
Jun 18, 2009
Has anyone else been kegalling while in the Bathmate? I just started doing this a couple of days ago and I have to say: Its awesome! Not only does it feel good, it pumps that little bit of extra blood in and when I come out of the tube, it feels just like I'd been using Sildenafil. The extra blood flow is tremendous and as you kegal you can see it pumping into your cock. At times, I let the Bathmate go and just bounce the tube over and over, then after about 15 seconds, re-pump. I can always pump out more water after kegalling so it is in fact helping to pump my penis to a larger size. Seems to be just the ticket for me especially since I go in flaccid.

This past week I've been at a plateau with my Bathmate. I'm thinking I may need a day off or two. But it's so tempting to just keep going strong and now this idea, haha.
pjp2002;431882 said:
This past week I've been at a plateau with my Bathmate. I'm thinking I may need a day off or two. But it's so tempting to just keep going strong and now this idea, haha.

Yeah, give it a try pjp. Its neat stuff! Also, I would say the days off seem to help as well. Each day lately that I've taken off, the next day in the Bathmate has been personal record stuff. So I think the days off are good as well.

Reading through other threads and this one as well, it seems like after a person plateaus it is a good idea for that person to take a day off and then go back at it which seems to be the cure for getting passed the plateau? Am I assuming this to be correct? Can a person work passed the plateau by not taking a day off? I am assuming if someone did this, it would make getting passed the plateau harder?

All this knowledge on the boards is just awesome... can't wait to get my own Bathmate so I can get started on my new adventure!
Jaytea;431908 said:
Reading through other threads and this one as well, it seems like after a person plateaus it is a good idea for that person to take a day off and then go back at it which seems to be the cure for getting passed the plateau? Am I assuming this to be correct? Can a person work passed the plateau by not taking a day off? I am assuming if someone did this, it would make getting passed the plateau harder?

All this knowledge on the boards is just awesome... can't wait to get my own Bathmate so I can get started on my new adventure!

My advice Jaytea is to get to know your body. You may find different things that work particularly well for you that may or may not work for others. Do a LOT of experimenting. Follow your intuition as best you can and it will lead you in the right direction. I found that for my body what was happening was that after I took a day off, I was able to come back on the second day with a better tolerance for the discomfort and push right through what had been "barriers". Sometimes though its worked better for me to hit it hard 2 to 3 days in a row before taking it easier. You might find (as I did) that different things work better at different times and you have to keep switching your workouts around to get the best results. I bet you're going to have fun on your Bathmate adventure, I sure have!

Yup kegels in the Bathmate are a great exercise; good way to reach fatigue quicker and over time develops a stronger PC muscle.
Turnover;431919 said:
Yup kegels in the Bathmate are a great exercise; good way to reach fatigue quicker and over time develops a stronger PC muscle.

Excellent! Thanks for chiming in Turnover, glad you've discovered them!

Kegels and Reverse Kegels are the foundation of DLD Blasters. Kegels, for the most part, should be done in long sets until you experience complete fatigue, this is when stretching becomes most effective. The reason for this is that the ligaments have a built in "safety mechanism" of sorts which we know as the Kegel. When we stretch with intensity the ligaments try to protect themselves through the muscular squeeze of the Kegel and this is no good for length gains. When the pelvic floor muscles are completely fatigued the ligaments will be taking on a much greater amount of the intensity as the muscles can not flex to protect them.

Where stretching becomes 100% effective is when the PC muscles are fatigued and when you stretch you engage in a reverse kegel. A RK is a complete un-flex of the pelvic floor muscles allowing for 100% of the stretch to hit the ligaments. This theory can be better understood through the DLD Blasters Thread.
With that said let me focus more on the direct question of kegeling in the Bathmate. While erect a kegel will fill the penis with more blood making girth exercises work brilliant. You will want to incorporate as many as you can while still retaining good eq. If your PFM (pelvic floor muscles) become too fatigued it will negatively effect your workout so work up in kegels as you become stronger.
doublelongdaddy;431978 said:
Kegels and Reverse Kegels are the foundation of DLD Blasters. Kegels, for the most part, should be done in long sets until you experience complete fatigue, this is when stretching becomes most effective. The reason for this is that the ligaments have a built in "safety mechanism" of sorts which we know as the Kegel. When we stretch with intensity the ligaments try to protect themselves through the muscular squeeze of the Kegel and this is no good for length gains. When the pelvic floor muscles are completely fatigued the ligaments will be taking on a much greater amount of the intensity as the muscles can not flex to protect them.

Where stretching becomes 100% effective is when the PC muscles are fatigued and when you stretch you engage in a reverse kegel. A RK is a complete un-flex of the pelvic floor muscles allowing for 100% of the stretch to hit the ligaments. This theory can be better understood through the DLD Blasters Thread.

Thank you Mike! I appreciate it. Most of this I did not know....It will come in handy when doing more length work.

doublelongdaddy;432018 said:
With that said let me focus more on the direct question of kegeling in the Bathmate. While erect a kegel will fill the penis with more blood making girth exercises work brilliant. You will want to incorporate as many as you can while still retaining good eq. If your PFM (pelvic floor muscles) become too fatigued it will negatively effect your workout so work up in kegels as you become stronger.

Thank you again Mike. Its been lots of fun doing them in Bathmate and what really surprised me was that it didn't matter that I went in flaccid. By the time I get into the second of my 6 minute sets, I've get a good enough pump that the kegals work fine. So its not a "real" erection per se, but it works just great like you said for girth work. It really pumps just that little bit of extra blood in.

Dan_Clizer;432330 said:
Thank you again Mike. Its been lots of fun doing them in Bathmate and what really surprised me was that it didn't matter that I went in flaccid. By the time I get into the second of my 6 minute sets, I've get a good enough pump that the kegals work fine. So its not a "real" erection per se, but it works just great like you said for girth work. It really pumps just that little bit of extra blood in.


Very true, with each kegel more blood is forced into the penis. When the PFM are good and strong and can take the endurance you can kegel for hours on end.
Been kegelling in the Bathmate since I started using it in 2009 and all through 2010. It strengthens the pelvic muscles thats for certain and you'll notice more intense orgasms as well. Apply the reverse kegel while stretching the Bathmate during the intense stretches DLD has in his routines.
Doing kegels with the Bathmate and a long with Bathmate hardcore stretches are awesome, I tried it a few times and it really makes for a good workout. I also get a better workout doing kegels while stretching and hanging with the LM.

Also I work in kegels between SG breaks, when I wake up and before bed. Each deep breath I take counts as say 1 sec., so for example I would take 10 deep breaths while squeezing out a kegel and that will count as one rep. I like it better than just counting because I want to focus on my breaths instead of counting in my head. Also it helps me relax as I think about breathing in clean white oxygen.
doublelongdaddy;432573 said:
Very true, with each kegel more blood is forced into the penis. When the PFM are good and strong and can take the endurance you can kegel for hours on end.

That is good to know Mike. I can definitely see myself getting those PF muscles in much better shape and doing a lot more kegals, I'm just loving the results!

REDZULU2003;432598 said:
Been kegelling in the Bathmate since I started using it in 2009 and all through 2010. It strengthens the pelvic muscles thats for certain and you'll notice more intense orgasms as well. Apply the reverse kegel while stretching the Bathmate during the intense stretches DLD has in his routines.

Excellent Red, thanks! I have indeed noticed more intense orgasms. I'm trying to experiment a bit with the X-40 and doing stretches in that and I may be successful if I stick with it. The kegalling has made everything feel so much stronger that I'm more confident now I can use the X-40 for stretching. A few weeks ago I would have thought it was impossible.

truant;432602 said:
Doing kegels with the Bathmate and a long with Bathmate hardcore stretches are awesome, I tried it a few times and it really makes for a good workout. I also get a better workout doing kegels while stretching and hanging with the LM.

Also I work in kegels between SG breaks, when I wake up and before bed. Each deep breath I take counts as say 1 sec., so for example I would take 10 deep breaths while squeezing out a kegel and that will count as one rep. I like it better than just counting because I want to focus on my breaths instead of counting in my head. Also it helps me relax as I think about breathing in clean white oxygen.

Thank you for chiming in truant and its good to hear from you again as well! How are you doing? Thank you for sharing what's working for you, I'm looking forward to experimenting a lot more with kegals.

I'm doing great Dan thanks for asking. I would really like to hear some good kegel tips? How can you get the most out of your kegel routine?
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