
Jul 8, 2005
This question goes to all the people who own a 7 incher and an 8 incher, How GOOD are ur quality of erections ? Whaz this fallacy of large guys having erection problems ?? Is that a price to pay for having a large unit ?? Or can things be improved .. if so then HOW ?? coz no matter what size it is a gal would prefer a HARD COCK over a limpy cock anyday ... seeing as that 7 inches is just my goal with no limits to GIRTH i was planning to keep things in mind before i set my goals in to actions

any help would be deeply appreciated !!
I Wield 7''N'BP, And Can Sustain a FUCKING HARD Erection as in proper Upright When Really turned on, Also When I'm turned on but not as much i can produce a really Hard But Straight out Erection, But this is my starting status and have not yet had the pleasure to Penis Enlargement Yet, so I'm not sure what yours will be like after getting to 7'' By Force of Penis Enlargement'ing.
i'm over nine and still fuckin hard as a rock. all it's about is kegeling
I'm between 8 and 9 and three times these guys' ages and with a bit of kegeling I hit eleven o'clock with no problem--thanks to P.E.
also fine here. im working on girth now.

7.7bp im happy with

the girth works is really making my erection even harder the clamping and kegelling really hard is an added bonus effect of girth gains ad a stronger erection ;)
I get harder now at 8 3/8" than I did at 7". Kegels are crucial. Other girth exercises help, too. Any strenuous Penis Enlargement will temporarily hurt erections, but they've always come back and better than before for me.
Just under 8" here and no erection problems to speak of. I still get rock hard and now that I'm single again the ladies better run for the hills 'cause, "I'm coming....comin' to getcha"- Jimmy Hendrix: Foxy Lady. LMAO
all it's about is kegeling, Kegels are crucial.

.... pardon the question, ... but why?

I remember days of skipping school with the gf and wearing her out (and myself too for that matter) for six or seven hours... probably 10 years before ever hearing the word "kegel".

The point would be, I suppose, that it's all about Nitric Oxide - really. And by way of that biologic response perhaps - "interest".

What I mean by interest, is that after decades of sex I've had the hell out of some sex and don't really feel like going that long anymore. I'd say anything over 40 minutes, even if it's fantastic, is escaping my attention span... I don't guess I've gone over a couple hours in the last five years. I think all the gear is fine for it, ... I just don't -want- to.

That's one of the reasons I like Penis Enlargement, (>3 years, maybe 40 months off and on) .... a radically larger stick (and some know-how) can completely wreck a chick in under 20 minutes, 10 normal, 5 not being impossible. It's the gold key to laziness. LMAO

So anyway, back to Kegels vs Nitric Oxide response ... if people can go seven hours (or more) even if as a teenager - with no kegels at all ... that's within the human potential. Kegels -can- be 0% necessary.

I kegel - some - .

And it can be useful to get started: if you're just semi-hard you can kegel, grab yourself tight at the base, and shove an artificial hardon in there for a few strokes until your brain forgets it's tax season (or whatever) and goes "Oh, sex! ... Cool!" And then you go til you get bored.

But again, that sort of thing goes to response and interest ..... not kegeling per se.

Are you kegeling (like one continuous squeeze) the entire time ( for X minutes or hours) .. or what ? ... Why's it 'all about kegeling' ...?
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I have 7.5+ inches and 6.25 around. Rock hard are how my erections are. I can shatter many pencils at the same time with my cock. Not joking.
Asanon> Was that supposed to be a quote from me? I said the second part, but you made up the first part on your own. ?:(

My point was that kegels can save your erection if you're having trouble from heavy Penis Enlargement like hanging, as I did. If you have no erection difficulties and can shoot 10 feet already, then hats off to you. But many of us, including myself, have seen the benefits of kegels. When I was hanging 7-8 hours per week with no girth work, my erections really suffered. Jelqs and kegels brought them back better than before.

You mention Nitric Oxide but don't expand on that. Please do.
Was that supposed to be a quote from me? I said the second part, but you made up the first part on your own

Nah, someone else said the first part, I'd meant to string three different exmples together, but when I wen back through I only caught those two.

What I was saying in general to everybody about Nitric Oxide, (that's the parasympathetic reaction stimulated artifically by Viagra, etc) is that:

While kegeling has its uses .... (not knowing the word or actually practising kegels as a teen, I used to do a kegel when a gf was 'grafengasm-ing' in order to make my glans swell up larger and send the chick, usually, into multiple orgams, didn't work on everyone but people are built different ) .... anyway ... one doesn't -have- to kegel or be all about the kegel in order to have erections.

People can go for hours and hours without ever having heard the concept.

There's another thread going on right now about leaky valves or something, that Penis Enlargement might be damaging the ability for the swelling penis to occlude bloodflow and (passed a point) remain erect for long periods.

While such damage as that might be possible .... I don't think that's the crux of the matter either because if most of the people mentioning anectdotal evidence of weak erections attributed to Penis Enlargement notice they're probably waking up most days with a steel-hard woody that's been there for an hour or so while they were asleep.

(Meaning the for most cases the 'valves' are just fine and something else would be the issue ...)

And I'd proffer that the issue at hand is one of

1) 'sex drive',... sure, .... synthetic esterols everywhere in the form of plastic containers could be wreaking havoc with male sterone cascades and thereby the person's need to go hammer something ;) , but while directly related ...more particularly ...

2) ... interest ....

Because .... if that stick gets strong wood while you're asleep .... then its mechanisms ( Nitric Oxide , 'valves' ) are all O.K.

It's the effect of sex drive and interest that's the matter.

There's some awfully good research out in the last few years about everyone Porning themselves to death. An analogy is maybe Obesity. Our bodies aren't made for the sort of crap we have available to eat these days. Thousands of years ago, a hundred for that matter, there was no such thing as Buttered Bread Trees and mountain springs pouring forth Coca Cola. We're not made for it.

So back to the sex-drive and intrests idea -- ���� could be the same way ....

When i was a kid, (and that's like ~ 1982 maybe) .... any decent blonde modeling the "18-hour bra" in Sears catalog was Frikkin Hot!!!! LMAO

But after (decades of sex and) severe pornification I'd take three chicks physically present fighting each other to show me which had the most golden throat to get anywhere near the same level on interest as a Sears bra.

There's something wrong with that..... desensitization has gone on somewhere.

The most obvious example is probably Hugh Hefner. Now, that dude is like 79 .... but one of his playmate ex-'girlfriends' was busting him out a few months ago saying that he has to take viagra and (instead of paying attention to her completely hot ass) look sideways at Gay ���� in order to get a workable chubby.


Last summer, a buddy and I were making fun of someone else we know who pretty much sits around cruising hardcore ���� and very little else. In place of real relationships too. It's sad.

I've done it, I've seen it. When the internet was new that person and I would even 'icq' great ���� links back and forth .... so I'm familiar with where he started as a baseline.

Now it's the frikkin funkier the better. 'Normal' ����, .... like some ultra hot chick leading another ultra hot chick around by a leash so Lex can nail them both while they do each other isn't enough for him ... anymore.

"Been there, seen that, ... what else have ya got?"

So me and this other guy were busting him out going:

"what's that? electric coke can attached to an automatic fucking machine? -- Seen it, what else have ya got?"

"what's that? a spinning dildo on a 'spanish horse' so the girl impales herself the more she struggles against her bungie cords? - Seen it, what else have you got?"

"what's that? a girl hanging upside in the middle of the air while 40 guys mouth-rape her, ... with tears from her eyes ... and a two-litre bottle shoved in her, with an ultra hot leather chick drinking from the two-litre bottle with a swizzle straw? ............. seen it ......"


The sears bra chick should still do it.

Whether environmental toxins or just Mental toxins .... the bencHydromaxark has moved.

I've got 30 minutes to get to a dinner or I'd re-read this and add a proper summation. Point being .... the stories of 'bad gear'. I bet most of them can wake up with hard wood.

-That- is the physical element.

If that works, then there's something else going on more in the realm of sex drive and interest.

The original question .... "How GOOD are ur quality of erections ?"

Good. -- Great. -- for until I get bored. Fortunately a well-Penis Enlargement-ed stick can do some thudly damage before that. ;)

But there -was- a time when they weren't as good. And back then I went off of most ����, All hard ����, and try to stick to only pron very similar to whatever chick I'm with at the time (so that's what I imprint on).

Still not back at the sears bra level, .. but it's better.

Hope that wasn't preachy, ... just kindof typing ...

Really good post man. I think that it's definately true that we are becoming, or are already, an oversexed society. When I was not that much younger, it was nearly impossible for a kid to get ahold of some ����, much less the filthy stuff thats on the net now. Now, there is so much ���� thats easily accesible its rediculous, not that I dont solicite it myself LMAO , but I could def. see how it could have a desensitizing affect.

There is no way to reverse the fact that ���� is there for whoever wants it whenever, not that I would really even want to, but I agree with you that just like with anything else, too much of it can be really bad for you- like your comparison to obesity.

Go out and get laid instead of sitting around watching other people have sex all day. Youre doing this Penis Enlargement for a reason arent you???
More Meat said:
Really good post man. I think that it's definately true that we are becoming, or are already, an oversexed society. When I was not that much younger, it was nearly impossible for a kid to get ahold of some ����, much less the filthy stuff thats on the net now. Now, there is so much ���� thats easily accesible its rediculous, not that I dont solicite it myself LMAO , but I could def. see how it could have a desensitizing affect.

There is no way to reverse the fact that ���� is there for whoever wants it whenever, not that I would really even want to, but I agree with you that just like with anything else, too much of it can be really bad for you- like your comparison to obesity.

Go out and get laid instead of sitting around watching other people have sex all day. Youre doing this Penis Enlargement for a reason arent you???

I liked that guy's post, the one you responded to. He made very good points and I think he's right. We've definitely facilitated the replacement of reality with fantasy. In the last 2 plus years now since I started Penis Enlargement I've basically been at a computer probably 6-8 hours a day counting school and when I get home. Granted I want to be a writer and was a journalist in H.S. and worked on a computer constantly anyway, but I never wanted to spend time on this thing before P.E. Now I find that I spend much too much time online instead of playing sports like a few years back. I'm still in shape as I like to work out and stay healthy. I haven't been in a relationship in just over 2 years however and it pretty much coincides with this shift from living my life like a typical guy would to one who would come home from school or work and get on my computer instead of calling up someone to see what's going on for the night if anything to this guy that wants a bigger dick and stays in a lot now lol. I'm definitely not desensitized to sex with what I've seen in ����������� or anything like that. If anything I've come to mature as to my expectations of what is realistic when it comes to women and sex. The females my age know what they want sex wise usually more than relationship wise, but that's one more thing that females my age now knew than the females in high school. I definitely am not looking for a relationship though right now. I do what I please however and am comfortable with myself, which I wasn't before. One last note though to end this stuff about me is that I have lost confidence in approaching women though. I used to be that guy you'd see talking to a girl he just met five minutes ago and is making her laugh then if you were to see us later that week she'd either be holding my hand and/or in the backseat with me in my Cadi. For now though, I'll just keep on keeping on brotha.
iwant8inches said:
I liked that guy's post, the one you responded to. He made very good points and I think he's right. We've definitely facilitated the replacement of reality with fantasy. In the last 2 plus years now since I started Penis Enlargement I've basically been at a computer probably 6-8 hours a day counting school and when I get home. Granted I want to be a writer and was a journalist in H.S. and worked on a computer constantly anyway, but I never wanted to spend time on this thing before P.E. Now I find that I spend much too much time online instead of playing sports like a few years back. I'm still in shape as I like to work out and stay healthy. I haven't been in a relationship in just over 2 years however and it pretty much coincides with this shift from living my life like a typical guy would to one who would come home from school or work and get on my computer instead of calling up someone to see what's going on for the night if anything to this guy that wants a bigger dick and stays in a lot now lol. I'm definitely not desensitized to sex with what I've seen in ����������� or anything like that. If anything I've come to mature as to my expectations of what is realistic when it comes to women and sex. The females my age know what they want sex wise usually more than relationship wise, but that's one more thing that females my age now knew than the females in high school. I definitely am not looking for a relationship though right now. I do what I please however and am comfortable with myself, which I wasn't before. One last note though to end this stuff about me is that I have lost confidence in approaching women though. I used to be that guy you'd see talking to a girl he just met five minutes ago and is making her laugh then if you were to see us later that week she'd either be holding my hand and/or in the backseat with me in my Cadi. For now though, I'll just keep on keeping on brotha.

Thats unfortunate that you lost your confidence man. Ive never really had that much self confidence, but it seems like the older I get the better I get with this aspect of my life. From time to time I get depressed or sad about something and my confidence in myself can dip, but I feel that I must come back stronger everytime. The more I learn about myself the better I feel about being me. Man this sounds cheesy, but we really just need to believe in ourselves and know that we're great people, and if your youself other people are going to enjoy the fact that your around.

On a side note, Iwant8inches, I too am an apiring writer. I am graduating (should be) this May. What kind of stuff do you like to write man?
More Meat said:
Thats unfortunate that you lost your confidence man. Ive never really had that much self confidence, but it seems like the older I get the better I get with this aspect of my life. From time to time I get depressed or sad about something and my confidence in myself can dip, but I feel that I must come back stronger everytime. The more I learn about myself the better I feel about being me. Man this sounds cheesy, but we really just need to believe in ourselves and know that we're great people, and if your youself other people are going to enjoy the fact that your around.

On a side note, Iwant8inches, I too am an apiring writer. I am graduating (should be) this May. What kind of stuff do you like to write man?

Well, I have self-esteem, but I am not a great person. There will never be a day when I can say that I'm a great man. That's me, but I live with that.

If I transfer to a particular school this coming winter I might try my hand in journalism again, but I prefer writing fiction. (mainly short stories) I won't make a living doing that though, which is why I'm thinking of getting into perhaps something less general than an English major lol. If scholarships are there for me when I apply to this school I'll probably want to go for my PhD in perhaps sociology. I haven't been in school very long... just started sophomore year in fact...started college late.

I'm just as likely to go off for a year without any indication of where I'll be though with a buddy of mine and travel.
having a low girth may explain it, but I get those 11 o clock erection... always. Really painfull in certain positions.
iwant8inches said:
Well, I have self-esteem, but I am not a great person. There will never be a day when I can say that I'm a great man. That's me, but I live with that.

If I transfer to a particular school this coming winter I might try my hand in journalism again, but I prefer writing fiction. (mainly short stories) I won't make a living doing that though, which is why I'm thinking of getting into perhaps something less general than an English major lol. If scholarships are there for me when I apply to this school I'll probably want to go for my PhD in perhaps sociology. I haven't been in school very long... just started sophomore year in fact...started college late.

I'm just as likely to go off for a year without any indication of where I'll be though with a buddy of mine and travel.

Yeah, short fiction will not pay the bills. Hope you guys consider journalism. We need good journalists. There are few out there these days.
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