truant;432632 said:
I'm doing great Dan thanks for asking. I would really like to hear some good kegel tips? How can you get the most out of your kegel routine?

Glad to hear you're doing well, you are welcome! You know......I'm so new to this, I feel you could give ME better tips than I could give you. I just started doing them in the Bathmate and loved them. I had actually been doing them in conjunction with the jelquing I do, so I'd been doing about 30 minutes of kegalling per day anyway. It has just taken on a whole new dimension in the Bathmate as that is increasing my girth in and out of the tube considerably. I'm glad you've discovered them.

I-ve been kegeling in the Bathmate for quite some time. It-s pretty intense and it allow us to pump more. It should be mandatory in the Bathmate workout!
apolo;432704 said:
I-ve been kegeling in the Bathmate for quite some time. It-s pretty intense and it allow us to pump more. It should be mandatory in the Bathmate workout!

Excellent apolo! Thanks for mentioning it. I agree, pretty intense and really gets you some good gains quickly!

Dan_Clizer;432630 said:
Excellent Red, thanks! I have indeed noticed more intense orgasms. I'm trying to experiment a bit with the X-40 and doing stretches in that and I may be successful if I stick with it. The kegalling has made everything feel so much stronger that I'm more confident now I can use the X-40 for stretching. A few weeks ago I would have thought it was impossible.


Yeah it certainly streghtnens the muscles and I theorise it does something with the prostate to increase orgasmic pleasures! Hard to explain but when I have orgasms since hitting the Bathmate with kegels and stretching out doing reverse kegels I get a really pleasurable energy from my prostate that goes up my spine and its fucking GREAT!!!! I have the best orgasms now.
REDZULU2003;432715 said:
Yeah it certainly streghtnens the muscles and I theorise it does something with the prostate to increase orgasmic pleasures! Hard to explain but when I have orgasms since hitting the Bathmate with kegels and stretching out doing reverse kegels I get a really pleasurable energy from my prostate that goes up my spine and its fucking GREAT!!!! I have the best orgasms now.

Great! I would agree with your theory, I would think they would have a very big effect on the prostate. By the way Red, I love your sig line! You are helping people to see that they can wake-up and empower themselves by becoming "conscious" of how they act and treat each other. Just wonderful, thanks for your efforts!

Dan_Clizer;432724 said:
Great! I would agree with your theory, I would think they would have a very big effect on the prostate. By the way Red, I love your sig line! You are helping people to see that they can wake-up and empower themselves by becoming "conscious" of how they act and treat each other. Just wonderful, thanks for your efforts!


REDZULU2003;432809 said:
Thanks Dan. The quote in my signature was a saying by the lovely late Mother Theresa

You're welcome Red. I had thought it was from Mother Teresa because a friend of mine told me of it and read it over the phone to me. Thank you again for helping to wake people up.

Certainly. While on the subject of the quote I will quote it again but this time its a revised version by by Dr. Kent M. Keith in more modern terminology.

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.
REDZULU2003;432848 said:
Certainly. While on the subject of the quote I will quote it again but this time its a revised version by by Dr. Kent M. Keith in more modern terminology.

Yes! Very nice! Thanks for sharing that one also Red. One thing most of us "forget" is that nothing anyone ever "does" "to us" (in harmful fashion) to even comes close to touching The Spirit We Are. I can give up reacting in ego because I see the Spirit underneath.

doublelongdaddy;432965 said:
Good shit!

Thanks Mike. I tell my kids: I will set the example for you and never ask you to do/be something I don't do/be myself.

Dan_Clizer;432969 said:
Thanks Mike. I tell my kids: I will set the example for you and never ask you to do/be something I don't do/be myself.


You gotta set that example, they look at you as themselves and learn from all of your ways. Teach them to create and reach for the stars! Our children are certainly our future, moreover, they are us!
doublelongdaddy;432983 said:
You gotta set that example, they look at you as themselves and learn from all of your ways. Teach them to create and reach for the stars! Our children are certainly our future, moreover, they are us!

Very well said! I completely agree!

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