shavenasian;388638 said:
My initial thoughts as well, until I had time to reflect and realised that he was in fact a dumb fucking cunt!

DLD only seems to sell products that he has used and gained from. Given this, why would he start selling the vast array of gadgets and gizmos out there in Penis Enlargement land? Just to provide a wider, more representative product offering? Lets be frank, the majority of these things don’t work and the rest only work with the advice of the guys who add so much value to these forums. A great example is vaccum pumps.

As for the claim that we are all DLD – only in spirit in the adventure that is Penis Enlargement. Other than that we are all different people, different backgrounds, ethnic groups etc all united in Penis Enlargement. DLD and the guys on this site do so much for free. This is the only Penis Enlargement site that doesn’t charge and still provides high quality information and support. Its like a true brotherhood.

I am really struggling to see the bias other than towards methods and products that work. I have added over an inch in the short time I have been on this site and for that I salute you all. As for the original poster, GFY.

WOW, excellent post, really good stuff..I am so proud to have guys like you here that really can take a step back and see the whole picture. Matters of Size forum makes absolutely NO MONEY, we have not seen donations in more than a year and even when we did I still had to pay most of the bills out of my pocket. I spent years doing this and never asking for anything back. It is so great now to have these 2 partners Bathmate and SizeGenetics that allow MOS to pay the bills. On top of this I use both products, have gained with both products and have built some of the most powerful exercises around these products. Beyond this both company reps, Agust and Darren, are active posters and members in good standing. The Bathmate is so powerful and valid in Penis Enlargement that it will become a permanent part of the newest MOS Phase 6. The SizeGenetics still stands as the best way to supplement length gains and bring gains faster.

The biggest point is these guys are selling us their great products at a BARE BONES price. We are getting a $450 extender for $165! We are getting ALL Bathmate products at 25-40% off! And just so members know, I take a cut in my commissions to make this possible. We are all working together to make all of these wonderful items available at an affordable price.

Listen, I could say fuck it today and eliminate the deals on these items and guys would be back to paying as much as double for these same items.
MAXAMEYES;388369 said:
Beware the mirror. FEAR the mirror. Flee the mirror.

P.S. Hater? How can I hate such a sili little sonofabitch that cracks me up this much? I ain't laughed this hard since the last time GW Bush attempted a complete sentence in public.
You're like a monkey flingin' feces at the zoo. Just too damn funny.

You did that on purpose, right.

LOL, don't even get me started on Bush ! Ok yall, I conceed I'm a retard, but let me continue.....

MAXAMEYES;388370 said:
Years ago, DLD actually stood for: Dripping Little Dick; then I discovered Penis Enlargement and penicillin. I'm much better now.


stillwantmore2;388377 said:
Not to mention, MOS has a model that OTHER Penis Enlargement sites envy. You can see it on the other sites. Nobody has the total package like MOS. There's the option for a paid package, to get it (some of it) for free on the forums, OR all of the above together.

Thanks for the input DLD, nice to hear form you.

Hellface;388382 said:

LOL, Ribbit!

8InchMIKE;388427 said:
Damn this kid still flappin' his mouth ?! Geez that is either perseverance or... just plain 'PLEASE LOOK AT ME, I'M HERE...GIVE ME SOME ATTENTION PLEEEEEASE, I'M SOOO LONELY AND COLD AND FRIGHTENED, I NEED A HUG OR A LOVIN' MOM OR MAYBE EVEN A GIRL?' type of dude.

Thank you kid, we need the entertainment and you sure are funny as hell. I will STILL not give you the boot because i am democratic in nature, i believe that anyone should be able to voice their opinions in a free way, even if it is only mindless dribble like you seem to just pour out of your mouth.

Kid, get a life, try to understand why you are not out fucking a beautiful girl and are instead at this site raising laughs.

Grow up a little, it won't hurt you i promise, it will make you an adult at some point.


Mike ( ohhh shit, i seem to even share the same name as DLD, now that is some very strange thing, TWO mikes in the World?! That cannot be, can it?? Ohhh shit the drama, the horror the sheer coincidence is mind boggling ).

chill kid

Still flappin my mouth ? Sorry was that your first post on this thread, after I stopped and other replies came through? Ahh ok, your breath smells like DLD's cock, from what I have been told anyway.

doublelongdaddy;388502 said:
Mods, keep this thread open until SizeGenetics replies, I just sent him an email and would love to hear his thoughts. Thanks.

You sent Sizegenetics (him) an email, so it's one person running the "company" is it ?

lilpeewee;388505 said:

Don't wanna get involved in the main argument here but I work for an ISP and that description of an IP address is WAY out ;o)
It just means they are on the same default gateway.

As I say I am far too OCD to ignore it lol

Oh look at that, DLD WAS making up shit. Thanks lilpeewee. Now I know a lil more about IP's and DLD just made himself look like a pin dick. Despite the photo (shoped) photos. Show us your before's DLD, I DARE YOU !

the_squid;388511 said:
Of course DLD is biased. He got a pretty good deal for those extenders. If he got a really good deal from Andropenis or JES, he would be biased to that.
As you are.

Just let me tell you something: if you talked just how good Andropenis' extenders are, you'd have a good time around these forums. Telling how bad Sizegenetics' are is just plain stupid. You don't need a degree on marketing to figure that out.

Biased is biased isn't it? weetard.

Steady;388519 said:
I just read through the rest of the posts and my original post was about doing a self test for the mirror image. Obviously that was well done on the last page. So I've updated this post to this:

There is no spoon.
There is no left arm.
There is no right arm.
There are no members here...only DLD.
He is trapped in a universe by himself, so he has to post as all of us users, including whysobiased and me, so he can see a reflection of himself (mirror image that is)
It's boring when it's only you.

Thanks for your input DLD.

8InchMIKE;388582 said:
Yeah but it is kinda sad that YOU will be the only one finding it funny.

Remember... THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE ! Now sit back, relax, and take the energy in, roll a blunt a enjoy the mothafkn' scenery. Take it to the head, hold it, hold it, hold it some let it go... See the face of the virgin Mary in the smoke ?? If you do then you rolled it proper dawg... Time for anotha bowl.

You are all of us, all of us are in fact ... you. The rest of us puppets here and there are only shadows in the wall bro, never mind us empty shells of your former self.

Wait... did you write this yourself ?? C'mon D, that's not fair man, you could say whatever you want dude...but then again... WHO THE FUCK WOULD BUY YOUR BIASED PRODUCTS BRO ? You ? Nahhh it's too confusing even for me...erhh i mean... you. Wait ? what?!!!!! error error error error nauseum

Thanks for your input DLD

doublelongdaddy;388586 said:
Guys, check out how desperate this guy is. This is my youtube video: The guy registers to Youtube under the name EnlargementGuru and made a post and then, after I banned him, he registered under another name utubeinventer and tried to back up himself lol, what a loon. Check both of those youtube user names, it is funny. If you are a Youtuber please join my channel and help with this trash.

What a moron, I don't even use youtube. Seems you are just trying to push your youtube crap now and also seems like someone else has caught on to your BIASED CRAP.

shavenasian;388638 said:
My initial thoughts as well, until I had time to reflect and realised that he was in fact a dumb fucking cunt!

DLD only seems to sell products that he has used and gained from. Given this, why would he start selling the vast array of gadgets and gizmos out there in Penis Enlargement land? Just to provide a wider, more representative product offering? Lets be frank, the majority of these things don’t work and the rest only work with the advice of the guys who add so much value to these forums. A great example is vaccum pumps.

As for the claim that we are all DLD – only in spirit in the adventure that is Penis Enlargement. Other than that we are all different people, different backgrounds, ethnic groups etc all united in Penis Enlargement. DLD and the guys on this site do so much for free. This is the only Penis Enlargement site that doesn’t charge and still provides high quality information and support. Its like a true brotherhood.

I am really struggling to see the bias other than towards methods and products that work. I have added over an inch in the short time I have been on this site and for that I salute you all. As for the original poster, GFY.

Thanks for your input DLD!

doublelongdaddy;388683 said:
WOW, excellent post, really good stuff..I am so proud to have guys like you here that really can take a step back and see the whole picture. Matters of Size forum makes absolutely NO MONEY, we have not seen donations in more than a year and even when we did I still had to pay most of the bills out of my pocket. I spent years doing this and never asking for anything back. It is so great now to have these 2 partners Bathmate and SizeGenetics that allow MOS to pay the bills. On top of this I use both products, have gained with both products and have built some of the most powerful exercises around these products. Beyond this both company reps, Agust and Darren, are active posters and members in good standing. The Bathmate is so powerful and valid in Penis Enlargement that it will become a permanent part of the newest MOS Phase 6. The SizeGenetics still stands as the best way to supplement length gains and bring gains faster.

The biggest point is these guys are selling us their great products at a BARE BONES price. We are getting a $450 extender for $165! We are getting ALL Bathmate products at 25-40% off! And just so members know, I take a cut in my commissions to make this possible. We are all working together to make all of these wonderful items available at an affordable price.

Listen, I could say fuck it today and eliminate the deals on these items and guys would be back to paying as much as double for these same items.

Thanks for your BIASED advertisement DLD, as always. Much love yo.
Whysobiased;388315 said:
Im not running my mouth, just plainly stating that this is supposed to be a Penis Enlargement forum, is it not, if so, why the bias (as it seems to me) about the products you sell and why not have a more of a if you want that try it out fine, but I have product A here if you want to try it etc...

Seriously, you do talk down other products without having properly done a review on them and people do look up to you, thats my main issue.

DLD you may have a gang of "people" behind you, perhaps, or perhaps they are all made up accounts that you are running yourself. No wonder everyone backs you up when you say anything, am I right or wrong, swear to god and hope to die? LOL

Just shitting with you, but the thought had crossed my mind.

NOW, lets see how long it will take.....either way, there is plenty of good stuff to be learnt in the forum and I don't need to be registered to view it. Shoot me for having an opinion.

Im new here and maybe i dont have a right to say anything bout this,but dude get a fucking life already.You sound like a fucking soap opera star.Your making me depressed just reading all your bullshit comments.I'll throw you a quarter so you can call someone who actually gives a fliying fuck what you have to say.In the end,who really cares one way or the other.So take off your dress,grow some nuts,and be a real man bout this.
Whysobiased;388771 said:
LOL, don't even get me started on Bush ! Ok yall, I conceed I'm a retard, but let me continue.....


Thanks for the input DLD, nice to hear form you.

LOL, Ribbit!

Still flappin my mouth ? Sorry was that your first post on this thread, after I stopped and other replies came through? Ahh ok, your breath smells like DLD's cock, from what I have been told anyway.

You sent Sizegenetics (him) an email, so it's one person running the "company" is it ?

Oh look at that, DLD WAS making up shit. Thanks lilpeewee. Now I know a lil more about IP's and DLD just made himself look like a pin dick. Despite the photo (shoped) photos. Show us your before's DLD, I DARE YOU !

Biased is biased isn't it? weetard.

Thanks for your input DLD.

Thanks for your input DLD

What a moron, I don't even use youtube. Seems you are just trying to push your youtube crap now and also seems like someone else has caught on to your BIASED CRAP.

Thanks for your input DLD!

Thanks for your BIASED advertisement DLD, as always. Much love yo.

You have been so schooled and your hopes to hurt me, my business or my claims have back fired on you (as they do with anyone who fucks with me.) You have to understand one thing about me and really get this through your small mind, I have been in this business for 10 years and I have helped thousands of men get a bigger dick, their biggest dream, I was instrumental in helping them make...what is that worth? They love me and they will do anything for me. So attacking me is like attacking the president, you will get taken down.

I was waiting for your photoshop comments...This means you have been lookig at my pictures and or videos....question, do you just look at them with envy or do you actually masturbate while looking at them...or both?
�other PE site� is so negative. They wouldn't believe you if you worked hard to get to 12 inches! Those guys are a bunch of elitist. Like this place better..
doublelongdaddy;388786 said:
..question, do you just look at them with envy or do you actually masturbate while looking at them...or both?

Thats just too funny, I thought the same thing just before I read this post sounds like a massive case of Penis EnlargementNIS ENVY, his girlfriend probably bashed his small cock that night and kicked him to the curb and then called DLD for a good time lol
Jek;388867 said:
Thats just too funny, I thought the same thing just before I read this post sounds like a massive case of Penis EnlargementNIS ENVY, his girlfriend probably bashed his small cock that night and kicked him to the curb and then called DLD for a good time lol

I'm still getting a kick out of how this troll thinks DLD has nothing better to do than pretend to be multiple members. LOL
stillwantmore2;388872 said:
I'm still getting a kick out of how this troll thinks DLD has nothing better to do than pretend to be multiple members. LOL

I have a hard enough time keeping up with my own posts.
Well, this blows away your theory that DLD is multiple people. SUCK A DICK LOSER! :cool:


  • douche-bag.jpg
    156.4 KB · Views: 1
That proves nothing moron, World of Warcraft? LOL geek fag, of course you need a bigger dick, you can't land any women.

It's all good, keep living your life on MOS, does it make you feel wanted, does it make you feel like you actually have friends "Alexthegreat" ? This post is assuming you arn't DLD, but who knows, maybe another screenshot would prove your a moron, maybe, maybe not.
This is still going on? C'mon guys. This clown isnt worth your time.
btw: Im DLD
Whysobiased;388951 said:
That proves nothing moron, World of Warcraft? LOL geek fag, of course you need a bigger dick, you can't land any women.

It's all good, keep living your life on MOS, does it make you feel wanted, does it make you feel like you actually have friends "Alexthegreat" ? This post is assuming you arn't DLD, but who knows, maybe another screenshot would prove your a moron, maybe, maybe not.

Right, assuming you play no online or video games yourself. LOL. You sound really insecure. My alexthegreat yahoo screen name is a tribute to my Greek heritage. I have friends offline and am also happily married. I hope one day you can find the same, assuming you desire the same things.

The screen shot does prove things. Try and disprove the proof. Please. I beg you. From the bottom of my heart.
Whysobiased;388951 said:
That proves nothing moron, World of Warcraft? LOL geek fag, of course you need a bigger dick, you can't land any women.

It's all good, keep living your life on MOS, does it make you feel wanted, does it make you feel like you actually have friends "Alexthegreat" ? This post is assuming you arn't DLD, but who knows, maybe another screenshot would prove your a moron, maybe, maybe not.

I know your type, loud as a motor bike but wouldn't bust a grape at a fruit fight:)
Whysobiased;388951 said:
That proves nothing moron, World of Warcraft? LOL geek fag, of course you need a bigger dick, you can't land any women.

It's all good, keep living your life on MOS, does it make you feel wanted, does it make you feel like you actually have friends "Alexthegreat" ? This post is assuming you arn't DLD, but who knows, maybe another screenshot would prove your a moron, maybe, maybe not.

We will not dislike you because you are gay, don't worry.
All of us on MOS want a bigger dick, otherwise we wouldn't be here. Same for you I think... Stop wasting your energy in fights and start adding some inches.

Btw, anyone can think for themself when buying something. DLD is doing people a favor by informing and reducing the price of products that Penis EnlargementOPLE WANT TO BUY. There is a free choice! Your are not forced to buy anything. If you don't like extender brand A, than buy brand B!

And yeah... everyone here in fact is DLD. We are all ids and programs created by DLD. Welcome to The Penis Enlargement-trix. We only exist in your imagination :cool:.
KingCobra;389039 said:
And yeah... everyone here in fact is DLD. We are all ids and programs created by DLD. Welcome to The Penis Enlargement-trix. We only exist in your imagination :cool:.

Thats right and all of these fictitious characters have a 10" penis.
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