savageblue;445772 said:
Seems like you're getting pretty quick results. :) Well done, that is a really nice effort.

Just keep doing whatever you're doing, because you seem to be doing it right LMAO

How do you feel right now, with that extra length?

Thank you savageblue.

Right now I feel good with the extra length. And also feel odd at the same time. Mainly because of all the crap going on in my life right now. Some good things. Some bad. Doing Penis Enlargement is the icing on the cake of good things. And even if the bad things don't turn around I still will have a growing cock! Lol! So I guess it's all good in some way.

Am I a fast gainer? I'm not sure. Just pleased so far.
ed123;444686 said:
Another milestone.

Today I am able to use the long extension rods with the extender instead of putting the two smallest ones together. When I started I could barely fit into the extender without any extension rods.

The State of Shock continues...

excellent! Keep pushing those limits!
doublelongdaddy;445864 said:
excellent! Keep pushing those limits!

Thank you for your continuing encouragement DLD.

I have noticed lately that my BPenis EnlargementL and NBPenis EnlargementL change from day to day. Sometimes I'm bigger...sometimes it is less. The only consistent proof of gain seems to be BPFSL which just keeps getting longer. Maybe I should leave the ruler alone for a while again. Lol.
ed123;445922 said:
Thank you for your continuing encouragement DLD.

I have noticed lately that my BPenis EnlargementL and NBPenis EnlargementL change from day to day. Sometimes I'm bigger...sometimes it is less. The only consistent proof of gain seems to be BPFSL which just keeps getting longer. Maybe I should leave the ruler alone for a while again. Lol.

This can happen sometimes. It has to do with a lot of things, including level of arousal, room temperature, time of the day, fatigue level, etc.
So yeah, sometimes letting go of the ruler is actually a good thing LMAO Especially when you only pick it up again a couple or more weeks later and you really notice some actual growth ;)
Trust me, been there, done that! :p That's why we're told to measure only from time to time. Measuring once a week, once every two weeks, or even just once a month, can be much more motivating than getting a daily dose of ruler.

Either way, since you're still getting proof of gains in your BPFSL, all is going according to plan :) So congratulations and keep at it.
I am the MOS official Cheerleader:) I am also the maid, chef, madman and pe extraordinaire!
savageblue;444385 said:
Sorry about your relationship. But trust me, the rewards you'll get from Penis Enlargement will make up for it :) (more mentally than physically, actually)

I have been having days where I am missing this woman. And have actually had depression over it. This does surprise me considering how bad she was to me towards the end of our relationship. What is wrong with me?
6" is only the start. Wait till you hit 7.5 , you'll be hitting her cervix with the tip of your cock, and as you girth up more you'll feel her pussy just gripping the shaft as you slide in and out. It's awesome.

Congrats on the 6' I remember how good that was a couple years ago. But keep at it. In a year you'll be like, "damn I just can't seem to hit over 8.5 inches!"

You'll be all pouty over it. My dick is ONLY 8.5 inches long!

Then you'll be like, "I wish I could grow a big dick mine io sooooo small!" LMAO

I'm not kidding, the more you gain, the more you want to gain.
AdmiralLongDong;447219 said:
6" is only the start. Wait till you hit 7.5 , you'll be hitting her cervix with the tip of your cock, a

And just beyond the cervix is the sweet spot that makes a woman gush!
ed123;447195 said:
I have been having days where I am missing this woman. And have actually had depression over it. This does surprise me considering how bad she was to me towards the end of our relationship. What is wrong with me?

The only thing wrong with you is that you are a human being with feelings. That's all. :)
Some relations that go wrong can take more time to get over it than others, but you can get over all of them eventually. And the best way to do that is by focusing on something else. In this case, you already have the advantage of being focuses on your Penis Enlargement. Just keep working on it and developing yourself and you WILL get over it much faster.

Relationships are lessons. Just learn from it, make the best of what you went through and go up one step in your life and in your self improvement. ;)
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