What a moron this guy is to make a thread like this when dld was published in magazines etc he is known for his work in penis enlargement.
doublelongdaddy;389005 said:
I know your type, loud as a motor bike but wouldn't bust a grape at a fruit fight:)

HAHAHA! while this dickhead was trying to waste everyone's time with this thread, I found a BETTER thread in the SUPenis EnlargementR-CHEAP Bathmate thread and ordered one. also, i've gained 1/2"BPFSL the last two weeks using the length master. but i'm just saying all this because i am also DLD.

i just gotta say everyone, when i see people's skepticism, jealousy and insecurity about the taboo subject of Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGEMENT, guys like this are the reason i choose to not tell anyone about it. it's such an awesome gift we all can have FOR FREE if we want/believe, but i feel like 'IF YOU'RE GONNA BE A LITTLE DICK ABOUT IT, YOU DESERVE A LITTLE DICK'.
Will the real DLD please stand up, please stand up, please stand up...lol.... I am not DLD but I did stay at a holiday inn last night. I am DLD and I approved this message. That guys more messed up than a monkey trying to fuck a football !
Whysobiased wrote:

"Still flappin my mouth ? Sorry was that your first post on this thread, after I stopped and other replies came through? Ahh ok, your breath smells like DLD's cock, from what I have been told anyway."

Uhhh touched a sore spot did I ? Hit a nerve somewhere ???

You noticed my breath on the back of your neck that day ?? I am sorry, i thought you were your mother but in the dark all turds look alike you know ?

On a positive note, i did find the ass-hole MUCH wider and loose than your moma's but hey...a quick look at your avatar just lets me know you loved it didn't you ?

P.s. Any looser that has the tiny balls to say things like the ones you seem to spew out your cock licking mouth over the internet is just a sad excuse for a person and i am trully NOT offended by someone so feminine like yourself. I would love to actually hear you say things like that to my face but i'm sure it would never happen kid, you would either cry in front of me or just hope to get but-fucked again, it is a shame i don't have the time or enough disinfectant to open that hole a bit more, if even possible.

Nahhh i'll just stick with your mother, at least her gene pool is not as diluted as yours and there is still "some" tightness in her.

Keep flappin' kid, you are bringing MOS up in the search results hahahahahahahahahahahaha Thank you for that.

...or are you DLD himself doing this to up the score??? Man i knew it .....


8InchMIKE;389135 said:
Whysobiased wrote:

"Still flappin my mouth ? Sorry was that your first post on this thread, after I stopped and other replies came through? Ahh ok, your breath smells like DLD's cock, from what I have been told anyway."

Uhhh touched a sore spot did I ? Hit a nerve somewhere ???

You noticed my breath on the back of your neck that day ?? I am sorry, i thought you were your mother but in the dark all turds look alike you know ?

On a positive note, i did find the ass-hole MUCH wider and loose than your moma's but hey...a quick look at your avatar just lets me know you loved it didn't you ?

P.s. Any looser that has the tiny balls to say things like the ones you seem to spew out your cock licking mouth over the internet is just a sad excuse for a person and i am trully NOT offended by someone so feminine like yourself. I would love to actually hear you say things like that to my face but i'm sure it would never happen kid, you would either cry in front of me or just hope to get but-fucked again, it is a shame i don't have the time or enough disinfectant to open that hole a bit more, if even possible.

Nahhh i'll just stick with your mother, at least her gene pool is not as diluted as yours and there is still "some" tightness in her.

Keep flappin' kid, you are bringing MOS up in the search results hahahahahahahahahahahaha Thank you for that.

...or are you DLD himself doing this to up the score??? Man i knew it .....



Wow did our little troll from Australia actually take the time to send that to you?
stillwantmore2;389137 said:
Wow did our little troll from Australia actually take the time to send that to you?

Yup, this litle sentence of his must have taken hours to compose but funny nonetheless.

The sad part is me taking the time to even notice him but hey...when it smells like shit then you look around to avoid stepping on it right ? HAHAHAHA

Yes...courageous little person this guy, i bet he looks at the mirror and says things like: " are you talking to ME? " ohh well, turds have an opinion now and it usually stinks.

Keep the pet around dudes, makes me laugh and that is a good thing.

Yes, MOS is a scam. All of the gains we have made are all in our minds. Penis Enlargement is a sham. You are stuck with the dick you have and there is nothing to do about it.
Seriously DLD i respect you for running all these profiles. i mean how much time do you got? im running a forum on my own!
ohh i mean your running it. i mean! AHHHH im turning into DLD! (well now i got a bigger cock)....

First of all, the whole my extender is older than yours! the extender got invented by a surgeon called Jørgen Ege. and the first one was called the jes extender.

Some of you might know this dudes name, but i so happen to be danish (which he is aswell) and he is seen like a DR. frankenstein here.
Putted breast implants in a females but. attached a mans ballsack half way up the shaft of his penis after surgery. (penis enlargement)
Did a fat operation on a women and removed so much fat she nearly died from the shock.
There is organisations against him and so on here.
also he has been using hells angels to get money out of people.
and he has been 2 years in jail.
what is it they are saying lunatic/genius the very same thing?
Before all this he was seen as one of the best, if not the very best surgeon in the world, and he was extremely good at his job, but i guess he lost contact with reality.

now back to the topic.
Your whining about DLD on DLD's forum? talking about hidden agendas and so on.
So the billion dollar question must be: "what is your agenda?" the Penis enlargement police to the rescue?"
And how funny is it that you only talk about the andro, or whatever name it is?
I mean mention Bathmate for DLD and he will be talking for an hour, why not complain about him not mentioning other pumps aswell?
Why only the andro?

i mean i know alot of home pages for Penis Enlargement. and i have even Payed memberships at some of these (went there first found this after) but still im haning out at a free membership forum?

I bought a Bathmate less than a months ago, and some leech oil. thats it. if you look into my signature you will see a link, if you press this link you will enter another thread, this thread was me starting on a workout. now during this thread can you please tell me when DLD tells me to buy the extender?
i did manual stretches ONLY! in the beginning, intention was to get a touch of it, some experience, before i went out buying something, i talked with Redzulu and asked what he recommended me to buy. and he sayd Bathmate, therefore i bought it.

And it is fucking awesome! so i don't give a rats ass DLD made a little money on me, he deserved that.

Most people here don't protect DLD because he is a "leader"

He is our master, teacher, coach, in pe

I have been doing martial arts since the age of 5. my trainer is an old man now, he has ALWAYS young people running around him helping him.
But then again, when we first arrived we where troubled kids with to much anger. now we got lawyers, doctors, and arkitekts between us. and he was the fundament of our learning.

Right now your pissing on a man that helped alot of people, his forum gave me more than an inch of flaccid lenght.

Now your messing with around an inch of lenght from ALOT of guys. thats why we don't like you.

Your the little fat kid in the school yard who don't like the Quarterback.

Whereever you came from, go back to your crappy as place and diss DLD with the rest of your friends. im positive that you can find other people like your self (the internet is fucked up)
But you being on DLD's forum dissing DLD is just completely retarded, and only tells that your a maggit that only hope that it can get a peek of a divine creature.

Make a goddamn forum yourself, tell people to Buy whatever they like, doing whatever they like. and diss DLD. but please, stop being here, it is pointless.

Its like going into a spanish football club saying spain can't play. what did you expect? a clap on your shoulder

And your whole Martyr stunt you tryed to Pull of? "Just ban me! it will only prove im right!" (sayd with the same voice as keanu reeves from Matrix)
Please grow up. DLD shouldn't ban you to silence you. DLD should ban you because if there was a Ban button on people in real life yours would be broken of over use, a ban button is a beautiful thing and should be used properly. i see no positive things coming from you, so why shouldn't you (seen with Mos eyes, if you can see anything other than your own angle) shouldn't you be banned?

your chewing gum on my shoe! go away!

DLD i didn't know your danish? or im american? or we are danican?

But try and find a danish person and tell him this:

Vært: "men bamse det er jo ikke et direkte hasHydromaxisbrug du har gang i vel?
Bamse: "jo jeg har!"
Vært: "nøj hvor er det røget herinde jeg bliver lige nødt til at gå ud!"
Vært: "hvorfor må jeg ikke gå ud?"
Bamse: "for flaget i flagstangen! og flødeskummen kan os blive sur!"

Taken from a danish comedy show, extremely danish humor and everybody knows it in denmark, nobody knows it else where.

So do some research see if im for real :)
Aimingforthetop;389212 said:
Seriously DLD i respect you for running all these profiles. i mean how much time do you got? im running a forum on my own!
ohh i mean your running it. i mean! AHHHH im turning into DLD! (well now i got a bigger cock)....

First of all, the whole my extender is older than yours! the extender got invented by a surgeon called Jørgen Ege. and the first one was called the jes extender.

Some of you might know this dudes name, but i so happen to be danish (which he is aswell) and he is seen like a DR. frankenstein here.
Putted breast implants in a females but. attached a mans ballsack half way up the shaft of his penis after surgery. (penis enlargement)
Did a fat operation on a women and removed so much fat she nearly died from the shock.
There is organisations against him and so on here.
also he has been using hells angels to get money out of people.
and he has been 2 years in jail.
what is it they are saying lunatic/genius the very same thing?
Before all this he was seen as one of the best, if not the very best surgeon in the world, and he was extremely good at his job, but i guess he lost contact with reality.

now back to the topic.
Your whining about DLD on DLD's forum? talking about hidden agendas and so on.
So the billion dollar question must be: "what is your agenda?" the Penis enlargement police to the rescue?"
And how funny is it that you only talk about the andro, or whatever name it is?
I mean mention Bathmate for DLD and he will be talking for an hour, why not complain about him not mentioning other pumps aswell?
Why only the andro?

i mean i know alot of home pages for Penis Enlargement. and i have even Payed memberships at some of these (went there first found this after) but still im haning out at a free membership forum?

I bought a Bathmate less than a months ago, and some leech oil. thats it. if you look into my signature you will see a link, if you press this link you will enter another thread, this thread was me starting on a workout. now during this thread can you please tell me when DLD tells me to buy the extender?
i did manual stretches ONLY! in the beginning, intention was to get a touch of it, some experience, before i went out buying something, i talked with Redzulu and asked what he recommended me to buy. and he sayd Bathmate, therefore i bought it.

And it is fucking awesome! so i don't give a rats ass DLD made a little money on me, he deserved that.

Most people here don't protect DLD because he is a "leader"

He is our master, teacher, coach, in pe

I have been doing martial arts since the age of 5. my trainer is an old man now, he has ALWAYS young people running around him helping him.
But then again, when we first arrived we where troubled kids with to much anger. now we got lawyers, doctors, and arkitekts between us. and he was the fundament of our learning.

Right now your pissing on a man that helped alot of people, his forum gave me more than an inch of flaccid lenght.

Now your messing with around an inch of lenght from ALOT of guys. thats why we don't like you.

Your the little fat kid in the school yard who don't like the Quarterback.

Whereever you came from, go back to your crappy as place and diss DLD with the rest of your friends. im positive that you can find other people like your self (the internet is fucked up)
But you being on DLD's forum dissing DLD is just completely retarded, and only tells that your a maggit that only hope that it can get a peek of a divine creature.

Make a goddamn forum yourself, tell people to Buy whatever they like, doing whatever they like. and diss DLD. but please, stop being here, it is pointless.

Its like going into a spanish football club saying spain can't play. what did you expect? a clap on your shoulder

And your whole Martyr stunt you tryed to Pull of? "Just ban me! it will only prove im right!" (sayd with the same voice as keanu reeves from Matrix)
Please grow up. DLD shouldn't ban you to silence you. DLD should ban you because if there was a Ban button on people in real life yours would be broken of over use, a ban button is a beautiful thing and should be used properly. i see no positive things coming from you, so why shouldn't you (seen with Mos eyes, if you can see anything other than your own angle) shouldn't you be banned?

your chewing gum on my shoe! go away!

DLD i didn't know your danish? or im american? or we are danican?

But try and find a danish person and tell him this:

Vært: "men bamse det er jo ikke et direkte hasHydromaxisbrug du har gang i vel?
Bamse: "jo jeg har!"
Vært: "nøj hvor er det røget herinde jeg bliver lige nødt til at gå ud!"
Vært: "hvorfor må jeg ikke gå ud?"
Bamse: "for flaget i flagstangen! og flødeskummen kan os blive sur!"

Taken from a danish comedy show, extremely danish humor and everybody knows it in denmark, nobody knows it else where.

So do some research see if im for real :)

Now THIS is what i call a post... No bulshit and only real life experience. I like you brother, you are a grown up man with a strong character. Cheers for that bro,


8InchMIKE;389236 said:
Now THIS is what i call a post... No bulshit and only real life experience. I like you brother, you are a grown up man with a strong character. Cheers for that bro,



doublelongdaddy;388288 said:
Fuck you dude, I'll let my people deal with you as they have been. Check the history books, you can't fuck with me, I got a gang of people behind me that are down for whatever. Men, you have my permission to rip this asshole another hole...Get to it.

Are chainsaws ok?
Oh, and to the OP:
Why would DLD push a product so much, if he didn't think it would benefit us as much as possible? Are you really that stupid? Oh wait...
I think this kid crawled back under his rock... no one banned the guy, where the hell is he? I need my daily fix of laughter and he's nowhere to be 'seen'...damn
I flew to Australia, abducted him and he's currently 'living' in a trunk in my garage ;) I call him bitch and he calls me master.

stillwantmore2;389622 said:
I flew to Australia, abducted him and he's currently 'living' in a trunk in my garage ;) I call him bitch and he calls me master.

I bet he is loving it, the little bitch....hahhaha and why are there commas around the word living ??? wait...i really don't want to know lol
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