate yourself as to what is good and what is bad. If you are fat and lazy you wont bother, and well that just proves what I said about it being WHO you are not what you do. But here's a pro tip ... if it comes in a packet you don't eat it. That might be really hard for you, so just work off %s. This week reduce the number of meals you at where stuff came in a packet. And keep going.

Ultimate goal, but not something most people can ever do is to eat only fresh fruit, meat and vegetables. But most people will never get there.

Once your diet is sorted, once it is a habit, you'll be loosing loads of weight, but only then can you start to exercise. Only when exercise won't be the reason to disrupt your diet can you start to train.
dont do fad diets....just change the way you eat...40% protien,30%carbs,30%fat....make good healthy choices...hire a trainer for a few well spent they can help you with the diet as well
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