
Jan 14, 2013
Hi everyone, how are you?. I want to increase my base girth and the first 3 centimeters of my penis to avoid the look of a baseball bat, what exercises can you recommend??. horse 440, sadsak slinky, dry jelq??. thanks a lot
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i read up on the horse 440 the sadsak slinky and dry jelq
from reading the horse 440 it stated in a post it can be extremely dangerous for a begginer so i do not suggest this one as a beggining excersize
the dry jelq is very much friction controled means you can burn your penis with friction to be very careful doing this one me personally i would not do dry jelq till more familiar with it
now the sadsak slinky after reading bout it sounds like this would be great begginning for your girth routine dont forget to warm up and warm down (hot towel or shower heat)

Excersize #1 was lube Jelqing

SadSak said:
Howdy all!!! Sadsak here. Well, I was waiting for the day when I take my two week measurements and I noticed that the head of my penis seemed to be smaller. That's just GREAT I thought, after all this work and things are shrinking!!!

Well, I decided to break out the measure tape a little early and to my shock I had gained 1/2" in girth in just under two weeks!

This is how I accomplished it:
First, while doing exercise #1 I noticed that when I stretch my penis in each direction, that it feels like I am only stretching the part of the penis that bends (which is the part right above the stationary hand).

So I thought, let's create that 'bend' ALL along the penis AND do the exercises up, down, left and right.

The way I do this is what I call the SLINKY technique.

We all know if you hold a slinky in two hands and rock it back and forth, the bend of the slinky moves from one end to the other.

While almost fully erect, I bend my penis in a 'U' shape pointing to the direction I am going.

So if I am going up, I curl my penis back towards my pubic hair.

If I'm going down, I curl it towards my testicles.

To the right, I try to point it to my right hip, same for the left.

Then, when I get it in the U shape (tight grips!) I slowly move my hand towards the head but keep the U shape going the whole way.This way, the stretch is being made the whole length of the penis and not just at the base.

Give it a try when you do exercise #1.

Let me know how it works after 2 weeks!

Because it is both very easy to overdo the bend and because bending with an erection can cause the stress to focus on a tiny portion of the penis, this exercise is considered to have a high risk factor and should not be attempted by those without both good familiarity with penile anatomy and many months of Penis Enlargement experience allowing the risk/reward relationship to be properly weighed.

Do not attempt this exercise whilst erect, allow the erection to fade after applying the base grip.
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Straight down stretching is a proven winner for base girth gains.
Also helps isolate those suspensory ligaments to improve gains there too.

rov;527086 said:
Hi everyone, how are you?. I want to increase my base girth and the first 3 centimeters of my penis to avoid the look of a baseball bat, what exercises can you recommend??. horse 440, sadsak slinky, dry jelq??. thanks a lot
How can I achieve a better girth in the first 3 centimeters of the penis?
MAXAMEYES;527132 said:
Straight down stretching is a proven winner for base girth gains.
Also helps isolate those suspensory ligaments to improve gains there too.

just like he said Any stretch is a good stretch to improve gains
you can also hit DLD blasters for a gain
I hate having the first 3-4 centimeters of my penis thinner than the rest of my penis, hanging can correct the problem?. Where can I find dld blasters?. thanks a lot!
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