
Oct 19, 2008
I have been using the heavy duty stretcher for 3 weeks now, about 2- 2.5 hours per day 4 times a week and been wearin the light duty at work all day so like 6 hours or so.

My flacid has transformed i feel so much more confident that i actually have a hanging dick now between my legs and not some tiny shriveled baby dick lol turtling happens much less now, and its only 3 weeks cant imagine 3 months!

and the good part is my Flacid Stretched Erect Length is now 6.75 and i started at under 6.5 so ive gained .25 or even more because i think i was about 6.4 to be honest ,, in less then 3 weeks!! i havent measured erect gains yet not going to for another 2 months but it has to be the start of somethign good i havent seen gains in ages so im excited.:cool:
Fuck yes man! Keep going for it! I love seeing posts where the person is excited as all getout to their gains! Keep up the good work! :D
thanks guys !! the light duty is just the 2 rubber wraps in the package that you wrap around your dick and you put 3 velcrow straps around to secure them and it keeps it in a semi stretched state the whole day, it doesnt really create a full stretch but its more of a anti turtling device, and keeps my dick at a solid 5.5 inches length stretched when my true flacid used to be about 3.5 to 4 so it def keeps it above average which i think is the most imporant, im def going to start including manuals back into my routine at least 2-3 times per week just to aid in gians, i guess if you see gains it only motivates you more to do more, also consdiering a Bathmate soon as well! since i do my jelq routine i the shower anyways
Be careful about doing too much you'll wear it out. You're already doing a pretty good schedule. Also, watch out for jelqing the same skin area that those wraps and tubes are using. It too me a few weeks to toughen but I also had a few times where I could tell my skin was getting raw. I always recommend light jelqing, but as I said, don't get so excited that you're always doing something to your dick or you will likely injure it. Taking a break is far worse than not doing enough so I advise erring on the side of less than more.
ownd;379001 said:
thanks guys !! the light duty is just the 2 rubber wraps in the package that you wrap around your dick and you put 3 velcrow straps around to secure them and it keeps it in a semi stretched state the whole day, it doesnt really create a full stretch but its more of a anti turtling device, and keeps my dick at a solid 5.5 inches length stretched when my true flacid used to be about 3.5 to 4 so it def keeps it above average which i think is the most imporant, im def going to start including manuals back into my routine at least 2-3 times per week just to aid in gians, i guess if you see gains it only motivates you more to do more, also consdiering a Bathmate soon as well! since i do my jelq routine i the shower anyways

I have always been interested in flaccid gains as much as EL gains. How long can you keep the "light duty" stretcher on? Do you have any circulation problems with it?
static stretcher, and the light duty you can keep on all day or even sleep with it, no circulation issues with it at all.
Hi, you said the light static stretcher is 2 rubber straps and velcro, is the rubber straps ridgid so when you wrap them around your penis they stay that shape with out the velcro? or are they loose and flexible rubber, which if not holded down with the velcro they will just slowly straighten back out?

Thank you very much
The wraps are sticky as hell but you use the ties to hold them in place so they don't unravel. I used to wear it to the gym and cycling.
ok thank you, so really you could buy 2 peices of rubber off ebay for 3quid (which they sell it in metres) and a couple of bit of velcro from the fabric store for next to nothing to make the light stretcher?

cheers brit
hamlet30;379307 said:
is this similar to using the ace bandage wrap? i am considering doin the ace bandage wrap through out the day at work.
I tried that but ACE bandages collapse over time and they also chafe a bit. They don't allow you to "stretch out" without also having you stick out.
I enjoyd reading this As me an my best friend will be usingg this stretcher along with a chemical routine , i thought i could use the midum during the day , the light in my sleep and the heavy when i watch movies befor bed or somthing
I was wondering for those of you that have the Static Stretcher, instead of taping up to prevent blisters, because i don't recall it saying anything. have any of you guys tried using the static vac end and then putting on the hdss. I just kinda found it odd that they don't mention anything of taping when using the static vac end while using the med duty stretcher so do you think that would work just as well at preventing blisters when using the hdss or no, or can you even get the hdss on while using the static vac end. I was just thinking about this as some of you have mentioned that the johnson and johnson med tape is no longer available.

Mind you this thought could be way off in left fields and could still cause blistering but i was wondering if anyone had tried it or not or if its even a possability as an alternative to taping.
I don't think the vacuum from the static vac is great enough to cause blisters. Someone here does use the static vac and the hdss head, but I don't remember who posted that. I have never used the static vac, I don't think it was available when I got mine.
i dont see how its possible to use that part wiht the HDSS, i actuall havent even used the static vac yet at all
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