Super's Current Routine

Recently I have gone full time back into PE. More free time right now, no live-in gf and have my work situation under control.

DP-4000 Thread

Currently my routine 2/20


Wake up manual stretching 20-30 min in bed while I catch up on the news. It seems to be a good way to wake up as well and it's relaxing. After that, depending on the work schedule I will hit the hot tub and loosen up more and do more manual stretching but underwater. If I still have additional time I will do 15-20 min of pumping with the DP-4000 and the silisleeves to prevent any donut formation.

Throughout the Day
Manual stretching either when in the car or have time and foreskin restoration all throughout the day with the TLC Weighted hanger.

Nightly hanging w/Silistretcher

This is where I really get aggressive. I play a game on the PC that is very fulfilling and team play and I rig up my Silistretcher Hanger. Now I can hang most of the night at least 2-3 hours with 5 min break every 45-60 min. Usually a modest amount of weight from 5-10lbs but mainly 7.5lbs and if I get sensitive I go down to 5lbs. Bathroom breaks on the PC and doing stuff around the house really determine my break periods.

I really feel the stretch with this hanger, I mean it feels amazing. It doesn't hurt at all, it's easy to get into and easy to get off. The Silistretcher is by far the best hanger on the market hands down. After a few hours of hanging if I want a good warm down session I go back into the hot tub and do testicle stretching to get my sack really loosened up for a good pumping session before bed. A great pumping session before bed is not only rewarding for PE but also for gratification and relaxation.

I have been successfully able to follow this routine for the most part 5 days a week, two days off. On my rest days, I still do foreskin restoration and testicle stretching. I really notice a big difference in my penis health, erection quality, and flaccid hang when I keep this up consistently. It feels really good to hang 6" flaccid I will tell you that. You really notice your penis a lot more just when relaxed and not doing anything, it's nice to have that big full feeling all the time.

I will say that keeping this up will be interesting and I will keep everyone posted. Healing and post-workout recovery are huge. Glans recovery is big two because most of these exercises, such as pumping, manual and hanging are all glands intensive. This is where glands healing is a big deal. And keeping your glans covered all day is paramount. So using the TLC Weighted hanger accomplishes this and kills two birds with one stone. You can heal in an elongated state, restore your foreskin and keep your glans covered.

To note this isn't my first time doing this routine, this is the routine I have primarily used to gain my whole life. The only difference is then there was no sili stretcher hanger. I have had my DP-4000 for at least 10 years so that has always been a device used. As well as my TLC hanger. The biggest edition is Silistretcher.

We have so many great PE products now that make PE so much more comfortable and enjoyable as well as more discrete.

The key with any plan or routine is consistency.

I believe in training and much as possible and overtraining as well. The penis and testicles are very durable and resilient to manipulation and training. As long as you work your way up to where you are comfortable and can keep that high level of intensity and regime it is very easy to add size. I think I am going to hit this routine as hard as I can as long as I can for the next 6 months at minimum and see if I can gain that extra 1" in length I have been wanting to be a solid 9-9.5 inches in EL and at least a sold 6" in flaccid at all times. The smallest my flaccid state is at any point now is around 5" so it would be nice to have a solid 6" all the time to have that nice feeling all day. I will keep everyone posted on my progress and routine and any gains.
What are your current measurements and what were your starting measurements?
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