
Jun 18, 2003
Hey DLD...

Are you going to appear on the Howard Stern show to talk about Penis Enlargement and plug your site? Stern's always bitching about his small dick, and you can use your girlfriend getting naked as collateral to make sure you get on, then you can blow Penis Enlargement up and parlay it into tons of dough. What do you think?
dude, hell no! don't let every fucker in the world know about Penis Enlargement and especially not this site!
Good. That's the response I was hoping to get. It would suck if Penis Enlargement blew up like that. You know how much pressure that would put on us guys? Forget it! If everybody knew all about Penis Enlargement and how real it is, NOBODY would be big enough anymore. Chicks would be like, "So what's your excuse?" Ugh.

Keep it underground. If it surfaces, let it surface on it's own.
Actually. Penis Enlargement would become just like weight lifting, or anything else in life that requires effort, time, discipline, and determination. Those who have those qualities vs those who don't, are the doers vs the not doers. A guy who will buy pills, but not Penis Enlargement everyday is someone who wants magic. A guy who will put in the time and effort for Penis Enlargement is a guy who wants a bigger penis. DLD says "this shit works!" Penis Enlargement is available to anyone looking for it. Just like everything else on the internet. How else did all of us fine it?

Originally posted by Godsize
Good. That's the response I was hoping to get. It would suck if Penis Enlargement blew up like that. You know how much pressure that would put on us guys? Forget it! If everybody knew all about Penis Enlargement and how real it is, NOBODY would be big enough anymore. Chicks would be like, "So what's your excuse?" Ugh.

Keep it underground. If it surfaces, let it surface on it's own.

LOL!! I LOVE it when I see guys reply like this! It's so funny. Shows how insecure they really are. Like it's been said a gazillian times....Penis Enlargement is NOT NEW. It's been around for thousands of years in various forms. It is only "new" in our western society and, more widely advertised now more than ever because of the internet mostly. Every man woman and child receives spam email about how they can enlarge their penis by 3 or 4 inches. It's just like said above and countless other times though, it's JUST LIKE bodybuilding. We all know about it, we all would LOVE to have a body like all the latest male/female fitness models...but, 50% or more of the American population is .....OBESE! SO "what's your exuse" there?? Penis Enlargement, REAL Penis Enlargement involves work and dedication to see results. This stuff rarely provides instant, results from little or no effort. Most men are too lazy to stick with it no matter what YOUR individual perceptions may be like "gawd if everyone knew about Penis Enlargement (like who doesnt????).....". You guys are gonna be shaking in your boots with the September issue of GQ Magazine hits shelves this month! Guess what? The Assistant Editor Peter Rubin contact me, DLD, and a few other guys a couple months ago and did phone interviews and, in person interviews (With DLD) about Penis Enlargement and, the whole community that has evolved around the subject. It's going to be a positive, enlightening issue that no doubt, MILLIONS of men will read! OH MY GAWD!!! Hell on earth! LOL, seriously guys know what will happen? 1,000,000 men might read that issue...say "Hydromaxm cool"....500,000 might "sleep on it". 100,000 men will probably look into it further....and 25,000 men (across the country...small numbers) 'might' actually end up doing any form of Penis Enlargement as a result of said article.
Actually when I spoke to Peter Rubin He said That 6 - 10 million People read GQ every month So you have to re-do your Numbers based on that.

I guess the Word Got out about DLD doing the Howard Stern Show. We are still contemplating about doing it or not. So we will see.

But SWM , I hope those 25,000 people come Here!!!
Originally posted by realpuffus
Actually. Penis Enlargement would become just like weight lifting, or anything else in life that requires effort, time, discipline, and determination. Those who have those qualities vs those who don't, are the doers vs the not doers....Penis Enlargement is available to anyone looking for it. Just like everything else on the internet. How else did all of us fine it?
1) Penis Enlargement requires nowhere near the discipline that weight training requires. I've done fullsquats with a 1/4 ton on my shoulders, benches with well over 400 lbs, seated military presses with 300, etc. etc....and that was a helluva lot tougher than any Penis Enlargement workout I've ever had. So don't kid yourself.
2) Penis Enlargement is available to anyone looking for it, but few even know to look for it. I didn't. I did searches to try to cure my E.D., whence I found Penis Enlargement. I lived through 37 birthdays without ever hearing about Penis Enlargement.
Originally posted by stillwantmore
LOL!! I LOVE it when I see guys reply like this! It's so funny. Shows how insecure they really are. Like it's been said a gazillian times....Penis Enlargement is NOT NEW. It's been around for thousands of years in various forms. It is only "new" in our western society and, more widely advertised now more than ever because of the internet mostly. Every man woman and child receives spam email about how they can enlarge their penis by 3 or 4 inches. It's just like said above and countless other times though, it's JUST LIKE bodybuilding. We all know about it, we all would LOVE to have a body like all the latest male/female fitness models...but, 50% or more of the American population is .....OBESE! SO "what's your exuse" there?? Penis Enlargement, REAL Penis Enlargement involves work and dedication to see results. This stuff rarely provides instant, results from little or no effort. Most men are too lazy to stick with it no matter what YOUR individual perceptions may be like "gawd if everyone knew about Penis Enlargement (like who doesnt????)....."
1) You mean how insecure we are? After all, you had to have some insecurities about your weinie to Penis Enlargement for about 2 years; and, recently, to be hanging weights from your cock for 4 hours daily, LOL.
2) You also seem to be confusing the various types of Penis Enlargement - mixing together both the legitimate stuff we do with all of those bullshit ads & pills, etc. If anything, those ads tend to discredit natural Penis Enlargement (in other people's eyes) and probably keep them from investigating it any further - like a job ad that says you can earn $1 million per week, working at home, 45 minutes per day. Most people wouldn't devote another second to such a ridiculous ad.
3) Again, back to the weightlifting metaphor. It looks good, at first glance, but upon further examination it is irrelevant. Weight training - and the dieting involved - are much more demanding than doing Penis Enlargement in an easy chair 40 minutes, 5 days per week. Furthermore, penis size is far more "primal" and personal for men than is bicep size. Poll 50 million men and ask them "9 x 7 penis or 21-inch biceps?" and I bet at least 45 million men would chose the big dong - if not more.
4) I believe you greatly exaggerate how many men truly know about Penis Enlargement. I'm a puter junkie & I didn't learn about real Penis Enlargement until I was 37 years old. Sure, I saw the bullshit pill ads - and lumped them together with the same ads that promise riches overnight or a full head of hair (which I already have, btw) or burn fat while you sleep, etc.
I'm telling you, the number of men who know about jelqs, stretching, ulis, etc. is very small indeed. I only found Penis Enlargement by accident, because I was suffering from E.D. But why would I specifically search for Penis Enlargement when I never even suspected that it existed?
Throw this out into the public & men will eat it up. You might find yourself having to hang for 8 hours per day, hehehe.
Even if I am exagerating some of the numbers....hey who can accurately figure these type of numbers anyway right?...this stuff still requires more discipline than most men would put up with. Sure..there are a good number...again nobody can accurately figure that number...who would indeed engage in a routine that would yield results. A good majority of those men who DID do Penis Enlargement though, would only want modest increases in size...(back to the bodybuilding thing ;) ) like bodybuilding...VERY FEW men actually want to or, have the discipline to be the next Lee Priest or Greg Kovacs. I personally did not begin Penis Enlargement out of personal insecurity. More like greed. I want a bigger dick because I know I can have one.

Sure wanting a bigger penis may be more desireable to more men than having a nicer looking/healthier body BUT, it's like any of the other "wants" people can have....anyone can get excited about something for a little while..but, once most realize there's that big catch-all called WORK involved...that's probably the biggest turn off to many of the men who would otherwise engage in Penis Enlargement. I've yet to see a quality routine that produced results that did not require at least a semi-long term commitment both physically and mentally.

" I'd love to have a bigger penis....I just dont have the TIME" is a great excuse. Most men ....the one's who've yet to be brainwashed by the femi-nazi propaganda machine (it's not the size.....) would love to have at least another inch but, truth be told, they just dont have enough true desire to have it. If you want anything badly enough, there's a way to get it.

So what if 30 million more men are exposed to the idea of Penis Enlargement in a legit sounding, POSITIVE, PRO-Penis Enlargement article published in a nationally read magazine? LOL. I'm in Penis Enlargement for ME. Not to compete against every other man out there. If my penis really is too small for the next woman in my life...she's obviously not the RIGHT woman for me anyway right?? If a bigger penis would have kept that last girlfriend , boyfriend,or, wife around....there's something wrong in the relationship BEYOND one's penis size. Are we all really still so primally minded that we really fear the "other guy" having a bigger penis? I think the guys who DONT want Penis Enlargement "mainstream" are not just insecure about the "he might really be bigger than me" issue, they are also just plain selfish. We as men should want to help advance anything that would help improve our self esteem or self worth. Penis size can play a big role there. Having low self esteem can destroy a persons life and prevent them from not only being successful in personal relationships but, in many other areas in life as well. Hey, who knows...the way medical science is progressing these days....there are scientists working on extending human life beyond 150 years+, cloning organs and body parts...maybe some day ...possibly within our lifetime....it will be possible to custom order yourself a penis to your liking.

Guys, dont get so hung up on what the "other guy" has in HIS pants. Focus on improving what you can about what's in YOUR pants and your HEAD.
I figured an appearance on the Howard Stern show would be the next logical step. If DLD ever goes on there, it would be a great place to plug the site.

Also, I don't care what anyone says, insecurity brought us all here. If someone was completely secure in their masculinity, he could have a three inch dick and not care. Whether you do Penis Enlargement for yourself or for some chick, being insecure to begin with definitely plays a role.

On the bright side, Penis Enlargement can help in the insecurity department, that's for sure.
Originally posted by WaxN
1) Penis Enlargement requires nowhere near the discipline that weight training requires. I've done fullsquats with a 1/4 ton on my shoulders, benches with well over 400 lbs, seated military presses with 300, etc. etc....and that was a helluva lot tougher than any Penis Enlargement workout I've ever had. So don't kid yourself.

Then should I say a "regular workout regiment" as opposed to "weight lifting." I'm not saying what seperates almost semi-pro athletes from most guys vs. a guy who has the discipline to go to the gym 3-4 times a week.

The guys who have the disciple to workout for health and fitness reasons, or the discipline to be an efficent worker at their employers, or the discipline to watch what they eat despite their desire to sit on a couch and eat chips all day long is who I'm talking about.

Some folks lift weights as part of a fitness routine, and don't want to bench over 400lbs or squat 1/4 ton. Look around the majority of people don't have disipline in many aspects of life, and that would include many people who start Penis Enlargement, and despite seeing results, won't continue due to a lack of discipline. Penis Enlargement is not new, and if you get a bigger penis from it, you are in a small minority of those who had the discipline to stick to it.

I would imagine that your zealousness(I mean that in a good way) in your discipline at weight lifting would carry over into your own Penis Enlargement and you would be even above average in your Penis Enlargement regiment vs regular Penis Enlargementers with good displine and daily routines.

Well, I personally consider myself more disciplined than most. I mean how many other men in Penis Enlargement hang 4 hours or more a day 6 days a week? I can think of one other man that I KNOW of who used to have the same drive as I do.......BIB. DLD is one more guy who is on the same discipline level...from what I recal he mentioned that he used to stretch as much as possible during the day. Dunno if he still does so. It's my tenacity/determination that is giving me the awesome gains I'm seeing and, will continue to see. A direct quote from Bib and it's true whether you accept it or not: "I believe you will find that as long as the techniques are performed properly, the best results are attained by those who are able to work the most...........The key is consistency. Most on this forum who complain of small gains admit to little work. I believe others think they are working a lot, but are only fooling themselves."
I think Penis Enlargement is much like bodybuilding, anyone can lift weights but it takes months then years for good gains in bodybuilding, possibly shorter with Penis Enlargement, LIKE DLD. You also have to know the knowledge. If you have long ligs its no good stretching downwards.
Originally posted by bodybuilder
I think Penis Enlargement is much like bodybuilding, anyone can lift weights but it takes months then years for good gains in bodybuilding, possibly shorter with Penis Enlargement, LIKE DLD. You also have to know the knowledge.

If you have long ligs its no good stretching downwards.

I dont know about that statement there but, ok. Everyone has their own ideas. I dont know maybe, youre referring to the "LOT theory"? It sounds good in concept and many guys seem to swear by it. What about me though.....when I hang .....sure I hang BTC which according to my LOT of 830-9ish...is what I should be doing to target my ligs....BUT, when I hang I get fatigue in both my ligs AND my tunica. Sup with that? According to the theory...so as I percieve it....I should only feel the fatigue in the ligs? In my view maybe the LOT Theory is a "blanket theory" ...in other words very broad ....I think it's possible to get gains from both areas...the ligs and the tunica at the same time. I dont believe like some seem to ...that you can only target ONE area specifically at a time. Like, "well I guess as long as my LOT is 8...I'll hang BTC...then as soon as it gets 6 or so I should ONLY hang straight out or over the shoulders......otherwise I'm wasting my time....". Whatever though. The fact that I'm doing what works for me and, am getting gains is what matters to me. This is not supposed to turn into a flame war here or an argument over the LOT theory again. If you love it and think it's the greatest thing since the BIB hanger...great.
Honestly, success in Penis Enlargement or weight training has a lot to do with genetics. When I was benching over 400, I was stronger than most trainees in gyms across America - but there were still guys benching over 500, 600...even a couple over 700 (they were on roids, of course)...but you get the point.
I do agree that most people have shitty discipline. For the guys who've stuck with this without gains - even for years - they have my admiration. I was fortunate in that I saw undeniable gains within a month (about 1/2" erect girth) - and my E.D. was cured! So that was a double-plus.
But I think the reason that most slow-gainers don't stick with Penis Enlargement is that they lose faith, they believe this is a hoax, or that it works only for a lucky few. If I saw no gains for a month or two, I would've probably quit as well - not for lack of discipline, but out of skepticism.
But let the medical community certify natural Penis Enlargement, and I bet a lot more guys would do it & a lot more guys would stick with in - even during plateaus, because it would no longer be a matter of faith but of medical fact.
And I just want to say I don't really care what the other guy has in his pants, but I'd like to know that I stack up. You know what I mean? I'm not a cock-watcher, but it would still bother me if all my gal's ex's were monsters. I am very happy that I've gotten to about 7 1/4 bpel so far (bigger than average), but my happiness would not be the same if the "average" was 8 or 9.
Does that make any sense?
I think the world deserves to know about Penis Enlargement. I think hiding this information from men that would benefit from it is wrong. Remember we all were ignorant at one time and we received the gift. It is so important to give that gift back. Will this change the average penis size? Of course not. Will this produce a higher percentage of 10" dicks? Of course not. What it will do is help those men who are so desperate and are still ignorant to the power of Penis Enlargement.

Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
I think the world deserves to know about Penis Enlargement. I think hiding this information from men that would benefit from it is wrong. Remember we all were ignorant at one time and we received the gift. It is so important to give that gift back. Will this change the average penis size? Of course not. Will this produce a higher percentage of 10" dicks? Of course not. What it will do is help those men who are so desperate and are still ignorant to the power of Penis Enlargement.


I could not have said it better!
sorry if this was answered already, but DLD, will you be going on Howard Stern?
Originally posted by keysersoze
sorry if this was answered already, but DLD, will you be going on Howard Stern?

I have not decided yet.
You'd get on in a sec. If you can persuade some chick or your girl to get naked, he'll let ya right on. Then BAM! millions of people hear about your site.

Dolla dolla billz ya'll
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