
Jun 5, 2003
I know that Dr. Joel Kaplan has been marketing his pumps for like 30 years, and that he's finally participating in a study with the FDA about whether his claims of "penis enlargement" are true or false.
Do any of you guys know the real answer? Are gains from pumping only temporary or can you really get true Penis Enlargement from those pumps?
Long term consistent pumping will certainly lead to permanent gains. I don't think pumps are nearly as good as manual methods, but a combo routine does work quite well especially for girth.
My first pump and tube was from Kaplan. At the time, I talked directly to Kaplan and he assured me that the pump would help straighten my curve/bend/peyronies. I pumped consistently for a year, and it did definitely help and some permanent growth did result. No question about it. The problem, if it is a problem, was that the same pump could be purchased at the locat Napa store for under $30. A big ripoff. I got a different tube at Newart for lots less money too. So, Kaplan is a in it for the big money, but pumping does help. I seem to be getting more growth from manual stretching and doing the exercises that DLD is giving.
I hate pumps.
They are very dangerous, give faje results tho' very good for short time it seems.
Many �naked people movies� stars use it, and you know some one has as well as they have a swollen cock, the veins can also be harder to see than usual.
Originally posted by German Stallion
My first pump and tube was from Kaplan. At the time, I talked directly to Kaplan and he assured me that the pump would help straighten my curve/bend/peyronies. I pumped consistently for a year, and it did definitely help and some permanent growth did result. No question about it. The problem, if it is a problem, was that the same pump could be purchased at the locat Napa store for under $30. A big ripoff. I got a different tube at Newart for lots less money too. So, Kaplan is a in it for the big money, but pumping does help. I seem to be getting more growth from manual stretching and doing the exercises that DLD is giving.
Yeah, Kaplan's pumps cost quite a bit, and I'm also a bit scared like RZ....but I'm wondering if some sessions at low pressure would assist my Penis Enlargement....Hydromaxmmmm............
Yes, I am sure it would, but the key is just that, low pressure. YOu will be tempted to go high, don't. Use the low pressure, of 3 or 4 pounds. Takes a while but it works. You can fill the tube, but you must remember that you are filling it with fluid. It is not really a stretch. I think, MHO, the pumping helps in girth, but not in length. GS
I've used pumps on and off. Pumping is addictive.

To much pressure and for to long can cause damage. Ruptured blood vessels, blisters, donut effects.

At this time, I do not own a pump, nor have any future plans to buy another one anytime soon.

Again, I do agree that manual methods give permanent results, as where a pump are temporary.

I would not recommend pumping for permanent enlargement, alone. Combing pumping with supplements and manual workouts, perhaps.

Take-care with time inside the cylinder and amount of pressure.

Manual workouts are best. DLD has proven manual methods, that in the long term will give better and permanent results.
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Thanks for all the input guys. I really didn't know much about pumping, other than it gave massive temporary swelling - and carried some dangers.
But it seems that most opinion leans toward pumping NOT giving permanent gains - especially in length, which is what I'm after most.
I have never pumped (or hung weights), nor do I own a pump. After reading these threads, I don't feel like I will start pumping - at least not anytime soon.
Originally posted by WaxN
Thanks for all the input guys. I really didn't know much about pumping, other than it gave massive temporary swelling - and carried some dangers.
But it seems that most opinion leans toward pumping NOT giving permanent gains - especially in length, which is what I'm after most.
I have never pumped (or hung weights), nor do I own a pump. After reading these threads, I don't feel like I will start pumping - at least not anytime soon.

I just bought a pump, I think the gains will be permanent with a routine such as avocets, check out �other PE site� pumping section.
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